
Overall aim: To provide students who are in need of extra support and intervention with a range of opportunities and strategies which will directly impact on their achievement in terms of academic achievement, aesthetic appreciation and social skills. The school has been allocated Pupil Premium funding according to how many learners have Free School Meals, or are Looked After by the Local Authority. The total income for 2013-14 is £103,500.

Pupil Premium funding is targeted at specific groups of pupils in order to provide additional support and resources to narrow the attainment gap.

Objectives in spending:Our focus areas are –

  • Funding additional staff to support high needs pupils as identified
  • Funding to enable pupils to access enhanced opportunities
  • Purchase of reading materials and resources
  • Cross curricular activities
  • Essential equipment for students
  • Rewards

Key Area for Action / Action to be taken / Resources / Cost / Impact
To increase support staff in school by:
Increasing the number of teaching assistants to provide additional support for pupils with identified additional needs / Employ 2 additional teaching assistants to usual staffing level to specific classes to support additional needs identified / Teaching assistant salary costs / Salary costs: £46,000
Training costs: c.£200
PPG Contribution £41,000 / 1 SSA went into Blue class/ EYFS and the other supported GCSE Art, Functional Skills and horticulture.
EYFS students more settled and GCSE Art predictions are 1 x A, 3 x Bs, 3 x Cs, 1 x D, 1 x E and 1 x F
Continue to provide courses for High Phase pupils at Houghall College enhancing pupil experiences and learning opportunities through access to community/ specialist facilities / Pupils in Years 9 to 11 will be offered attendance at Houghall College as part of their options / Cost of course
Cost of transport to and from venue (using school minibus) / Cost of course: £8,000
Cost of transport: £1,450
Total cost: £9,450 / 11 High Phase pupils attended Small Animal Care at Houghall College throughout the year(4 of which were FSM) and 4 Year 11 students chose a post-16 course there in Small Animal Care starting Sept 2014, three of which were FSM.
For the PMLD students to access hydrotherapy facilities within school / Replace the chlorine filter and pump / New Chlorine Pump and filter / Cost:£4,144
Total cost: £4,144 / 10 PMLD students now able to access pool. This includes LAC N2 and Year 10 pupils.
To provide funding to enable pupils to access off site educational visits and experiences /
  • Staff are aware of eligible pupils
  • Pupils supported financially to facilitate participation in activities
/ Transport costs
Cost of entrance fees/ materials as identified / Hired transport, entrance costs, materials and equipment
Total cost: £1000 / Visits have included the Alan Shearer Centre and Tweddle Farm for Upper High phase students.
To improve literacy through the introduction of Accelerated Reader, initially within Key Stage 3 /
  • Identified teacher to visit other schools/ speak with colleagues who already use the programme to seek best practice
  • Training to be arranged initially for identified staff (teacher, support staff)
  • Training for additional staff
  • Purchase of books and book boxes
/ Cost of subscription and learning materials
Cost of initial and further training
Cost of resources (books, earphones)
1 additional lap top
2 ipads / Cost of subscription & learning materials: £2,500
Cost of initial and further training: £500
Cost of resources (books and earphones): £3,000
Lap top: £400
2 ipads: £1000
Total cost £7,400 / This will be monitored and evaluated throughout the academic year 14-15.
In July 2014 At the end of KS3 83% of FSM pupils achieved expected/ above expected progress in Reading (58.1% achieved above expected).
In July 2014 at the end of KS3 100% of LAC pupils achieved above expected progress in reading.
To further enhance reading resources throughout school / Purchase additional reading books/ learning materials to support existing resources / Primary and secondary reading resources / Primary and Secondary reading resources: £5,000
Total cost: £5,000 / This will be monitored and evaluated throughout the academic year 2014-15
To introduce Read Write Inc. initially within Middle Phase to enhance phonics teaching across the school /
  • Key English staff to be provided with initial training to Read Write Inc
  • Programme materials to be purchased for each teacher training the programme
  • Trained English staff to teach using RWI programmes, beginning with learners in Middle Phase
  • Purchase of resources
/ Training & cover for key staff
Programme materials for relevant teachers / Cost of training (5 staff): £2,640
Cost of cover (5 teachers, 1 SSA X 2 days): £2,550
Programme materials: £3,142
Total cost: £8,332 / This will be monitored and evaluated throughout the academic year 2014-15
In July 2014 At the end of KS2 91% of FSM pupils achieved expected/ above expected progress in Reading (63.7% achieved above expected).
To provide Year 11 pupils with small group/ 1:1 support in order to complete/ gain the best possible ASDAN Award result / Enable two support staff to work with the Year 11 pupils intensively over a two week period / Cost of 1 supply SSA cover for two weeks / Cost of supply for two weeks: £700
Total cost: £700 / 23 Year 11 pupils (100%) achieved the ASDAN Personal Social Development (PSD) Certificate and 11 (45%) pupils achieved the higher accreditation of the ASDAN PSD Award.
To provide work-related learning to East Durham Partnership (EDP) and B & Q to enhance learning opportunities – and to sustain attendance/ positive attitudes /
  • Pupils in High Phase are offered attendance at B & Q as part of their options
  • Pupils requiring an alternative curriculum in High Phase are offered attendance at EDP
/ Cost of East Durham Partnership
Cost of transport to and from courses (using the school minibus) / Cost of EDP course: £5,460
Cost of Transport:
B & Q = £300
EDP = £200
Total cost: £5,960 / 22 High Phase and Middle Phase pupils accessed B & Q throughout the year (Year 6-Year 11).
6 pupils accessed EDP throughout the year.
Very good attitude and behaviour reported at these courses. 4 of these students are FSM.
To provide bespoke Alternative Placement for disaffected Year 10 pupil desperate to join the services when they leave school / The Year 10 pupil has been offered a place at East Durham College on the pre-uniform course. / Cost of East Durham College course
Cost of meals at college / Cost of course: £2880
Cost of meals: £96
Total cost: £2,976 / This pupil is now on the mainstream uniform course and intends to join the army in September 2015. He is FSM.
To provide pupils with the experience of a visiting story teller to inspire their learning and experience / Invite a professional story teller in to school to work with the pupils / Cost of professional story teller / Cost: £300
Total cost: £300 / Pupils enthralled by visit.
This has contributed to pleasing results in Reading:
At the end of KS1 100% of FSM pupils achieved expected/ above expected progress (85.8% achieved above expected).
At the end of KS2 91% of FSM pupils achieved expected/ above expected progress (63.7% achieved above expected). This was an improvement on the 77.5% from 2012-13.
This has also contributed towards pleasing results in Writing for KS1 at the end of July 2014 100% of FSM pupils achieved expected or above expected progress (42.9% above expected).
In KS2 at the end of July 2014 91% of FSM students achieved expected or above expected progress with 72.8% achieving above expected progress
For the PMLD and wheelchair students to have a positive changing experience on a much larger hydraulic shower/ changing trolley / Research the most appropriate new hydraulic shower/ changing trolley to replace the existing one / Cost of the hydraulic shower/ changing trolley / Cost: £2,878
Total cost: £2,878 / This has been ordered and we are awaiting delivery and installation.
Provide time for pupils who are struggling with reading to read 1:1 with a staff member /
  • Identify pupils who would benefit from extra reading time outside of usual lessons
  • Identify staff member /s to undertake reading work
/ Cover to release member of staff to offer reading sessions to pupils / Cost: 1 SSA for half a day per week: £2259
Total cost: £2,259 / In July 2014 at the end of KS4 in Reading 93.7% of FSM pupils achieved expected/ above expected progress (62.5% achieved above expected).
In July 2014 at the end of KS4 100% of LAC pupils achieved above expected progress.
To improve learning in High Phase Horticulture through provision of additional support / SSA to be appointed half a day per week to support / Cost of SSA / Cost: £2281
Total cost: £2,281 / Skills improved over the year by all students involved.
To introduce TASSELLS (on body signing) to improve communication for learners with profound and multiple learning difficulties /
  • Lower and Upper High staff to be initially trained
  • Tassells book to be ordered for each class
  • Vice principal and TAL leader for Real Life to meet and discuss how best to use
/ Cost of training
Staff meeting time to cascade to other staff
Books to be purchased
Meeting time for Vice Principal and TAL leader for Real Life / Cost of training: £1200
Cost of book: £129
Total cost:£1329 / At the end of Key Stage 1 in July 2014 100% of PMLD students achieved expected/ above expected progress in Speaking & Listening (50% above). In KS2 100% of PMLD students achieved expected/ above expected progress (100% above). In KS3 100% of PMLD students achieved expected/ above expected progress (100% above).
Extend opportunities for learners to undertake Food Technology and develop their life skills / Add more facilities for more young people to work in a group – providing all ingredients / Additional equipment and ingredients / Cost of additional equipment/ ingredients: £1,000
Total cost: £1,000 / All classes enjoyed these sessions and were motivated to learn.
Introduce qualification next year.
To extend Forest Schools work to learners as part of their everyday learning/curriculum and to develop Outdoor Learning opportunities /
  • All staff to take part in Forest Schools awareness training (one day)
  • Additional training for identified staff
/ Cost of staff training
Cost of additional equipment
Cost of additional training / Cost of first training: £895
Cost of equipment: £100
Cost of additional training: £600
Total cost: £1,595 / 1 class were on the BBC local news when they were involved in an environment project.
To provide enhanced opportunities for pupils to engage in fun, social activities /
  • Pupils to engage in weekly swimming sessions and gym sessions at a variety of venues
  • Tutor to be engaged in after school sports club
  • Outdoor education to take place at a variety of venues
/ Cost of sports tutor
Cost of attending various swimming venues
Cost of transport (using school minibuses)
Cost of attendance at Outdoor Education venues / Cost of activities: £5,270
Cost of transport: £585
Cost of After school sports tutor: £100
Total cost: £5,955 / 26 students engaged in after school sports clubs throughout the year – a large percentage (60%) were FSM.
10 classes attended weekly swimming session for a minimum of 6 weeks. This represents 75% of all FSM pupils.
To provide student rewards in order to recognise achievement and success / Appropriate rewards for pupils to be identified and purchased / Cost of rewards / Cost: £1000
Total cost: £1,000 / Weekly golden book assemblies have taken place and prizes eg mugs, pens, pencils have been a big hit with pupils. All FSM and LAC pupils have received prizes and certificates.
Total Expenditure £103,571

Impact to be reviewed in Autumn term 2014