Parish of Calcasieu
Board of School Directors
Lake Charles, LA
Dr. D. Perkins, President
Jno. McNeese, Supt., Secy. and Treas.
F. M. Hamilton, Asst. Supt.
Dear Emma-
I am just hearing the negro ball. They are holding a meeting, getting good pending the 18 of this month, which they expect to the end of the world.
There is excursions in here to day from three directions. Tim came in from Jennings. The Knights Pythias will be here Tuesday. There will be quite a parade. They say that it will be the largest display outside of New Orleans.
I have been under the weather some time. I went around with Miss Morris & being out two nights got the best of me. She is tough. I offered to go up to Sugartown
but she could not take it in & I am glad of it as it would have been the worse for me. The finance committee meets Tuesday, so I will not away until about the middle of the week. We are getting fixed up a little in our new place of abode. Curley Gauthier & we are in the same place. Suppose it will be a year & a half before New Court House is built.
Our garden is just fine. How it has produced so much is a wonder. All around gardens are drying up. We are now planting new lot of beans,(pole). Never saw bunch bear like those we have. Corn ready for eating. Tomatoes as large saucers. It would do you good to see them. We have more Butter beans coming than anything else.
The wart is among our chickens some. We are using a salve which is guaranteed to kill or cure. The first five upon which Mrs. McNeese applied it died but since that, we have been more successful.
I do not know if Squires showed you the letter I wrote him. I hope he did. I gave him good advice. After his experience at Merryville, it would seem that his course would be plain at Sugartown. There two kinds at Sugartown as well as at other places. Wise & good people & otherwise the otherwise being vastly in the majority, such is the condition everywhere.
I told him to keep quiet, stay at home. When anyone wants to draw him out to tell them he has no voice. Make confidant of no one. If this prescription will not count there is no cure.
I have never heard a thing. It will not do to give Wash. Richardson & Iles any trouble. They must be kept all right. Squires must not work with those opposed to Richardson. Squires must cause Richardson to feel that Squires will not join with his enemies. Men must deal fair with men. Let women gossip all they want. Never blame a man for what you hear from a woman. I know more about those folks than Squires will learn in 20 years. We must not change horses in the middle of a stream. We must never give up one friend to take another. It takes time to make a good friend. Quick friendships may have sinister motives back of it. If I lose a friend I never stop till I get him back. I am making friends in two places now where I have had enemies for 20 years at Vinton & Welch. We must not change our affections about but keep them on those who deserve.
I want to tell you there is nothing in it that Floyd Hamilton wants the Sugartown school & not much as to the rumor of Johnie Jones getting it. If he were to come in second, he might being doing well.
This may be considered confidential. You know that this foolishness pulls me down. I cannot build any one up, such must be done on ones own merit.
Hoping all well. I am yours affectionately
From Your Parents John McNeese
If you can buy any black berries to can for us, I will pay for the berries & the cans & your trouble or you can engaged the picking & hire some one. I will send the money.