

111 Goodrich Court Chardon OH 44024

(440) 285-4067 FAX: (440) 286-0515



We believe that every student is unique and has individual needs which must be met. The

Mission of Park Elementary School is to provide quality educational opportunities for all children

to master to their fullest potential the skills necessary to become successful citizens and

independent lifelong learners.




Page / Page
Absence / Tardy Times / 4 / Medication Policy / 7-8
Academic Reporting / 22 / Mission Statements / 1-2
Administrative Actions / 10-11 / Newsletter / 26
Administrative Officers / 2 / Parent Role and Responsibility for Education / 24
After School Detention / 19-20 / Park Address, Phone No., Fax No. / 1
Attendance Policy / 4-5 / Parties / 20
Board of Education / 2 / Playground Misconduct Procedure / 18
Promotion / Retention Policy / 23
Cafeteria Information / 9 / P.T.O. / Parent-Teacher-Organization / 26
Cafeteria Misconduct Procedure / 17 / Recess / 17
Cafeteria Rules / 17 / Records / 25-26
Clothing Code / 15-17 / Request for Missed School Work / 6
Code of Student Conduct / 10 / Responsibilities for Textbooks / Workbooks / 21
Conduct in the Halls / 19 / Rules / Discipline / 10
Conduct on the Playground / 18-19 / Special Services / 24-25
School Attire / 16-17
Conduct in Restrooms / 19 / Staff / 3
Conduct During Assemblies / 19 / Student Discipline Code / 11-16
Conferences / 8 / Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up / 6
Daily Time Schedule / 4 / Student Recognition / 27-28
Early Dismissal / 6
Enrolling Students / 21 / Tardy Policy / 4
Fees / 9 / Teacher Assignments / 26
Field Trips / 24 / Teacher Qualifications-Right to Know Notice / 22-23
Telephone Calls / 21
Fire / Tornado / Safety Drills / 22 / Testing / 23
First Day Instruction / Bus Tags / 26 / Transportation Rules / Regulations / 7
Gifted Identification and Services / 24-25 / Updating Family / Medical Regulations / 22
Health / Medical Regulations / 7 / Visitors / 26-27
Homework / 21-22 / Volunteers / 20
Honor, Achievement, Improvement Rolls / 23 / Weather / Emergency Announcements / 21
Immunization Requirements / 8 / Withdrawing Students / 21
Items Not to be Brought to School / 27 / Written Permission for Changes in Routine / 6
Kindergarten Program / 26
Lost and Found / 20


The mission of the ChardonLocalSchool District is to educate all students to become

responsible citizens equipped with the skills necessary for success in an ever-changing, highly

diverse, technological world through a committed partnership with students, staff, parents and




PresidentBlake Rear

Vice PresidentDebbieSeenarineWilson

MemberLarry Reiter



Meetings:The Chardon Board of Education meets the second Monday of each month, exceptforNovember, whichisthethirdMonday, at the IraA.CanfieldAdministrationBuilding, 428 North Street; at 6:30 p.m. Summermeetingsbegin at 6:30PM.

Function:The responsibility of the Board of Education is to make the basic decisions concerning the nature and scope of the educational program offered by the Chardon Local Schools.


SuperintendentMr. Joseph Bergant II

TreasurerMrs. Stephanie Swain

Manager of OperationsMr. Dana Stearns

Supervisor of TransportationMrs. Diane Malner

Supervisor of CafeteriaMrs. Josephine Culliton

Director, Office for Exceptional ChildrenMrs. April Siegel-Green


Park Elementary was built in 1938. It was built as a WPA (Work Projects Administration).

Park Elementary received the recognition of “Hall of Fame School”in 1998-1999 from the OAESA organization. Park has also received the rating of “Excellent” for the past ten years from Ohio Department of Education.

Park Elementary educates kindergarten through fifth grade students, which includes services for special needs preschoolers and SED students, and houses the 4th and 5th grade gifted resource room program for the district.

Kindergarten and first grades have self-contained classrooms, while second, third and fourth grades departmentalize for social studies and science. Fifth grades departmentalize for reading, math, social studies, and science.

A board-adopted course of study has been developed for each subject area and provides learning expectations for each grade level. Achievement and ability testing occurs periodically throughout the elementary years


Principal / Miss Rhonda Garrett
Secretary / Mrs. Lynn Harcher
Clerical Assistant / Mrs. Cheryl Curry
Nurse / Ms. Jennifer Costello, RN
Preschool / Mrs. Julie Racioppi / Ms. Gerlyn Hall, Aide
Kindergarten / Mrs. Kimberly Haines / Mrs. Kyle Mason / Mrs. Rebecca Mele
Grade 1 / Mrs. Judith Kramer / Mrs. Betty Young
Grade 2 / Mrs. Jennifer Kreuz / Mrs. Carla Pearson
Grade 3 / Mrs. Suzanne Stewart / Mrs. Carrie Stewart
Grade 4 / Mrs. Deborah Herrmann / Mrs. Catie Montagna
Grade 5 / Miss Pam Judd / Mrs. Shalyn Swick
Intervention Specialist / Mrs. Linda Brunner / Mrs. Cheri Gualdoni / Mrs. Joanne DeShetler
Intervention Aide / Ms. Donna Shafranek / Mrs. Mara Metz
Title I / Mrs. Gerry Steckley / Miss Sherry Becker
SLD Tutor / Mrs. Diane Parish
Art / Mrs. BethStickley
Library / Mrs. Sheryl Skufca
Music / Mrs. Sharon Monarchino
Physical Education / Mrs. Jan Hurwitz / Mrs. Tracey Yarger / Mrs. Mary Pat Martin
Speech Therapist / Mrs. Lori Baker
School Psychologist / Mr. Sheldon Firem
Occupational Therapist / Mrs. Jeannie Orel / Ms. Cathie Gingerich
Head Custodian / Mrs. Wanda Nicolet
Evening Custodian / Mr. Paul Driscoll
Cafeteria / Mrs. Nancy Johnston / Ms. Pat Robinson
Recess Aides / Mrs. Laurie Bevington / Mrs. Susan Obranovich


9:00 a.m.Buses arrive, students enter

9:10 a.m.School day begins

11:30-12:00 a.m.Grades K & 1 lunch period

12:10-12:40 p.m.Grades 2 & 3 lunch period

12:50-1:20 p.m.Grades 4 & 5 lunch period

3:25 p.m.Walkers Dismissed

3:30 p.m.Dismissal



The elementary school tardy/absence times are as follows:

If a child… He/she is considered…

enters from 9:11 - 10:50tardy

enters from 10:51 - 12:201/2 day absent AM

enters from 12:21 - 3:30absent all day

leaves before 12:20absent all day

leaves from 12:21 - 1:541/2 day absent PM

leaves from 1:55 - 3:30early dismissal


The Ohio Department of Education requires that we keep careful track of student attendance each day. If your child comes to school late, be sure to sign him/her in at the office before the child proceeds to the classroom. Daily attendance will be calculated according to the time of day your child arrives at school.


Regular attendance by all students is very important. In many cases, irregular attendance is the major reason for poor school work; therefore, all students are urged to make appointments, do personal errands, etc., outside of school hours.

Reasons for which students may be excused include, but are not limited to:

1.personal illness of the student

2.illness in the student’s family

3.death in the family

4.quarantine for contagious disease

5.religious reasons

Each student who is absent must immediately, upon return to school, make arrangements with his/her teacher(s) to make up work missed. Students who are absent from school for reasons not permitted by Ohio law may be permitted to make up work. Each case is considered on its merits by the Principal and the respective teacher(s). Students are requested to bring a note to school after each absence explaining the reason for the absence or tardiness.

From time to time, compelling circumstances require that a student be late to school or dismissed before the end of the school day.

The school must be notified in advance of such absences by written request of the student's parent or guardian, which states the reason for the tardiness or early dismissal. (Cont. on following page)


No student is permitted to leave the school before the close of the school day without verifiable consent unless met in the school office by a parent or a person authorized by the parents to act in his/her behalf.

A record is kept indicating the legal custodian of each student. Such custodian is responsible for informing the Board of any change in the student's custodian.

If one parent has been awarded custody of the student in a divorce settlement, the parent in custody as defined in Ohio law informs the school of any limitations in the rights of the noncustodial parent. Absent such notice, the school presumes that the student may be released into the care of either parent.

The Board does not believe that students should be excused from school for nonemergency trips out of the District. Students who are taken out of school will be counted as absent; however, up to five (5) days may be excused for educational trips with their family, if the trip is approved by the building principal prior to the absence. The responsibility for such absence resides with the parent(s), and they must not expect any work missed by their child to be retaught by the teacher. If the school is notified in advance of such a trip, reasonable efforts are made to prepare a general list of assignments for the student to do while he/she is absent.

The Board authorizes the Superintendent to establish a hearing and notification procedure for the purpose of denying a student’s driving privileges if that student of compulsory school age has been absent without legitimate excuse for more than 10 consecutive days or a total of at least 15 days during a semester or term.

(Revised: January 13, 2003)

Medical and other appointments should not be made during the school day unless every effort has been made to make the appointment at a different time. Removal of children from the classroom disrupts the educational process for the entire class. Instruction continues until the announcements at 3:25 p.m. Please avoid removing your child before this time.

Excessive absences (15) and tardiness (10) are reported to the GeaugaCounty Attendance Officer for investigation. Removing students from school for vacation/recreation is discouraged. Interrupting the learning process is detrimental to students. The Ohio State Department of Education requires that all absences (excused and unexcused) be recorded and included in the student permanent record.

If your child is absent from school, it is imperative that you call the ParkSchool office during the first hour of the school day. If a call is not received, we will attempt to call you at your home, your place of work, or at any number you have provided. Your valuable assistance will avoid unnecessary concern and phone calling.


If your child is absent, the teacher will accumulate the assignments and papers for the days missed. On the morning of the second consecutive day of absence, you may request work by calling the school office. You may pick up your child's work in the office after 3:30 p.m. Assignments must be made up and turned in within a period of time equal to the number of days absent. Failure to turn in assignments will impact final grades.

There may be times when a student knows ahead of time that he/she will be absent. When this occurs, parents are asked to write a letter to the teacher/principal explaining the reason for the anticipated absence. Please be sure the office is notified as well.

Please note that when a child misses in-class instruction, including class discussions and hands-on activities, the educational experiences cannot be replaced by a worksheet, etc., given to the child as makeup work for an absence.


A written note from home is required to notify the school of changes in routine and helps to assure children of what plans to expect.

Written permission from parent/guardian should be sent to the office if a child is to:

  1. Stay after school to attend a meeting or to be picked up.
  2. Leave class early for a doctor's appointment, early dismissal, etc.
  3. Be picked up by an adult other than the parent or guardian.
  4. Ride a bus anywhere other than his/her home for childcare purposes

Except in an emergency, a student is not permitted to ride a bus other than his/her own.. If a child does not have a written note and we are unable to contact the parent to confirm a change in routine, the child will be sent home on his/her assigned bus.


Parents who are picking up their children before the close of the school day are asked to come to the school office. The parent will sign out the child and then wait in the office. The child will then be called to the office for dismissal. Instruction continues until 3:20 p.m. Early dismissal disrupts the educational process for the entire class. Parents are asked not to meet their child at the classroom door. Students are not permitted to meet their parents in the parking lots, library, or other designated areas. This is for student safety purposes.


Students may be dropped off at school between 9:00 a.m. and 9:10 a.m. Parents may enter the drop off line with the buses by coming up Goodrich Court. In order to keep the flow of traffic moving in a timely manner, we ask that students quickly and safely exit their car. Parents need to stay in line behind the buses and, for the safety of the children, are not to drive around the buses to exit. Parents should use the upper parking lot behind the library/recess lot if they need to park their car and enter the building. Please be watchful and careful in the parking lot.


Parents picking up students must send a note informing the classroom teacher your child is not to ride the bus home. If there is no note, students will be expected to take their normal transportation route home.

Due to safety issues and to alleviate traffic problems, we are requesting parents to pick up their child(ren) at 3:35. All Students being picked up at dismissal (3:35) will report to the cafeteria where a parent/legal guardian, or person designated in writing by parent/legal guardian must SIGN OUT their child(ren). It is our hope that this will ease the bus flow and traffic congestion at the end of our day

Please do not arrive before 3:25 P.M., as our cafeteria door will not be monitored nor opened for student sign-out until that time.

For student safety, parents are asked to enter the building through the back cafeteria door to meet their child at the end of the day. The back door will be unlocked at 3:25 and an adult will ask you to sign out your child. Those students getting picked up will be dismissed to the cafeteria at 3:25 for pick-up. Students are not permitted to wait for their parents outside the school building in the busy bus zone or meet their parents in the parking lot.


A copy of the "Chardon Local Schools' Transportation Guidelines" is given to each student early in the school year. Parents are asked to review the information with their children


Bus passes will no longer be issued for middle or high school students. Elementary students will be issued a bus pass for “childcare purposes” only. A note/call to the child’s school from the parent is necessary for a change in transportation. The child’s school will issue the pass and notify transportation.


Please include the following information when sending in a note requesting a bus pass for “childcare purposes”:

  • Student name and Teacher name
  • Name and address of childcare provider
  • Daytime phone number where parent can be reached
  • The dates the requested bus pass will cover

Our school nurse is on duty in the clinic five half days each week. At all other times, a nurse is on call for emergencies. Any child who is ill or injured is to report to the clinic in the office.

When a child has been injured or is too ill to remain in school, the nurse or school office personnel will contact the parent. If the parent/guardian cannot be reached at home or at work, the "emergency" number of a neighbor or relative who can drive will be called. Parents are reminded of the importance of accurate emergency numbers. Moreover, please be certain that the contact people are aware that their names have been provided to ParkSchool in case of emergency.

Our school nurse advises parents to keep a child at home if the youngster has any of the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea, a temperature over 100 degrees, or any contagious condition that needs medical attention.

Parents are responsible for informing the school of any medical conditions such as allergies, asthma, epilepsy, etc. or any medical condition which effect learning. A confidential list of children with special medical consideration is compiled for the Park staff. Your child's health and well-being are of utmost concern to us. Please inform us of any pertinent medical conditions your child has.

A WORD TO PARENTS WORKING OUTSIDE THE HOME...Please be certain that the phone number of your place of employment is current and on file in our office. Please keep all phone numbers current and up-to-date.


The Chardon Local Schools' Board of Education has adopted policy for administration of both prescription and non-prescription (over the counter) medications. This policy has been established for the protection of your child.