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Folksworth & Washingley
Parish Council
Minutes of a Meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Manor Road, Folksworth on Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 7.20pm
Present: Cllrs Randall, Blackman, Ford, Brown, Clarke, Soper, Fenwick
In Attendance: District Cllr Rita Matthews, 17 members of the public & Clerk
Open Forum
In advance of the meeting, the new owners of The Fox pub had contacted Council to ask if they could attend and speak at the meeting. They were invited to do so and broadly outlined their plans for an upmarket ‘Gastropub’. Members of the public asked questions regarding whether or not there would be space for ‘locals’ and also the timescale of the opening. It was suggested that opening could be as early as October depending on the work to be done but it would definitely be before Christmas. It was confirmed that locals who only wished to have a drink would be made very welcome and that the main eating area would be separate. It was agreed that they would keep the Clerk up to date with developments. The Chairman thanked them for attending and they and 14 members of the public left the meeting. Joy Blythe and District Cllr Matthews remained and were asked if they wished to speak. DC Matthews mentioned devolution briefly and asked if Cllrs had any queries for her. She then left the meeting to attend Elton PC’s meeting.
2016/1799 Apologies for Absence
All present
2016/1800 Declarations of Interest/Dispensations for Agenda items
(Section 27 Localism Act 2011)
2016/1801 Approval of Full Council Meeting Minutes dated June 21, 2016
The Minutes were approved as an accurate record and signed
Proposed: Cllr Randall
Seconded: Cllr Blackman
Unanimously agreed
2016/1802 Finance
1802.1 To approve the Financial Report & Accounts
The financial report and accounts circulated to all by the Clerk were approved and accepted as an accurate record.
Proposed: Cllr Blackman
Seconded: Cllr Brown
Unanimously agreed
1802.2 To Sign the Balance Sheet
The Balance Sheet was approved as an accurate record and signed
Proposed: Cllr Blackman
Seconded: Cllr Clarke
Unanimously agreed
2016/1803 To authorise the following payments and sign the cheques
The following payments were approved and cheques signed
Proposed: Cllr Brown
Seconded: Cllr Ford
Unanimously agreed
200050 Mrs J Stanbridge Salary £486.40
200051 Mrs J Stanbridge Travel & Homeworking £23.40
200052 RJC Countryside Grass Cutting/Repairs £575.00
200053 AON Insurance Annual Premium £514.96
2016/1804 Planning
Application Ref: 2016/01184 FUL – Hollandica House, 20 Elm Road
Extension of an existing steel frame/timber clad stable from a single to a double stable block
The plans were viewed and full discussed
It was decided that Council was Neither for Nor against the application
Proposed: Cllr Randall
Seconded: Cllr Brown
Unanimously agreed
2016/1805 Speed Limit Reduction for Washingley (Update if available)
The Clerk had been in discussion with the traffic management section of the police and also Highways department and it had been suggested that more effective signage be used in the first instance. The Clerk was asked to get a cost for this from Cambs CC.
2016/1806 Weight Limit for Folksworth (update if available)
As item above
2016/1807 Pocket Park/Community Orchard (Update)
Cllr Brown confirmed she would be meeting Bridget Halford at the site in early August and would report back at the next meeting.
2016/1808 Village Hall Update
The Minutes from the most recent meeting had been circulated. It was noted that no members of the public had attended the AGM. The Committee had decided not to proceed with plans to build a new hall but to spend the monies raised on refurbishing the existing building. Users had been asked for suggestions as to what improvements could be made.
2016/1809 School Update
Cllr Randall informed the meeting that the most recent Ofsted Report gave a ‘Good’ standard and was an improvement. He also confirmed that two of the existing school governors were leaving and that there would be one new teacher in September.
2016/1810 Correspondence
Emails from new owners of The Fox
Minutes and correspondence from Village Hall Committee
Boundary Commission – Electoral Review of Huntingdonshire
Remittance Advice from Cambs CC re grass cutting
Email re footpaths/bridleways
Email from HDC Planning re Castle Steel Erectors
Email from Bridget Halford re Community Orchard/Pocket Park
Email from Passenger Transport re bus changes
2016/1811 Notices & Parish Information
Cllr Clarke informed the meeting that he had met with Richard Coles who would be fixing the new seating at the playing field and pond.
Cllr Randall had been approached about the provision of a parent- facing/disabled swing for the playing field. The Clerk was asked to look into this and provide costs for the next meeting.
2016/1812 Any Urgent Business
In accordance with section 100(B)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended) the Chair will admit an item of urgent business in order that it can be dealt with at the earliest opportunity provided it has been raised at least 24 hours before the meeting.
2016/1813 The meeting closed at 8.47pm and next meeting date confirmed as Tuesday September 20th, 2016, 7.20pm