Parish Council Barton St David
Clerk to the Council: Mrs Angela Pearce MILCM
Hazel Orchard Cottage, Conduit Square, Pilton
Shepton Mallet, Somerset. BA4 4DZ
Telephone 07532 122671 Email
Minutes of the meeting of Barton St David Parish Council meeting on Monday 25th January 2016 commencing at 7.45pm and held at Barton St David Village Hall.
Present: Cllrs Mrs. J Powell, (Chairman), Mr. P Robinson, Mrs. D Goodman, Mr D Britton, Mr D Pye, Mr S Cabble,
In Attendance: Mrs. Angela Pearce (Clerk),
Also Present: Seventeen Members of the public
7.45pm Public Question Time
County Councillor Report: Cllr Mr. D Ruddle had nothing to report
District Councillor Report: Cllr Mr. D Norris gave a report on the budget setting at SSDC, possible join working with Sedgemoor.
Police Report: No report
Footpath Officer: There was nothing to report
97.15 Apologies for Absence and to consider the reasons given.
Council to receive apologies for absence and, if appropriate, to resolve to approve the reasons given. LGA 1972 s85(1)
98.15 Chairman’s Announcement
The Chairman reported on the Heart of Wessex meeting on the 16th March, and the Area East meeting on the 26th January, Cllr Dan Bitten to attend both of these events
99.15 Declarations of Interest.
Members to declare any interests they may have in agenda items that accord with the requirements of the Local Authorities (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2007 SI No.1159. (NB this does not preclude any later declarations).
Personal and Prejudicial interest Cllr Dan Bitten item 15/04817/AG1 and 16/00045/FUL
Personal and Prejudicial interest Cllr Peter Robinson 104/15
100.15 Exclusion of the Press and Public
RESOLVED: To exclude the press and public form item 108.15
101.15 Minutes of Barton St David Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 21st December 2015
To confirm and sign as correct record the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 21st December 2015
RESOLVED: - That the Minutes of the meeting held on 21st December 2015 be signed as a true record.
102.15 Highway Matters
It was reported that motorbikers had been seen riding along the highways without wearing helmets.
103.15 Planning
Cllr Bitton left the meeting
To consider the following applications
Erection of 4 standard Agricultural poly tunnels
Land North of OS 6453 Mill Road, Barton St David
RESOLVED: - Approval
Erection of agricultural pole barn and creation of pond
Land North of OS6453 Mill Road, Barton St David
RESOLVED: - Approval, but concerns were raised about the safety of the pond
Cllr Bitton returned to the meeting
Erection of detached dwelling
Land at Hollyhock Cottage, Peacocks Hill, Barton St David
RESOLVED: - Approval, but prior consultation with neighbours to take place before full plans are submitted
Erection of a two storey rear extension
Laurel Farm, Mill Road, Barton St David
RESOLVED: - Approval
Cllr Robinson left the meeting
104.15 Request from Village Hall
To consider request from the Village Hall Committee for a promise of £5000 to put towards central heating system for the Hall
RESOLVED: - The Parish Council requested that it needed to see at least three quotes and information about where the reminding funds were coming from to complete the heating.
To consider request from Village Hall Committee to purchase wall projector £684.00
RESOLVED: - It was agreed to pay for the new projector
Cllr Robinson retured to the meeting
105.15 Queen 90th Birthday
To consider how the village should celebrate the Queen’s 90th Birthday
RESOLVED: - General discussion took place, ideas were a new seat in Jubilee wood and lighting the beacon, it was agreed to place this item on the next agenda
106.15 Parish Environment Warden
To consider appointing a Parish Environment Warden
RESOLVED: - Cllr Bitten gave an overview of being a Parish Environment Warden, and it was agreed for Cllr Bitten to take this role on.
107.15 Finance
Accounts for payment
To review and approve a schedule of items of expenditure – LGA 1972 s150 (5)
Angela Pearce,wages Janaury £177.82 & car allowance £7.20 £10.00 office allowance, SLAC £190.00 training, citizen advice £50.00
Barton Pre School £200.00 Village Hall Projector £684.00
RESOLVED:-To agree the accounts for payment
108.15 Staffing
To consider appointment of new Clerk
RESOLVED:- It was agreed to advertise the post with SALC and the Parish magazine, closing date 8th February with interviews the week of the 12th February.
109.15 Parish Issues
There were no items reported
Meeting closed 10.00pm
Next meeting 22nd February 2016
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Barton St David Parish Council – Full Council Meeting – Monday 25th January 2016