Student Name______
Visual Art II
Ms. Steinhauer
Parent/Guardian & Student Contract
We, ______, and ______confirm that we have read
(Student Name Printed)(Parent/Guardian Name Printed)
the course outline and expectations and understand that students will be held accountable for their behavior, effort, and work in the class for the school year.
Our main goal is to have student success academically and socially and any help in achieving these goals will be greatly appreciated. Keeping this in mind, below is contact information in order to help with achieving success with each student. Please fill out the information in its entirety so that I may keep you informed of academic progress, successes, and areas of concern in attaining all goals presented throughout the year.
Student Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Signature______Date______
Parent/Guardian Name(s) (please print)______
Parent/Guardian Home Phone Number______
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number______
Parent/Guardian email address______
The best way to reach me is: (circle one)
Home phoneCell PhoneEmail
**Students are responsible for bringing this paper home and having the attached course outline and expectations reviewed and completed by a parent or guardian. Successful completion and return of this form (front and back) by
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4THwill account for a 30 point participation grade for the marking period.**
Steelton-Highspire Sr./Jr. High School
Artwork Consent Form
At Steel-High we proudly display student artwork in a variety of formats. Often, this work may contain self-portraits (images the students make of themselves). We also like to give credit to our young artists by identifying their work with their first names only.
Parents/guardians must give consent for this work to be shown and identified. Please take the time to complete this form and indicate the level of consent you desire for your child.
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant or deny permission to Steelton-Highspire School District to use the artwork and/or image of my child ______as marked by my selection(s) below. Such use includes the display, publication, transmission, or otherwise use of my child’s photographs and/or image(s), and/or first name identification of artwork created by my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, physical artwork within the school district and community settings as well as digital images, such as those on the Steelton-Highspire School District Web site.
_____Unrestricted Use (Just sign below)
_____Restricted Use (Check all below that apply, then sign):
School DistrictDistrict WebsiteCommunity
Artwork with Student’s Image ______
Artwork with First Name Identification ______
(NO Student Image)
Artwork with First Name Identification ______
(WITH Student Image)
Parent/Guardian Name______
Parent Guardian Signature______Date______
Visual Art II
Ms Steinhauer
Course Outline
Welcome to Visual Art I! This course will run daily during 3rdt period. The course is meant to expand on students’ knowledge of basic art elements, history, and techniques, while encouraging them to further explore their own personal voice. Most importantly, students will have the opportunity to learn and practice higher-level artistic skills.We will be working to create a rich in-depth body of work that covers all major techniques. They will have the opportunity to choose materials that best suit their artistic vision.During each project students will review vocabulary, learn important artistic concepts, practice their foundational skills, and gain exposure to historical contemporary artists and movements. Students will also further develop individually and socially through self and group critique, as well as writing artist statements to articulate their work and process.
I am looking forward to making some fantastic work with this class in an environment where we can all learn from one another. You can find many information, resources, and examples of student work on my webpage (listed below). Check us out there and keep up with our everyday progress on Twitter and Facebook @SteelHighArt. Please feel free to contact me any time with your questions/comments/concerns.
Sarah Steinhauer
Phone: 717.704.3800 x3128
Unit 1
Introduction –Elements/Principals of Design
Students will learn about procedures and expectations in the art classroom. They will create and bind their own book, filling the pages with examples of the elements and principals of design
Due September 18th
Unit 2
Composition – Non-Objective
Neopoprealism – Painting Cut-Ups
Students will explore the concept of non-objective art, focusing on creating interesting composition through the use of elements and principals of design. Our first project will be a meditative Neopoprealism sketch. Our second project will be a non-objective large-scale painting that will be cut up and rearranged to create a new dynamic composition.
Due October 30th
Unit 3
Still Life – Observation
Cross Contour Drawing – Tints/Shades Painting
Students will practice the skill of drawing from life by learning how to observe carefully and render what they see rather than what they “think they should see.”Our first project will be a cross-contour line drawing of various objects. Our second project will be a simple still-life painting that defines each object through the use of tints and shades.
Due December 23rd
Unit 4
Figure – Proportion
Skeleton Model – Mixed Media Silhouette
Students will practice drawing the figure, focusing on proportion as a tool that can be both perfected and exaggerated.Our first project will be a realistic rendering of the skeleton. Our second project will be a figure silhouette using mixed media to play with negative/positive space.
Due February 19th
Unit 5
Portrait – Composition
Photo/Drawn Selfie – Fragmented Portrait Painting
Students will revisit compositional choices while practicing their portrait skills. Our first project will be a “selfie” created with drawing and photography. Our second project will be a fragmented portrait painting of a classmate.
Due April 1st
Unit 6
Landscape - Perspective
Students will go outside to observe nature and practice rendering landscape through careful consideration of perspective. Our first project will be a subtractive charcoal drawing. Our second drawing will be an open-ended on-site painting.
Due May 20th
Final Cumulative Project
While students are working through each unit, they will be asked to create one independent piece of art based on the subject we are currently studying (not including Unit 1). This will result in an additional 5 pieces of art that they should be working on throughout the year. These works will be graded separately as one final grade. For their final portfolio they will need to digitally document all of their graded projects along with their independent works.
Continued throughout the year and due on Final’s Day
Please keep in mind that due to weather, school functions, and other unforeseen circumstances, the due dates listed above may be subject to change. Notice of change will be communicated with students immediately, as well as reflected in gradebook and website.
Visual Art II
Ms. Steinhauer
Grading System
Participation – 20% of Overall Grade
Participation is made up of four major content areas:
- Preparation– 2 points may be earned daily
- Entering the classroom on time, quietly, and ready for instruction
- Bringing a pencil and necessary materials each day
- Picking up folder and sketchbook upon entering the classroom and placing backpack in designated area before finding seat
- Do Nows & Exit Slips -- 2 points may be earned daily
- Immediately beginning to work on the posted “Do Now” assignment upon entering classroom and finding seat
- Completing the task with full effort and participation
- Time Management-- 2 points may be earned daily
- Making the most of class time, always working on necessary tasks
- Staying attentive during instruction and demonstration
- Allowing others to learn by refraining from creating a distraction during instruction, demonstration, or work time
- Material Use -- 2 points may be earned daily
- Caring properly for materials during use
- Cleaning up materials and leaving work areas as they were found
- Storing personal items in designated area and away from work areas
- Refraining from eating/drinking in the classroom
Students may earn up to 8 points a day, with a total of 40 points for each full week of school. Students will be exempt from grading if absent the majority of the week, barring any major behavioral issues. Zero points will be given for the day if students require removal from class or cut class. The cumulative average of participation grades during the length of each project will be factored back into the overall project grade.
Projects – 50% of Overall Grade
Projects will be graded in the following areas:
- Participation
- Using an average of participation grades during length of project
- Completion of Planning Activities (sketchbook, brainstorming, other exercises)
- Consideration of current element and principal
- Guideline adherence
- Craftsmanship
Each area will be worth 20 points for a total of 100 points given per project
The 5 Independent Projects will be graded as a group and worth a total of 500 points
Sketchbook – 20% of Overall Grade
Students will do daily sketchbook assignments in all, but not limited to the following areas:
- Drawing Exercises
- Creative Problem Solving
- Brainstorming
- Planning
- Reflection
- Vocabulary
Students may earn up to 20 points each week for completing their sketchbook activities. If students fail to complete the exercises, they will automatically lose 10 points of their grade. For completed assignments, students may earn 10 points for meeting objectives and 10 points for overall effort and participation. While most activities will be done during class time, at least one of the week’s assignments will be expected to be done during the students own time.
-Sketchbook grades will be calculated from the previous week at the beginning of the week-
Artist Reflection – 20% of Overall Grade
Artist Reflections are broken into two categories:
- Group Critiques– out of 30 points
- Students will discuss peer and personal work as a class
- Given twice each project
- In-Progress Critiques given half-way through a project
- Final Critiques given after a project is complete
- Discussion and grading will be based off a guided rubric
- Students will automatically earn a 0 for their critique for the following:
- No art work is completed to contribute to the discussion
- Refusal to put all technology (devices/headphones/etc.) out of sight
- Refusal to sit with group
- Putting head down or otherwise disengaging from group
- Causing any major disruption during discussion
- If any planning activities, do nows, or sketchbook activities are a component of the critique rubric, these must have been completed to earn points in this area.
- Artist Statements – out of 30 points
- Students will complete a written reflection of their finished projects
- Due at the same time as a project
- Three paragraph essay
- Content guided by rubric
- Vocabulary, grammar, and quality of content will be factored into grading
- Must be typed (half-credit only for hand-written statements)
- Must attach self-graded rubric to earn credit for assignment
Final documentation of portfolio will be 100 points in the Artist Reflection category
Don’t forget that you have 24/7 access to your child’s grades by logging into PowerSchool (found on SHSD website or
If you have any questions or about your child’s grade please do not hesitate to contact me.
Visual Art II
Ms. Steinhauer
Course Expectations and Policies
Work Ethic
At the high school level, art is considered a serious discipline, and a student’s grade in this course will affect their overall GPA. Because it is an educational discipline, students will be expected to participate in all coursework and projects with full effort.
The key to mastery in any discipline is respect, and all individuals in the art classroom must be given the utmost respect to be able to achieve the high goals that will be set for them. Thus, there will be no tolerance for any misbehavior or disruption in the classroom. Any foul language, derogatory remarks, or language deemed inappropriate to other students or instructors is not acceptable.
Class Rules
Students will be assigned to specific tables. They must sit and remain in assigned seating for the entire duration of class. The only exception to this rule is during PowerPoint presentations, as indicated by the instructor. All materials should be available at the table, so there should be no need to move around, unless during clean-up. If a student needs to get up for any reason, they must get permission from the teacher first. Failure to remain in assigned seating will result in a minor referral.
Students can earn 2 participations point each day for the proper use of materials. Some important procedures are:
Students will each receive their own sketchbook and folder that they will use each day. At the end of class they will store this in a filing cabinet located in the front of the classroom. It is their responsibility to keep sketchbook and all unfinished work in their folder, retrieve their folder as soon as they enter the room, and file it properly at the end of class.
Materials are limited in our classroom, and therefore should be handled with greater care. Students will have all of the day’s necessary materials at their table. These should be used properly, left undamaged, and put away neatly at the end of each class. Students will be given ample notice to clean up before the bell rings each day
Failure to follow these procedures will result in loss of participation points and possible loss of materials leading to a mandatory alternative writing assignment.
Personal Technology Use
Students are only permitted to use personal devices with instructor permission. This will be communicated to students through a “green” or “red” sign posted clearly in the front of the classroom.
Late/Missed Work
Students will have one week from a due date to turn in any work for half-credit. Students will have one day for every day absent to make up missed work. If students miss 20% of classes during the length of a project and their absences are excused, they will be given time beyond the due date to complete their project, but this must be done outside of class or during “office hours.”
Depending on the situation, minor referrals will initially result in a quick student-teacher conference or teacher detention. Consequences for repeat offenses or major referrals will be determined by administration.
It is my goal to create a safe, productive, and fun environment for your children. Any restrictions or policies may be adapted as necessary.