Place: Carmel American Legion, 852 West Main Street, Carmel, IN
Date: Saturday, 25MAR 2017
Time: 1000Hours
Those present: COLJohn Topper, LtCol Jim Schluckbier, CWO-3 Jay Morgan, Col Scott Russell, CDR Fred Hendricks, CAPT Chuck Jindrich, LTC Ron Martin, LTC Dick Albright, COL Clarence Scott, Lt Col Joe Swaim, Lt Col Barb Cheeks, Maj Gen Bob Nester.
Elected Board Members absent were: RADM Tom Hill, BG Jim Bauerle, COL Dan Oates, Col Larry Alexander, SMSgt Jim Frier
Call to Order – COL Topper, President
Opening- Pledge to the Flag of the United States: COL Topper, President
Opening - Prayer: COL Topper
Introduction of Guests: None.
Secretary Report on Minutes: Lt Col Schluckbier – Approved and sent via e-mail.
Treasurers Report:COL Scott
- The 17MAR2017 Financial Report was presented. Balance = $11,054.88.
- The 24 JAN 2017Budget Report was presented. Under Budget = $2,956.62. This is good.
- Income: National Dues Rebate = $902.97.
- Expenses: Treasurers Bond = $100; Admin Fees $2.82.
- Motion by Lt Col Swaim and 2nd by COLRussellto approve Treasurer’s Report. Voice vote approved motion.
Section Reports:
- Army VP: COL Topper for COL Oates– Army outlook is good. Adding 28,000 soldiers of whom 8,000 are Guard and 4,000 are Reserves.
- Naval VP: CWO-3 Morgan for RADM Hill – Crane is having change of Command. Crane is working on counter UAS (drone) program. Marines are going into Afghanistan.
- Air Force VP: Col Russell –
- Air Force Reserve is studying conversion of ART to AGR positions.
- Chaplain: LTCMoore– No report.
- Legislative Report / Military Coalition:Recent e-mail updates were sent, no discussion at meeting.
- Congressional Affairs: COL Willis–No report.
- Membership Report: LtCol Schluckbier with LTC Seckinger’s data–Membership data from National ROA. Dept = 783,same as January.
- Drum & Bugle Report:BG. Bauerle – It was published in MAR and posted on the ROA Web site.
- ROTC Report: LTC Jim Turley – New Chairman is COL Gary Steinhardt.
Chapter Activities Reports:
- Chapter 1 – Met on 15MAR. Speaker was Gene Coyle a former CIA Agent and current lecturer at IndianaUniversity.
- Chapter 7 – No report.
- Chapter 15 – Chapter is ready to host the 2017 Convention at Purdue.
- Chapter 63 – Meeting planned for 2 APR. Planned topics are new blended retirement system and national legislative issues.
- Units receiving national awards are: Airman and Family Readiness of the Year Award; Civil Engineering Squadron of the Year Award; and, Security Forces Squadron of the Year Award.
- Several units at Grissom will be activated during the next year.
Old Business:
ROA Strategic Moment Campaign / Fund Raisers:CDR Hendricks– Discussed several ideas as follows:
- Kroger’s Community Rewards Program useful to the Dept of Indiana.
- ROA requested a letter describing the Kroger Rewards Program so idea can be forwarded to other Departments. It was sent.
Culture of the Future, “US Willingness to Lead to Peace” – CAPT Jindrich: It will occur at the Purdue Memorial Union, in MAY. Currently need funding.
Dept of Indiana ROA Convention: CAPT Jindrich –
- It will occur on 22 APR at the Purdue Memorial Union, sign-in at 7:30 AM.
- Reserved block of rooms are arranged.
- Registration Fee = $35 / person. It includes “Presidential Continental Breakfast” and the “Old Gold and Black Buffet” for lunch.
- ROTC Cadets will only pay $21 to cover meal expenses.
- Speakers’ Dinner will be at Toscano restaurant. Eat off menu and pay for meal ordered by each attendee.
- Speakers: Bob Feferman, James (Hutch) Hutchinson, and Jim Banks.
National ROA Conventions: CAPT Jindrich –
- 2017 is in Washington, DC and it is planned to occur on 21-23 JUL. Location is CrystalCity. Discussed Agenda at high level.
- 2018 could be in 1 of 4 cities, including Indianapolis. A presentation to support Indianapolis is being made.
Dept of Indiana ROA Contact Info – Lt Col Schluckbier reported that the Dept and ROA e-mail addresses were reconciled with many being deleted due to permanent delivery errors. New info was shared updating both lists.
New Business:
Ask for New Business – COL Topper
ROAHeadquarterBuilding– Maj Gen Nester: An e-mail was received that the building’s mortgage was paid off. The money to payoff the mortgage came from internal funds. This reduces interest owed, a big annual expense. Financial status of ROA is in better shape at this time.
New Communication Methods – CDR Hendricks: The Dept of Indiana ROA discussed the possible use of Facebook or Linkedin to better communicate to younger members. No decision was made.
Meeting Dates:
Meeting Location: Carmel American Legion, Carmel, IN for most meetings.
Meeting Dates:
Dept Annual Meeting (Convention) 22 APR 17 Firm
Proposed Meeting Dates:
Dept. Board Meeting 24JUN 17 Tentative
National Convention – Washington, DC 21-23 JUL 17 Firm
Dept. Board Meeting 23SEP 17 Tentative
Military Appreciation Day/GAS//Fall ROA Mtg. 18 NOV 17 Tentative
Dept. Board Meeting 27JAN 18 Tentative
Dept Board Meeting 24 MAR 18 Tentative
Dept Annual Meeting (Convention) 28 APR 18 Tentative
For the good of the organization:
Next Board Meeting:22APR 2017 at about 1:30PM at the Purdue Memorial Union in W. Lafayette, IN immediately after the Convention.
Meeting Adjourned –1130 hrs
James C. Schluckbier, LtCol, USAFR (Ret)
Secretary, Dept of Indiana ROA