A very poor turnout of 7 members of the public (which included 5 members of the Parish Council) attended the meeting held at the Village Hall. Teas and coffees were funded and served by the ladies from St Mary’s Church for which a donation to the church of £50 was given.

The meeting was chaired by the Parish Council Chairman, Cllr Eric Graham,who welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the speaker,Paula Young, the Beat Manager for the area.

Cllr Graham outlined the work of the Parish Council during the last year:-

  • A clean up of the cemetery last June had been undertaken and the benches painted. Work was ongoing by the council and its councillors in keeping the cemetery tidy. A second path had been installed and further work was planned to repair the wall if a faculty was allowed.
  • Because of cost restraints and value for money, the post of handyman had been terminated.
  • A presentation of medals to celebrate the Queens 90th birthday was given to the school.
  • The usual Christmas tree was provided outside the church and new lights would be purchased in this year.
  • The ELDC Local Plan had identified sites to build 100 new houses in the village but planning permission for building such houses would need to be submitted as and when a builder with the necessary funding came forward.
  • Hogsthorpe councillors, members of the public and the schoolchildren had taken part in The Keep Britain Tidy campaign in March. Litter picking throughout the village, the playing fields, and the church had been a huge success with the schoolchildren enjoying a day out in the community.
  • A commemorative plaque in memory of Richard Enderby had been fitted to the notice board.
  • Although Precepts throughout the county had been raised, Hogsthorpe had managed to retain the same level as the previous year.

The clerk, Kath Hayes then reported:

  • The Parish Council had received complaints regarding the state of the playpark. She explained that the Parish Council have no responsibility for this area and it was run by Trustees and a committee which had now folded. Because of the council’s concern for the state of this amenity, the trustees had been contacted and the Council were awaiting their response. She was asking the community for their help in keeping the Playpark running.
  • The Parish Council was introducing a rejuvenation ‘Heritage’ project and she explained that funding for this was made possible because a 106 agreement condition had been imposed by ELDC when planning permission had been given to the caravan park on Skegness Road. The 106 agreement was worth £1800 per annum for 10 years and £7K had been accumulated so far. Plans are that the public pathways from the caravan park to the church would be reopened, the village sign would be replaced and the triangle corner opposite the Saracens Head would be made attractive with gravel areas, new seat, bushes and flower boxes. Further initiatives would be introduced over the next few years. The council is seeking help from the community to action this project.

The Chairman then introduced the speaker for the evening, Beat Manager, Paula Young. Ms Young explained that she is the Beat Manager for a huge area of Lincolnshire. She reported on incidents and crime throughout her area and for Hogsthorpe village which, although there has been a recent spate of petty theft and vandalism, was considered to be a safe area. Questions were put to Ms Young and local information about the vandalism at the church and other matters were reported to her.

Cllr Graham thanked Ms Young for her visit and apologised for the poor turnout from the village.

Before closing, it was noted that at the beginning of every Council meeting which is held on the first Wednesday of the month (except for August and December) there is a 15 minute slot for anyone wishing to bring any issues to the council.

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending and the ladies from the church for provision of refreshments.

The meeting closed at 8.45 p.m.