Parents’ Club Meeting

January 13, 2016

Members Present: Margie Tatem, Olivia Mona, Revon Antoon, Mary Sinawi, and Kim Wisniewski

Also Present: Mr. Pyles.

Meeting called to order at 2:22 PM.

Margie asked parents to sign in, pick up a handout and a raffle ticket. She explained that the treasurer report was on the back of the agenda handout.

Opening Prayer said by Margie Tatem.

Mr. Pyles:

·  Mr. Pyles discussed Catholic Schools Week starts January 31, 2016.

o  There is more interest this year than any previous years since he has been at Our Lady of Refuge.

o  Mr. Pyles has been giving many tours of the school and wanted to thank the parents for suggesting Our Lady of Refuge to other families.

o  Mr. Pyles also stated that he is willing to give tours 5 days a week if families are unable to come during Catholic Schools Week.

o  Mr. Pyles is also willing to reach out to families if needed.

·  Mr. Pyles thanked the families for their fund raising efforts and explained that some of the proceeds from the Fun Run went to technology for the Preschool classroom.

·  Margie Tatem reviewed the activities during Catholic Schools Week and informed families that a flyer will be sent home with the students soon.

Treasurer Report:

·  Revon reported that the Fun Run brought in over $19,000 and that a projector and accessories were purchased for Preschool.

o  She also stated that more money may be used to purchase a projector for the Media Center.

·  Revon reported that Secret Santa brought in $2700.00 in net profits.

o  She thanked the parents for sending in money for the students to purchase items.

·  Scrip Program: Revon reminded families of the program.

o  Buschs, Kroger, Meijer and Target all participate; however, this will be Target’s last year of participation.

·  Box Top Rewards:

o  New contest coming soon!


·  Margie acknowledged Monica Danou and Heather Hamama for chairing the successful Secret Santa.

·  Margie thanked May Hesano for sponsoring the St. Nick event and tree donation.

·  Rana Kizy suggested that we do a fund raiser for Easter.

·  Talent Show:

o  Farrah Barbat and Renee Jadan are chairing this event.

o  Margie commented on the increased participation from the younger children.

o  K-3 will perform from 6:00 PM-7:00 PM. There will be a short intermission. Fourth-8th grade will perform from 7:30 PM-8:15 PM.

o  8th grade does the final performance and it is a surprise!

·  Sign Up Genius:

o  Margie encouraged all parents to sign up for events using the Sign Up Genius.

o  Volunteers are still needed for the talent show.

o  Tickets are $3.00 and will be sold in the office or at the door.

·  Science Palooza:

o  Jane Keeter is chairing this event through the Michigan Science Center.

o  It will give students a hands-on experience in different areas of science; 10 stations total.

o  Two Volunteers will be needed for each station. Volunteers will be broken into morning and afternoon shifts.

o  The date of this event is to be determined.

·  Margie reported that the board will be changing members for next year. However, she will stay on as Co-president with Kim Wisniewski. Margie encouraged parents who want to be on the board to approach her. We are in need of a Treasurer.

·  Mr. Pyles thanked May Seman for painting a picture of “Our Lady” which will be hung up in the hallway by the office. There is also a prayer book there.

·  Daddy/Daughter dance is April 15, 2016.

·  Mother/Son event is April 22, 2016.

Open Discussion:

·  Jane Keeter suggested that Mr. Pyles allow the children to have indoor recess in the old gym. Mr. Pyles reported that there is a class using it during that time and that it would not be big enough to accommodate all the children. He also stated that the Performing Arts Center is also being used during that time.

·  A question arose regarding new uniforms for next year. The new uniforms are mandatory.

·  Jane Keeter asked about capping class size or splitting the classes into two. Mr. Pyles is hoping to have enough students to split the classes into two for most grade levels.

Parent Award:

·  Sanya Yono won the parent’s attendance award.

Approval of minutes was done at this time as it was missed at the beginning of the meeting.

Margie asked the parents in attendance to review and approve the minutes.

May Hesano motioned and Jessica Basmaji second the motion.

Class Award:

·  Mrs. Tahmouch’s 1st grade class won Hot Chocolate and Donuts.

Next Parents’ Club meeting is scheduled for March 16, 2016 at 7PM in the Media Center.

Meeting Adjourned at 2:45 PM

Submitted by Kim Wisniewski on January 14, 2016.

Margie asked the parents in attendance to review and approve the minutes.

May Hasano motioned and Jessica Basmaki second the motion.