Minutes of a Meeting of Buckingham Park Parish Council held at 8pm on 6th October, 2015

in the Buckingham park Community Centre, Jubilee Square, Buckingham Park

Present: Cllrs Christensen (Chairman), Looker, Poth, Agoro, Berry, Brett, Jones, Whitlock

K Gray (Clerk to the Council)

Cllr N Glover (BCC) apologies received

  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and accept apologies for absence notified to the Chairmanor Clerk

  • All councillors present
  1. Declarations of Interest

To receive any pecuniary or non-pecuniary declarations of interest

To receive and agree any Dispensations

  • No declarations made
  1. Minutes of the previous meeting held on 1/9/15

RESOLVED: To accept and sign the minutes of 1/9/15 as a true record.

  1. Clerk’s Report

To receive a report/update from the Clerk on matters not on the agenda

  • A meeting is still to be arranged between BPPC, AVDC and TW

RESOLVED: Chairman to suspend Standing Orders (adjourn meeting) to enable questions from the public and any reportsfrom councillors.

No Members of the Public in attendance.

  1. Questions from the Public & Reports. To receive any reports from Parish, County and District Councillors.
  • Cllr Berry reported some matters relating to the local neighbourhood watch and its re-establishment on BP.

Cllr Agoro arrived at this point in the meeting

  • Cllr Jones reported that the website was now being regularly updated
  • Cllr Poth asked if there was any further development with the adoption of the park.

No further developments reported on the adoption of the main park. He also reported that one of the local doctors was leaving the surgery and that now leaves 3 part-time doctors working at the surgery.

  • Cllr Whitlock reported on the recent training event for Planning organised by AVDC
  • Cllr Looker reminded all councillors to visit the Bank, with details to ensure they become cheque signatories. She also reported that she will be representing BPPC at the ATC Mayor’s Remembrance Sunday Service at St Marys Church, Aylesbury. She asked if councillors could please send BP articles to her, on time.
  • Cllr Christensen reported on his attendance at the AVDC Development Control meeting in respect of the planning application for the change of use to Pizza Business. Updated the councillors on a discussion with planning officers about possible land for doctor’s surgery if available and needed.Haretwell
  • Cllr Netta Glover (BCC) sent the following report:

Bid to keep Bucks’s mature drivers driving safer for longer: Older motorists are being urged to keep their driving skills well-honed in a campaign by Bucks County Council to reduce the number of collisions. Drivers take a one-hour assessment course costing £37 using their own car on routes that are familiar to them. They get a detailed written report outlining recommendations to improve driving tactics. There is no statutory refresher course or test older drivers. However courses like the Mature Driver do an enormous amount to he help keep driving skills sharpened and everyday confidence. All the people who have taken the course felt more confident about their driving skills.The online booking service is available at residents want more information, they can phone or email: 01296 382416 or email BCC town & parish council conference, November 25th Keep the date. Further details to follow but it will be a day time event. It will be building upon the “Parishes Delivering More” event on Feb 24th earlier this year. For those who did not attend that the February event, this link takes you to summary of the day and at the bottom of the web page are some short YouTube clips of some of the presentations. The venue will be the Kings Church, Raans Road, Amersham, Buckinghamshire HP6 6LX. There is plenty of parking onsite as well as unrestricted parking in nearby streets. Fire Authority: we had a very interesting presentation from the new fire chief. One of the important things that came out it was that because the number of fires are reducing for all sorts of reasons the firemen are free to act as co-responders to 999 calls. I hope I don’t have to say that medical staff will also be there but the thing about the fire authority vehicles is that they can be there within three minutes of the call and they can begin the resuscitation procedure until the ambulance arrives. Each one minute saved in the event of heart attack is the equivalent of 10 minutes until life stops.

RESOLVED: Chairman to reconvene meeting

  1. Flag

Council to consider the purchase of a flag and flag pole for the BPCC. Total cost for Union and St George flag as well as pole is £243.82

RESOLVED: To purchase the flag, pole and attachments as detailed above.

  1. Main Park Cameras

Council to consider the quote for the security camera system to cover the main park as well as upgrade to the current BPCC system to be able to handle the extra security cameras.

Quote is provided and copied to all councillors.

RESOLVED: To agree, in principle, the purchase of the equipment and upgrade to the Community Centre security system at a total price of £15,006.00 as detailed in the quote.

RESOLVED: Before taking this decision any further and installing the equipment, the Clerk to arrange for the company “Caught on Camera” to present to the council what their quote involves and the type of equipment being proposed.

RESOLVED: The Clerk/Chairman to raise the matter of security camera installation in the main park, at the next meeting of AVDC, BPPC and TW as this will need to be agreed by AVDC and TW prior to adoption and possible transfer of the main park to BPPC.

  1. Developer Updates

To receive any updates from the Developers regarding adoption or maintenance

RESOLVED: A meeting is to be arranged as quickly as possible.

  1. Finances and Orders for Payment

RESOLVED: To agree and authorise the following orders and retrospective orders forpayment:

  • BMKALCSubscription£261.64
  • AVDCElection Costs£130.00
  • AVDCRe-imbursement£8,662.17 (sent to BPPC in error)

RESOLVED: To receive, agree and accept the Councils Financial statements, income / expenditure report presented by the Clerk and Finance Officer.

  1. Planning Applications

To receive, comment and to either object, support or oppose the following planning

Applications. To consider late applications presented by the Clerk.

All applications are sent to councillors electronically and cllrs should look at the AVDC website for details of all applications prior to decision at parish council meeting.

  • 15/03050/APPTemporary Medical Centre, Colonel Grantham Avenue,

Installation of temporary, single storey Portacabin building for use as a staff room

RESOLVED: No Objections

There being no further business of the Council, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9pm

Signed: ______Date: ______