3:00 p.m. June 11, 2015
Present: Marie Frey
Linda Malzac Vacant Seat
Pat Betzler
Shane Hoff
Pete Morris, City Attorney
Frey called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Approval of Agenda – MediaCom Programming and Service Call Scheduling were added to new business. Motion by Betzler, second Hoff to approve the agenda as amended. MOTION CARRIED.
Approval of Minutes – Motion by Betzler, second Hoff to approve the minutes of January 9, 2014. MOTION CARRIED.
COMMUNICATIONS – No communications were presented.
MediaCom Programming – Betzler presented a publication and memo from MediaCom that Granite Broadcasting stations from Duluth and MediaCom have not come to a programming agreement, and so, these stations are no longer seen on MediaCom, since June 1. It was also noted that other stations have recently been changed in the MediaCom programming. Morris read a memo that, as of this date, Granite Broadcasting and MediaCom have reached an agreement and the Granite Broadcasting stations will soon return to the programming. There was discussion about whether or not the City should require the franchisees to carry certain local stations. Morris gave his opinion that deregulation laws do not allow the City to control programming preferences and rates, but that the City can gather complaints from customers and bring them to the attention of the franchisees. It was noted that complaints must be documented in writing. There was discussion about the feasibility of the City sending a petition regarding cable TV service, and what specific issues a petition would address. There was discussion about having a public meeting about these and other issues regarding cable TV service, and inviting the franchisees to this meeting.
Service Call Scheduling – The board discussed service call scheduling issues regarding MediaCom. This issue was tabled to the next meeting.
MediaCom Franchise Renewal – It was noted that the franchise fees for MediaCom and Lake Connections are set at 3%, the City receives quarterly franchise fees of approximately $2,500 from MediaCom, and $366 from Lake Connections. The board reviewed two informational memos, provided by Morris, about franchise renewals. The board reviewed a renewal application from MediaCom, for their franchise agreement that expires on August 15, 2016. It was noted that Two Harbors also has a franchise agreement with MediaCom, and that it may be helpful to inquire about Two Harbors’ agreement and see if they are having the same issues as Silver Bay is having. The board members will review the information about the franchise renewals, and gather more information about the programming, and service call scheduling issues, and bring this information to the next meeting.
Lake Connections Franchise Renewal – It was noted that the franchise agreement with Lake Connections expires on August 15, 2016, and that the City has not received any correspondence from them about this issue. There was discussion about quality of service issues that Lake Connections is having, due to the fact that they have a new system. There was also discussion about Lake Connections rates and connection equipment and charges.
Motion by Betzler, second Hoff to schedule the next meeting for Thursday, June 18, 2015 at 9:30 p.m. MOTION CARRIED.
Motion by Hoff, second Malzac to adjourn at 4:08 p.m.
Minutes taken by Lance K Beachem