St Mary Magdalen RC Church

Parish Council Minutes - draft

Meeting Date / 11July 2016
Present / Fr Kevin Jordan
Deacon Michael Jarmulowicz
John-Paul Bonjour
Joseph Ebu
Kathy Macken
Gemma Moroney (nominated by Parish Priest)
Justin Osuji (nominated by Parish Priest)
Tom Territt
Apologies / Connor Ferguson (nominated by Parish Priest)
Corina Goetz (safeguarding representative)
Denise Pambakian (safeguarding representative)
Dennis Weir
Melissa Kane
Rose Flannery-Hall
Next Meeting Date / 7 September, 8pm, Annexe
Item/ action / Deadline / Responsibility
The meeting opened with a prayer
PPC Guidelines
GM to circulate guidelines via email. Members who did not see them at the first meeting to feed back any comments before next meeting / 6 Sept / All
Fr Kevin reminded GM of the need to ask for any items for PPC meeting agenda in newsletter in advance of PPC meetings as per PPC guidelines – GM to ensure this happens / Appropriate newsletter before 7 Sep / GM
Minutes of previous meeting
Agreed by members present / - / -
Remaining vacancy
All agreed this could remain vacant until need arises for additional member (eg if workload increases) / - / -
PPC Newsletter
Members present had pictures taken and provided brief biog, with the exception of DMJ as he will sadly not be in the Parish from later this year / - / -
Fr Kevin to take pictures of PPC members who were unable to be present tonight (GM to forward pictures taken for reference/ consistency) / ASAP / Fr Kevin
GM to produce notice for noticeboard once all pics/biogs are in / 6 Sept / GM
Fr Kevin advised he has ordered some baize to spruce up the noticeboard / - / -
Workers Party
Fr Kevin advised that happily the Social Committee is delighted to accept the PPC’s invitation to put the party on for the Parish workers (including the Social Committee!) / - / -
Fr Kevin suggested the date be moved to 1 Oct, as this will give people longer to RSVP. All agreed. Fr Kevin noted that there was no Mass Intention on the prior Mass so this could be offered as thanksgiving to the workers **PPC - Please diarise new date of 1 Oct** / ASAP / All
Fr Kevin to confirm 1 Oct with Miss Nowicka / - / -
Fr Kevin suggested we progress without a theme to make things easier. All agreed.
All agreed the event should have:
Alcohol & soft drinks / - / -
Fr Kevin advised that he has produced invitations, to be given to relevant groups and aims to have these given out next week. Approx 170 invitations will be distributed. All agreed final RSVP date should be 10 Sept but hopefully most will be received before then. RSVPs to be given to Parish Office by email/phone. / ASAP / Fr Kevin
It is noted that some of the PPC are also Parish workers and therefore should be able to enjoy the party and not assist! / Noted / All
It was suggested that the Infant & Junior School PTA members are asked to help at the workers party – RFH to ask if PTA members who are Parishioners would help. / 7 Sept / RFH
JE said he would ask his wife to help out / 7 Sept / JE
JE & JPB volunteered to be in charge of drinks for party. JPB offered to run a cocktail bar at the event, budget permitting / 1 Oct / JPB
TT offered to ask Maurice, the caretaker at the School, to help put out tables and chairs / 7 Sep / TT
KM advised that for Tony Thomas’ party, the SECO set up about 3 hours before the party started / - / -
Fr Kevin to ask Marco, Steph and Mossy to run the BBQ and also ask Giles to help / 7 Sep / Fr Kevin
Fr Kevin suggested everyone to email names of people who might want to help out to PPC group. GM to then compile a definitive list. / 4 Sep / All/GM
JO advised he has a BESTWAY card that could be used. TT offered to help negotiate sale or return / 7 Sep / JO/TT
Fr Kevin advised there may be some plates, serviettes etc in the SECO cupboard / - / -
It was suggested that if there is a notice in the Parish newsletter for people to bake desserts, they would like to help by providing them and it would be a way for people who can’t volunteer on the day to be involved. PPC to put relevant notice in newsletter / 7 Sep / All (note for next meeting)
JO advised he has been speaking to a DJ for the event and will advise date of 1 Oct / ASAP / JO
All agreed further logistics/actions for party to be agreed at next meeting / Next PPC meeting / All
Fr Kevin provided the responses of the questionnaire which MK kindly prepared.
Topline results were:
  • Majority of respondents had already been on a pilgrimage
  • Average interest pilgrimages was 8.75/10
  • 75% respondents willing to travel in UK, ROI or Mainland Europe
  • Variety of durations welcomed
  • 75% of responses requested pilgrimages without children but there was interest in pilgrimages for Mums/Dads with kids and for First Holy Communion children
/ - / -
It was agreed that a shorter pilgrimage questionnaire be produced and put into the Church pews with a request to complete it at the end of Masses, to include:
“Having received responses to our recent Pilgrimage questionnaire, we are going to organise the following:
  1. Children/families pilgrimage to Westminster Cathedral (The Metropolitan Cathedral of the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ) – before the end of the Year of Mercy
  1. Fatima (Portugal)
  2. Compostella (Spain)
Please complete this form to say which of the following you would like to join and leave this in the box at the back of the Church or with a member of the Parish Council/Clergy.”
MK to write the above and agree a date with Fr Kevin to have this distributed. **Would be helpful if PPC members can help give out/collect at their respective masses – MK to advise date via email in due course** / TBA by MK/Fr Kevin / MK/All
Other pilgrimage locations suggested for the future include: Stonor, Ramsgate & Rochester, Medjugorje / - / -
There were other items raised as follows by MK (via email), JO/JPB, KM
SECO Group - Gazebo
KM asked whether a large party gazebo could be purchased for the SECO group / - / -
TT to raise with finance committee / Next Finance Committee meeting / TT
Kids activities
It was agreed that it would be helpful to provide copies of the Wednesday Word in Church and the Annexe for kids – Fr Kevin & DMJ to progress this / TBA / DMJ/ Fr Kevin
TT to raise with finance committee / Next Finance Committee meeting / TT
Open Panel: “Everything you’ve always wanted to ask the Priest about Catholic teaching and hadn’t had the chance to…until now”
JO & JPB raised this suggestion and all agreed this was a good idea / - / -
Fr Kevin suggested 9 Dec as it would be a suitable activity during Advent / - / -
All agreed it would be good to make this a fairly social event – to be discussed at next meeting / 7 Sep / All
Ideas for Repository
MK provided ideas for Repository via email – MK to discuss with Breda / 7 Sep / MK
The meeting closed with a prayer