Parent Information Night
Monday, January 25, 2010
Dublin Scioto High School Auditorium
7:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Parents and students are invited to attend the Dublin City Schools Parent Information Night on Monday, January 25, 2009 from 7:00- 9:00 pm in the Dublin Scioto High School Auditorium. This is your opportunity to learn more about the Young Professionals’ Academy (YPA), Dublin Teacher Academy (DTA),and thePost Secondary Enrollment Option Program (PSEOP).
Prior to going to college, students may be interested in learning about an unique opportunity to explore two of their career interests through the Young Professionals’ Academy Program (YPA). The YPA Internship program is open to juniors and seniors at each of the high schools. Current and former Dublin YPA interns will be on hand to share their personal growth experiences, describe a typical day, and explain how the knowledge they gained impacted their future success. Students interested in this exciting and educational opportunity for the 2009-2010 school year are required to apply and participate in an interview prior to being accepted. The deadline for applying to the YPA internship program is February 26, 2010. Students that have completed the YPA Internship program are also able to apply for scholarships through YPSA. Please call Mrs. Karen Harriman at 718-8335 for answers to any of your questions concerning the YPA program.
A second option for seniors only is the Dublin Teacher Academy where students that are committed to pursuing a career in education may explore the various levels of teaching. This is a yearlong course offered by Dublin City Schools in partnership with Ashland University and the University of Cincinnati. The deadline to apply to DTA is February 26, 2010. Questions related to the DTA program should be directed to Mrs. Kristi Andrews at 718-8358.
Did you know that students may take college courses as a freshman, sophomore, junior or senior high school student, and continue to attend any of the Dublin High Schools? Representatives from The Ohio State University, Columbus State Community College, and Franklin University will share information concerning the enrollment process and course offerings. Students who are participating in PSEOP from Dublin will discuss their experiences, and a high school guidance counselor will be available to answer your questions. The intent to participate deadline for PSEOP is March 31, 2010.
Questions related to the Parent Information Night should be directed to Mrs. Holly Hall at 718-8349.