Cornwall /
Ref No / AP/K/1123Title / KNIGHT, James, Roche, tinner
Date of probate* / 15 Jan 1822
Description / Bequests:‘ being weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and understanding ‘
-to eldest son, James Knight all right and title in stream work called fatwork Moore in St Austell
-to three sons James, Anthony and William all right and title in Stenick Ladorn stream work and Best to Agree stream work, ‘share and share alike’ with all the tin ‘gotten and ungotten’
-to eldest daughter Eliner Elery one shilling
-to daughter Phillippa Menhere one shilling
-to daughter Marey Knight ten pounds
-to daughter Jane Menhere ten pounds
-to daughter Ann Knight ten pounds
-all legacies to be paid within twelve months of testator’s death
-testator’s wife [ not named in will, named in endorsement ] to be executor of all testator’s goods and chattels and if ‘my Said Estate Shall fall away before my wife shall Die’ testator’s three sons are to pay his widow ten pounds annually during her lifetime - the money to come from the Tin Stream works.
-Widow is not to sell or dispose of the said works during her lifetime and if she dies before testator’s sons then her effects shall be shared between them ‘ share and share alike’
Executors: Phillippa Knight, widow
Signature/mark of testator: sign of James Knight
Witnesses: sign of James Knight Junr [ Junior ]
Signature of Jas [ James ] Roberts
Date of will: 25 Oct 1819
Date proved: 15 Jan 1822
Endorsed: No Inventory No 9 P8 Stamp £2
Comment by transcriber
Testator refers to Jane and Ann as his ‘daughters’ but Elinor, Phillippa and Mary are referred to as ‘dafters’
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.
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