Math Planning Template
1stGradeSeptember 19 – 23
Monday9/19 / Tuesday9/20TEKS / Day 20 Unit 1 session 4.2 pg. 154 1.3AB / Day 21 Unit 1 session 4.3 pg. 161 1.3B
Outcome / The student will find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10. / The student will find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10.
Instructional strategy
Teacher Behavior
Formative Assessment / Classroom Routine: Quick Images: Dot Cards
Introducing ThreeTowers
Whole Class 15 min
- Teacher/students model how to play the new game for the class.
Pairs 30 min
- Students play the game with a partner. The first player rolls the dot cube and creates a tower to represent the number on the dot cube. The next player does the same. A tower is complete when it is 10 cubes long and a new tower is created. Game ends when there are 3 towers of 10.
Whole Class 15 min
- Students determine the number of blue cubes used to create the first tower. Then the number of yellow cubes. As a class, they will find a variety of combinations that equal 10.
Student Activity Book pg. 36 / Begin an anchor chart for combinations of 10. . . / Classroom Routine: Start With/Get To: Get To 1
Introducing Heads and Tails
Whole Class 15 min
- Students share their observations of pennies.
- Then practice playing the new game as a class. Students toss 7 pennies and count the number of heads and tails from each toss.
- Model how students should record on the recording document, make available a number line or visual of how to write the numbers for students.
30 min
- Heads and Tails
- Three Towers
Whole Class 15 min
- Students visualize, retell, and solve story problems
Student Activity Book pg. 38 / Anchor chart observations and knowledge of pennies, keep chart to add other coins to as you introduce them later in the year.
-Copy M33 ThreeTowers Recording Sheet
-Copy M34 ThreeTowers of 10
-Make 3 cube towers of 10 using blue and yellow cubes making the patterns shown on pg 145 / -Copy M35 Heads and Tails Recording Sheet
-Copy M36 Heads and Tails
Wednesday9/21 / Thursday9/22 / Friday9/23
Day 22 Unit 1 session 4.4 pg. 167 1.3B / Day 23 Unit 1 session 4.5 pg. 172 1.3AB / Day 24 Unit 1 session 4.6 pg. 177 1.3AB
The student will find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10. / The student will find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10. / The student will find and explore relationships among combinations of numbers up to 10.
Classroom Routine: Quick Images: Dot Cards
Introducing How Many Am I Hiding?
Whole Class 15 min
- Teacher models game with volunteer, students’ share strategies of how they determined how many cubes were hiding.
- Teacher models how to record on the recording document.
Pairs 30 min
- Students play the game with a partner and complete the recording sheet M38.
Whole Class 15 min
- Students share their strategies for finding how many are hiding.
Student Activity Book pg. 40
Homework – Play heads or tails with someone at home and return SAB pg 41-42 / EARLY RELEASE DAY
Classroom Routine: Start With/Get To: Start with 1
Introducing Nine Peas and Carrots
Whole Class 10 min
- Students review the 7 in all chart created earlier in the year and discuss at their work from 7 peas and carrots, make connection to the activity using 9.
Individual 30 min
- Students work independently to find as many solutions for 9 as possible using words, pictures, and numbers. . SAB 43 Capture the Evidence. Multiple Standards
Whole Class 20 min
- Students share the various ways they solved the problem.
Student Activity Book pg. 44
Homework: Solve an addition problem on SAB pg. 45 / Classroom Routine: Quick Images: Dot Cards
Math Workshop
40 min
- Three Towers
- Heads and Tails
- How Many Am I Hiding?
- Nine Peas and Carrots
Whole Class 20 min
- Students share the various combinations they found while playing Heads and Tails to make seven.
Student Activity Book pg. 47-48
-Copy M36 Heads and Tails for homework
-Copy M37 How Many Am I Hiding? Recording sheet
-Copy M38 How Many Am I Hiding?
-Make towers of 6 connecting cubes 1 per pair / Chart paper: make a chart paper display of heads and tails recording sheet.
Portfolio Pieces for Capturing Student Work for Report Card