Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 12th July 2016 at 7.30pm at The Old School, Rackham

PRESENT: Cllr T Hayward (Chairman)

Cllrs H. Cartwright, C. Dugdale & W Rydon

Cllr J Sanson (HDC)

The Clerk.

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

The Chairman thanked everyone for attending.

2. Apologies for Absence

Apologies for absence were received from Cllr P Circus (WSCC)

3. Declarations of Interest -

Cllr Rydon declared an interest in the litter contract with HDC

4.  To confirm and sign the minutes of the meetings held on 10th May 2016

The minutes of the meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman

5.  Matters Arising

Litter Collection – HDC has confirmed that the litter contract has been renewed with Will Rydon for 2016/17 in the sum of £799.

Household Waste recycling Sites – Cllr Barling has acknowledged our comments about the proposed changes and confirmed they will be taken into account

New Clerk – Karen will start on 18th July and will attend the New Clerk’s Training Day on 20th July and have training on the use of the website.

Pension Scheme – The change of Clerk will not affect the parish Council’s responsibility to provide a

pension as the salary falls under the minimum of £5,824 pa.

6.  Information Items

WSCC has repaired the pot holes in Rackham Street adjacent to Rose Cottage and are proposing to divert the spring water which currently flows down the road. Once this is done the Highway Manager is proposing that the road is resurfaced.

Fly tipping of soil in Greatham Lane – reported to HDC by Cllr Rydon. Further problems with fly tipping had happened over the last two weeks.

7.  Financial Matters

i)Authorisation for Clerk to pay invoices

545 Mrs L Spiers Salary Jun/July 275.60

Actuals Apr/18/7/16 141.65

Yola renewal 70.95

Yola Domain renewal 11.95

Website training 20.00

Cheque total:£520.15

546  HMRC Income tax Jun/July

547 HALC Annual Subscription 15.00

TOTAL: £603.95

Signed……………………………….. 13th September 2016

ii) Financial Statement to 31stJuly 2016

Annual Total Month Budget Spend Variance

April/May 3910 836 3,074

Jun/Jul 3910 1440 2,470


VAT refund to 31.3.16 - £6.04

iii) National Pay Award agreement for 2016/17 and 2017/18

There will be an increase to £8.717 per hour in the current year and to £8.873 hour in 2017/18

iv) Transparency Fund

An application has been made in the sum of £352.80 to cover ongoing costs of the website until



Household Waste Recycling Sites (see matters arising)

9.  Planning

i) Applications:

SDNP/16/02588/FUL – land adj Rose Cottage – holiday let – objection to be sent to HDC

10.  Reports of meetings attended - None

11. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 13th September 2016 at 7.30pm

The Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm

Signed…………………………………13th September 2016

This was Lynda’s last meeting and the Chairman thanked her for her help and advice and Councillors presented Lynda with flowers and a vase.