Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide
First Nine Weeks Harcourt
Social Studies Social Studies
Indicator / Skill / Textbook:
Harcourt / Notes / Extra
Resources / Assessments
SS: K-2.2, K–2.3, K6.3 / Describe tools found in a classroom.
Explain how tools help us learn.
Use tools appropriately / H Unit 1
SS: K2.2, K2.3, K6.3 / Identify the occupations of school personnel.
Explore the ways others are helpful to children in their everyday
lives. / H Unit 1
SS: 4.2 / Demonstrate examples of choice and consequence through stories and role-playing. / H Unit 1
SS: K5.1,K5.2, K5.3 / Identify familiar school settings.
Locate places on the school campus and describe relative locations.
Tell how to get from one place to another in your school. / H Unit 1
SS: K1.1 / Tell how you are the same as or different from people who live far
Compare long ago and today. / H Unit 1
SS: K4.1, K4.2 / Identify the purpose of having rules.
List classroom and school rules.
Recognize consequences of breaking rules. / H Unit 2
SS: K2.1, K4.2 / Identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school.
Explain how rules help people get along with one another.
Recognize the need for rules in the community. / H Unit 2
SS: K2.1, K4.2 / Describe the benefits of cooperating or sharing.
Identify ways to resolve conflict.
Define respect. / H Unit 2
SS: K2.2 / Identify authority figures in the home, school, and community.
Explain how authority figures make and enforce rules.
Suggest situations where leaders are needed. / H Unit 2
SS: K4.1, K4.2 / Identify ways children can help at home, at school, and in the
Recognize responsibility for oneself and one’s belongings.
Understand behaviors of a good citizen. / H Unit 2
SS: K3.1 / Identify the name of our country.
Identify the flag of the United States.
Recognize the flag as a symbol of our country.
Recite the Pledge of Allegiance. / H Unit 2
SS: K5.1 / Recognize a map of the United States.
Locate South Carolina on a map.
Identify South Carolina Flag / H Unit 2
SS: K 3.1, K4.1 / Recognize national and state symbols.
Identify patriotic behavior.
Recognize the national anthem. / H Unit 2

*Labor Day * Columbus Day

*Grandparents’ Day * Fire Prevention

*Constitution Day

*Johnny Appleseed

Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide
Second Nine Weeks Harcourt
Social Studies Social Studies
Indicator / Skill / Textbook:
Harcourt / Notes/Extra
Resources / Assessment
SS: K-5.4 / Identify the globe as a model of the Earth.
Distinguish between land and water on a map and globe.
Locate the North and South Poles. / H Unit 3
SS: K6.3 / Identify the human characteristics of places, such as types of houses and ways of earning a living. / H Unit 3
SS: K5.1, 5.2, 5.4 / Recognize that maps show where places are.
Distinguish land and water on a map. / H Unit 3
SS: K5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 / Compare and contrast models and maps.
Use models and maps to describe real places. / H Unit 3
SS: K5.2, 5.4 / Identify the physical characteristics of places such as land forms.
Compare and contrast different kinds of land. / H Unit 3
SS:K5.4 / Identify the physical characteristics of places such as bodies of water.
Explore the various forms water takes.
Explain the dependence between living things and water. / H Unit 3

*Veteran’s Day

*Thanksgiving Holiday




*New Year’s Day

*Lincoln’s Birthday

Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide
Third Nine Weeks Harcourt
Social Studies Social Studies
Indicator / Skill / Textbook:
Harcourt / Notes/Extra
Resources / Assessment
SS: K 1.1 / Identify similarities and difference in families around the world.
Describe one’s place in a family. / H Unit 4
SS: K1.1 / Identify family customs and traditions and explain their importance.
Compare family customs and traditions. / H Unit 4
SS: K 5.4 / Obtain information about a topic by using a variety of visual sources such as maps. / H Unit 4
SS: K 3.2, 3.3 / Explain the reasons for national patriotic holidays such as President’s Day and Independence Day.
Identify customs associated with national patriotic holidays, such as parades and fireworks on Independence Day.
Recognize people honored by American Holidays. / H Unit 5
SS: K 1.1, 1.2 / Compare a family long ago and now.
Relate events that have happened in the past, are happening now, and will happen in the future. / H Unit 5
SS: K 1.1
SS: K 3.2, 4.1 / List ways in which technology meets needs, such as transportation.
Identify contributions of historical figures.
Identify ordinary people who shape the community.
List examples of admired character traits. / H Unit 5
H Unit 5

*Martin Luther King’s Birthday *Black History Month

*Dental Health Month *Lincoln’s Birthday

*Washington’s Birthday *President’s Day

Kindergarten Social Studies Pacing Guide
Fourth Nine Weeks Harcourt
Social Studies Social Studies
Indicator / Skill / Textbook:
Harcourt / Notes/Extra
Resources / Assessment
SS: K 6.3 / Identify jobs in the home, school, and community.
Recognizes types of jobs people do to earn money versus volunteer work. / H Unit 6
SS: K 1.1, 2.2, 2.3, 6.1, 6.3 / Identify jobs in the home, school, and community.
Compare jobs that provide goods with those that provide services. / H Unit 6
SS: K1.1, 1.2, 6.3 / Compare and contrast jobs long ago and now.
Recognize that some jobs are no longer needed.
Identify ways technology can change jobs. / H Unit 6
SS K: 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 / Explain how basic human needs for food, clothing, and shelter can be met.
Explain why people have jobs.
Recognize the relationship between work and money. / H Unit 6
SS: K 6.2 / Explain the practice of exchanging money for goods or services.
Explore trading as a way to get what you want.
Discuss the benefits of sharing and saving money. / H Unit 6
SS: K 6.2 / Illustrate ways people of the world depend on one another. / H Unit 6

*Mother’ Day

*Father’s Day