St Fachtna’s Newsletter23rd of October 2016
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Parish Newsletter on the web at
Sunday 23rdof October Mission SundayDate / Time
Sunday 23RD / 10.15am / Edward Blake, Crooha East & Dublin
Mon24th / 7.30 pm / Bernard O’Shea
Tues25th / 7.30pm / James Kelly, Cappanapairce,
Thurs27th / 7.30pm / Michael Hosford
Friday 28th / 7.30pm / Sean Nicholson, Months Mind
Sunday 30th / 10.15am / Eileen Leen, Crooha East and Dublin
Mass for those who have died during the year on SundayNovemeber 6th 10:15am.
Gospel.Jesus shows that God is found through humility and not by not by pride through the gospel of the Pharisee and the Publican. Pride makes us deceive ourselves about the true state of our lives. Humility gives a true picture of our lives and our need for Gods grace, love and mercy.
We remember in our prayers Catherine Sullivan and Patrick Carey of Adrigole and Cross havenwho died during the week. We pray for their families as they journey through grief. May they rest in peace.
On Sunday the 30th our Children for first communion will bring a sacred object or symbol to mass, for example a rosary beads, cross, or holy picture , holy water font etc for blessing to Mass. Any one of the congregation may bring a sacred object for blessing.
Priest on duty this weekend:Fr Con Buckley 087 2998191
Collectors for October: Marie O’Shea + Michael Joe O’Sullivan
Church Gate Collection for Trafrask Primary School Sunday 30th October.
Liturgy Committee Meeting Monday 24th after Mass.
Thank you for the generous contribution to Mission Sunday Appeal of €247
Adrigole Litter Clean Up next Sunday 23rd October at 2:30pm. Please meet at Thadys Car park. New members welcome.
Parking Request: Would those who arrive early for mass on Sundays, please park on the inside of Thadys carpark so as to reduce the number of cars parked alongside the road which can present a danger. Thank you
November Envelopes for the Holy Souls: If you have not received your November envelope, please contact us with your details and we will send you one immediately. Thank you
Caha Centre News:
Bingo is held every Tuesday night at 8.30pm. We would welcome new players.
Computer and online security starts Wednesday November 2nd at 7pm - 3 two hour sessions dealing with securing your PC/Laptop/TabletPhone, Data and Identity security, Safe browsing and Social Media. One place still available Call rita 60909
Create a beautiful gift, learn to use various paint techniques - decoupage, distressing, crackled finishes. 4 week course.cost 5e per evening to include paint. Come along on Wednesday 26th to give it a try. Call Rita 02760909 or just come along.
Thinking of retraining/doing a course/further education. Cork adult guidance service is a free confidential information service. Individual appointments with Janice Creagh the guidance counsellor are available this Thursday 27th at the Caha Centre, Adrigole. Booking essential - call Rita 027 60909 or Janice 0876228945
It can help to talk.The Caha Centre may be able to help or direct you to the service that can. We can also provide/organiselow cost counselling. Please call Rita Bevan from the centre, in strictest confidence 0833258584. The Counselling is provided by accredited counsellors either at their premises or at the centre, whichever best suits the client.
Flu Vaccine Clinic:The Glengarriff Medical Centre will be holding a Flu Vaccine Clinic on Thursday 27th October from 10am – 12 noon. Please contact the surgery on 027-63300 if you would like to register for the vaccine.
Adrigole Parent & Toddler Group meets Mondays at 10am at the Caha Centre, new members always most welcome. Coming soon at the Caha Centre, Composting workshop, Positive Parenting Evening, First Aid for use on small children!
University Hospital Kerry, Chapel of Christ the Healer, The Annual November Mass for Patients, (Including those who died by stillbirth and miscarriage)who died in Kerry General Hospital during the year will be celebrated in theHospital Chapel on Monday 7th November at 7.00 pm. Relatives and friends invited.
Celebrate the end of the Year of Mercy at Eyeries Church on Tuesday 8th November at 7:30pm. Prayers, singing and reflection and mass based on the Year of Mercy. Mr Tadhg O’Connor, trainee deacon will present the evening.
It is intended to arrange a follow-up to the Pastoral Ministry Course previously held in Beara.There will be two nights – Wednesday Oct 26th and Wednesday Nov 23rd - at 8pm in the Day Care Centre, Castletownbere. The focus for the first night is Celebrating with families and children and young people in parish….. we will look at liturgy and beyond….and hopefully on Oct 26th, we can decide what the group would like to explore on Wed Nov 23rd. These sessions are open to anyone who might be interested , they are not confined to those who previously attended the Course.
Calling all those involved in preparing liturgiesThere will be a liturgy workshop to look atcelebrating November,celebrating the close of the Year of Mercy,celebrating Advent,celebrating Christmasand thoughts for the New Year.The workshop will take place in John Paul II Pastoral Centre, Rock Road, Killarney on Tuesday Oct 25th 8.00-9.30pm. There is no cost for the workshop but booking is essential to ensure there are resources for all. Please contact Diocesan Pastoral Centre @064 6632644 or email
West Cork Carers Support Group invite Carers to join us on a visit to Dzogchen Beara Retreat Centre on Thursday 27th October from 11am to 3pm.Enjoy tea/coffee and scones on arrival, a tour of the Care Centre and the beautiful surroundings, and a guided “Loving Kindness/Self Compassion” meditation. All followed by a lovely lunch overlooking the ocean. Cost: €10 per Carer (including optional transport from Bantryor Castletownbere) Booking is essential – please call 027-53848 to book your place or for more information.
The Irish Pilgrimage Trustare now accepting applications for their Easter Pilgrimage to Lourdes. Young people aged 11-30 yrs with a variety of special needs including physical and medical conditions like epilepsy or diabetes, learning difficulties or a young person who may have experienced some challenge in their life like a bereavement are all eligible to apply. This pilgrimage provides respite care for parents and guardians and a free trip for the young person. The closing date for application is the 31stof October. Further information can be found on the website: from Ashley on 086 1030740 orRuth on 087 2809833.
Thank you for bringing in the warm clothes for those who are sleeping rough in Cork City.
We received a generous amount of clothes.
Mission Sunday
In his message for World Mission Sunday , Pope Francis reiterated the close connection between evangelisation and joy. In his short message, he mentions the word, ‘joy’ (or rejoice) at least thirty three times!
The World Mission Sunday is to be a celebration of grace and joy. Evangelisation is a celebration of grace because it is the work of the Holy Spirit and he alone gives wisdom and strength to those who are open to his promptings. It is a celebration of joy because Jesus in whom Christians proclaim to the world, is the ‘manifestation of joy’. Jesus not only brings Good News, He is Good News to everyone who encounters him.
As such, the Church is called to communicate Jesus Christ to the world joyfully. In order to make this communication effective, it has to be done not only with words but with concrete deeds of love reflecting the heart and compassion of Jesus, the Good Shepherd.
Let us Become One Family On Mission!
Sharing the Good News with others is the work of all baptised Christians regardless of age! So you and I are encouraged to become aware of how we took up the call to become Missionaries from the day we were baptised. This campaign therefore spurs us to look at the different ways we can carry out our Mission by simply sharing the Joy of Christ in our family, in our community, in our parish and throughout the world!