Who’s Who in Oregon Track and Field 2006 is ready to go. We will be taking the book to Grant’s Pass the weekend of March 18 for binding. We should have the book in hand ready to mail out on Monday, March 27. So, WE ARE READY FOR ORDERS!

This year’s book will be the same as last year, $20.00 per book (shipping and handling included). Please send PERSONAL CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS ONLY. We are not set up to handle credit cards and don’t want to deal with cash. Make checks out to Who’s Who. To avoid any conflicts of non payment, we only send out materials AFTER payment has been received.

PLEASE SHARE the order form with athletes, parents, your school library, and track aficionados by making copies. Many of these groups are unaware that they can purchase the book also.

This year’s issue is roughly 332 plus pages. There are several errors that we are already aware of. The collegiate section is white rather than yellow as the table of contents states and the District alignment for next year at the end of the collegiate section is also missing. If that is all we erred on, we will consider this issue a success. Again we have attempted to clean up mistakes from past issues. Many of you kindly pointed out errors, discrepancies, or blunders from previous issues. We thank you and keep it up!! Continue to contact us with corrections and errors as you see them. Thanks again to Wes Cook for the collegiate data and to Tom Crabtree for the info on individuals for relays.

BACK ISSUES AVAILABLE: Back issues of WHO’S WHO are available for $8.00 per issue. This includes postage. Contact us about which issues are still available.

COACHES: Please get us your season PR lists for track BEFORE THE SUMMER BREAK! You do not need to include state results but those certainly help. If possible, include year in school for athletes too! You can email your lists to < >. If you use <athletic.net> let us know. We will run copies of PR lists in June. A huge thanks goes out to David Bowdoin for that site. You can also bring your season PR list to the respective state meets. Contact Jeanine James of Gervais at the 1A/2A state meet or Billy Snow at the 3A/4A state meet. At Hayward, we sit in the east grandstands, south end, straight up from the LJ pit. Send us any summer info via email or snail mail or draw our attention to sites where results are posted. Thanks to all who got info to us this year. It is only with your help that this book is possible.

Thanks for all you do, have a great season, and we’ll see you along the way! Hope you enjoy the book.

Dave and Billy March 12, 2006


NAME______No. of copies ordered ______

ADDRESS______2006 WHO’S WHO is $20.00 per copy


Make checks or money orders out to: Who’s Who in Oregon Track and Field

PO Box 552

Sweet Home, OR 97386