Latin Culture Project
Due Date: ____________________________________
Project = One Test Grade
Written Report and Classroom Presentation = One Test Grade
Subject of Project must pertain to Classical Greece or Rome, prior to 476 AD. Your project may have a mythological theme or an historical theme. Projects must be approved by Mrs. Jennings prior to due date.
All work must be the original work of the student. Do not exactly reproduce any work of art. Do not use kits.
All art and photos must have sturdy backing and stiff matting. All photos must by 8 x 10 inches in size.
Latin students will write a one page report on the classical subject of their project. The report will be typed, double spaced, font size 10 – 12. At least one book source must be cited and internet sources may by cited using a works cited page. You must have two sources minimum.
All students will present their project to the class and give a brief summary of their report.
Choose from the following categories:
Watercolor, pastel, monochromatic drawing, polychromatic drawing, oil or acrylic painting, mosaic, mixed media, sculpture, pottery, models, electronic art, dolls, jewelry, textiles, maps, game, electronic art
Grading Criteria:
Use of Medium 25%
Workmanship 30%
Neatness 20%
Of Classical
Theme 25%
TotalGrade 100%
POETRY written in English 20 - 25 lines. Poem may be written in any meter. Poems written in a serious tone usually work best. Mythological and historical themes work very well. Advanced Latin classes may write poetry in Latin. Because advanced classes study the complexity of Latin poetry and literary devices, Latin I and II students should write poetry in English only. Poem must be typed and double spaced, font size 10-12.
Grading criteria: Development of Classical Theme: 60%
Mechanics and Presentation: 40%
Total Grade 100 %
ONE ACT PLAY may be performed in either English or Latin. Must be original written work of students. Minimum acting time is 4 minutes; maximum is 7 minutes. A two minute introduction may precede the play but is not counted as part of the acting time. Costumes may be worn. There is a $10.00 per person limit on costume used. Small hand props are considered part of the costume. Cost sheet and receipts must be turned in as proof of cost. Script must be turned in at the time of presentation. Script must be typed, double spaced, font size 10-12. Background music may be used, but students must provide all equipment needed.
Grading Criteria: Relevance to Classical Theme: 30%
Content: 25%
Quality of Acting 25%
Originality 20%
Total Grade 100%
TRADITIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY using film and a 35 mm camera; color or black and white, or a digital camera, but ONLY pointing and shooting – NO special effects used.
COMPUTER ENHANCED PHOTOGRAPHY using a PNS or DSLR camera. Color, black and white or sepia tones are used that are special features on the camera. You may also take the photograph and add digital enhancements on the computer.
Photography projects must be work of the student. YOU must press the button! All photos must be enlarged to 8 X 10 size. Photographs must not be altered or enhanced outside of the camera in any way except for enlargement.
Grading Criteria:
Composition of photograph: 50%
Technical Execution: 15%
Interpretation of Classical Theme: 20%
Visual Impact: 15%
Total Grade 100 %
Male - Laocoon; Female - Iphigenia; Couples - Priam and Hecuba Each Costume must cost $40.00 or less.
Costumes must be modeled by students who made them. The majority of the costume should be machine or hand sewn by the student. Students must note any areas of costume where they received help from an adult. Receipts and cost sheet must be turned in at time of presentation of costume. Every item must be taken into account and value must be estimated. A small photo of the student wearing the costume must also be turned in. Students should be able to justify the costume design, symbols represented and props used to represent costume character from Greek and Roman Mythology sources. Costume and props must symbolically represent the mythological story behind the chosen character.
Grading Criteria:
Authenticity: 35%
Use of Materials: 25%
Craftsmanship: 20%
Overall effect: 20%
Total Grade 100%
Solo or Ensemble- lyrics must be in Latin. May be sung without music or with musical tape and player furnished by student. Selection must be memorized. An original copy of the music must be furnished at the time of performance. Student must indicate whether the selection will be sung using classical or ecclesiastical pronunciation. Student may give an introduction of less than one minute. Entire performance time may not exceed 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Ensemble is limited to 8 students. Must sing piece using SATB format.
Grading Criteria:
Musicality (phrasing, pitch, diction, difficulty of piece, tempo/rhythm 9% each) 45%
Consistency of Pronunciation 30%
Presentation (audibility, confidence, presentation, memorization, overall impression 5% each) 25%
Total Grade 100%
ENGLISH ORATORY: Write a speech using as the theme the following quotation by Pliny
(Epistles, 6.16): “Cunctatus paulum an retro flecteret…‘Fortes,’ inquit
‘fortuna juvat.’” (“Having delayed a little about whether to turn back, he
said, ‘Fortune favors the brave.’”)
Student will write an original English Oratory based upon the Latin theme, 3 mins. to 4 mins. performance time with a 15 second leeway margin on either end. Oration should be in English. Oration must be memorized. No notes will be allowed. A copy of the outline should be given to teacher before the speech is made.
Grading Criteria:
Relevance to Theme: 25%
Content: 25%
Delivery: 25%
Presentation: 25%
Total Grade 100%
Additional Project Ideas are: Club T-shirt design, State T-shirt design and poster. See Mrs. Jennings for the details and the rubric. You must have special permission for these categories or other original ideas you may have.
DRAMATIC INTERPRETATION OR LATIN ORATORY – Memorize Latin passages and recite dramatically. Ask Mrs. Jennings for copies of the passages for your level of Latin.