Meeting Minutes
Bagley Elementary School
Meeting Date: Monday, March 15, 2010
Meeting Place: Art Room
Attendance: Shawn Stafford, Kathi Sloan, JaNelle Melbo, Margie Netland, Melanie Nelson, Tom Higgins. Josh (student teacher), Susie Brovold, Lori Worshek, Kari Gerbracht, Rebecca Layman
- Family Events:
Family Movie Night: Thurs. March 18, 2010
Donation cans will be placed at both sign-in entrances for playground fund - as well as design boards of playground. Only charge will be for water and popcorn which will stand at $1.00 as in past events. Margie and Ladelle will do the sign-in areas. Terri will do concessions. JaNelle and Kathi will get equip. going in movie area with Brenda’s help. Rebecca will be available to monitor gym. Tom and Kari said they would start popping popcorn after school if needed. Shawn offered to assist if there was an area that we needed help with during movie.
- Parent Inv. Plan / Parent Survey Results
Committee looked over plan and gave input to Melanie. Discussed results of parent survey which was completed by 19 people either online or at Academic Fair Night. Melanie has results if anyone is interested.
3. Playground Update
Marianne met with Ritchie Hogie of NMF in Bemidji and asked what he thought would be best to put on our brochure. He gave us 4 questions to focus on. Committee wrote comments on these ?’s that we will use to set up the brochure with.
Fundraising ideas for this spring and summer: fair booth or event at fair to promote playground, rummage sale, summer rec. ideas, Art in the Park, Pennies for Playground. Need to educate community and other staff with our plans to see if we can get more involvement with this schoolwide goal.
- PIC goals and ideas for next year.
Discussion was held about the lack of parents attending meetings to help plan/run events. Committee members are feeling overwhelmed in taking on the responsibilities that go into each event and in volunteering their time to be present and run events. We decided that our main focus during meetings next year will be in raising money/making decisions for the playground project. The committee felt the need to reduce the amount of family nights to 1 during the year, with rollerskating as the planned event for 2010-2011 since it was enjoyed by so many people. We discussed that committee members next year would either be involved with the event being planned and attending that evening; or the playground committee; or a communication role such as the responsibility of typing and preparing the minutes, agendas, putting notices out to parents, placing the ads in the newspaper, website, etc.
- Wednesday Folders
We felt that overall the Wednesday folders worked well from the staff and parents that were present at meeting. Staff would like to see the information be delivered to their rooms by 8:00-8:30 that Wed. so they have time to stuff agendas/folders. Some discussed that they were getting the info. later in the day on Wed. and were not able to find time to send home until Thurs. Committee felt Wednesday’s were working better than Friday’s, as was done in the past.
Next Meeting: Monday, April 19, 2010, 3:00 p.m. in art room.
Minutes submitted by JaNelle Melbo