Español I
Srta. Kister y Sra. Thompson
2017 – 2018
Supplies: Students will need a three ring binder containing loose-leaf paper, a pencil or pen, a dry erase marker, and a Spanish-English dictionary. Index cards for vocabulary and zip lock bags to store cards should be kept at home.
Objective: Spanish I is an introduction to the language of the Spanish-speaking world. This course will heavily stress oral proficiency in addition to listening, reading and writing skills.
Curriculum: Coverage of basic Spanish grammar, vocab, and concepts. Chapters are pre-1 – 6. The textbook will not be given to students unless requested by student or parent. Copies for student use will remain in class. Students will be given handouts and worksheets. Detailed information of weekly content coverage will be provided at the start of each week on the blog.
Blog: To get to the blog, go to the Cobb County webpage, then to Dickerson Middle. Click on faculty /staff and scroll down to 8th grade teams. Click word “blog” next to teacher’s name. Feel free to email with any questions or concerns.
Semester 1 Grading: Homework 10 %
Tests (generally 2 per quarter) 40%
Quizzes, Notebook checks, Orals, and Dialogues 50 %
- Second semester has an additional category of 10% for the final exam and 5% for the final project. This changes the test percentage to 30% and quiz category to 45% but keeps the homework as 10%.
Homework Grade: Students begin each quarter with 100% as a homework grade. Each time student does not do a homework assignment, the grade is dropped five points. If student makes up assignment by the next school day, s/he earns three of the five points back. In the case of excused absence, all five points are replaced.
Discipline: See Dickerson 8th grade behavior management plan
Please read information about credit on next page
Credit: Students will earn a high school credit upon successful completion of this course (overall grade of 70% or higher). The grade is made up of two semesters. Grades are placed on transcripts but are not averaged into the cumulative grade. Students who earn a 70% or above cannot retake Spanish 1.
**Note: Syllabus subject to change in order to accommodate student needs.
Parents, please sign student agenda to verify that you have read this syllabus.
Muchas Gracias!!