Parent Council of St Mary’s Primary School, Haddington

Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the Parent Council held on

Tuesday, February 5th 2008

Present Sharon McLoughlin (Chair)

Michael McHugh (Vice-chair)

Dervilla Bray

Ian Campbell

Paul Forrest

Frances Gibson

Yvonne Smith

Jacqui Sneddon

Helena Walker

Mark Wyllie

In Attendance Anne Bisset (Head Teacher)

Jill Bueckardt (Health Co-ordinator)

Val McIntyre (Principal Officer, Dept of Education & Children’s Services)

Liz Syme (Clerk)

1.  Welcome and Apologies

Apologies from Patrick Griffin and Fr Friel. Sharon McLoughlin welcomed Helena Walker, support staff representative, and Val McIntyre, Principal Officer, Department of Education & Children’s Services, who is giving guidance to Parent Councils.

Everyone introduced themselves to Val McIntyre. Sharon McLoughlin added that a Polish parent had volunteered to be a Parent Council member, but because of communication difficulties she decided to continue as a representative for the Polish community but would not attend meetings. She will be kept informed through the Minutes, and will help wherever she can. Val said that funds could possibly be used to help towards engaging with the Polish community. She will investigate and advise.

Val introduced herself and explained what is expected from a Parent Council and outlined all guidelines. Communication is a key issue and once this strategy is in place, possibly during the first year, then everything else should follow. St Mary’s Parent Council has started to communicate through the Edubuzz website, but needs more help. It is hoped that pupils from the school will eventually update the website. Val will speak to Dave Gilmour, IT specialist, and ask him to contact the school and give further advice. Val suggested a logo be used on all letters, newsletters, etc, or printed on the same colour paper so parents/carers can easily identify. Pupils could design a logo. The Parent Forum should receive a report at the end of each year. Ross High and North Berwick schools have produced information booklets for Parent Forums.

The financial year ends 31st March 2008. Under spent Parent Council funds are automatically given to the school. The Parent Council can offer ideas to the Head Teacher on how to spend the money. Training courses will be free of charge for one year, commencing 1st September 2007. Members who wish to be involved in senior staff appointment must attend the Recruitment and Selection Training Course which requires approximately three hours training.

Don Ledingham, Head of Education, will be present at the Parent Council Cluster Meeting to be held at Knox Academy on Wednesday, 13th February. Michael McHugh will be attending. The East Lothian Association of Parent Council Members meeting, chaired by Don Ledingham, is to be held on Tuesday, March 18th, at John Muir House. Invitations will be sent out next week.

Val advised that it is crucial for the Head Teacher be given a slot at each of the school’s Parent Council meetings. Local Councillors should be notified of each meeting.

The local authorities has received funding from the Scottish Government to be used to seek the views of parents/carers on whether they would welcome a national body being established to support Parent Councils. Val will send an e-mail covering this.

Sharon McLoughlin thanked Val for her help and advice.

2.  Health and Security Update

(a) Jill Beuckardt explained that the school is now working towards Stage 2 of Health Promoting Schools, which includes school ground security. The Parent Council has agreed to work with the Health Group on this issue. Sharon McLoughlin sent a letter to Don Ledingham seeking support and explaining parental concern over the lack of a boundary fence enclosing the playground. She has received a reply, and informed that this issue should be raised by the Head Teacher. Karen Robertson, Quality Improvement Officer, has contacted Anne Bisset and given contact names as follows:-

Liz McLean, Senior Architect

Paul Ianetta, Property

Marie Johnson, Landscape and Countryside

Judith Wood, Health and Safety.

Anne has spoken to Colin Baird, Area Network Officer, and Ian Reid, School Travel Co-ordinator, who will raise the issue of playground security at appropriate forums. Val McIntyre said she will speak to Ian Fullerton and Judith Wood.

Anne suggested a sub-group be formed to draw up a proposal to present to the appropriate personnel. Ian Campbell suggested that members take advice from the Senior Architect before making any plans.

(b)  Yvonne Smith asked why the trees on the banking have not been pruned. Anne Bisset will contact local authorities.

(c) Anne Bisset made inquiries regarding the purchase of ready made smoothies from the school’s catering suppliers. Frozen smoothies take 15 minutes to defrost and cannot be refrozen. 8ml tubs cost 15p each, and 200ml tubs 56p each. To prevent wastage, it was suggested that orders were taken each morning by a class representative. 75% of children expressed interest in buying smoothies from the tuck shop.

Jill Bueckardt left the meeting.


Sharon McLoughlin to take forward school security plans.

Anne Bisset to follow up pruning of trees on banking.

3.  Head Teacher’s Report

(a) Anne Bisset explained that the school budget cut backs will be finalised on February 12th. The cuts have been forecast at 3% p.a. for a period of three years. Don Ledingham, Head of Education, has been liaising with councillors to inform them of the affect this will have on education, and the impact on schools. If cut backs are enforced it was suggested that the school try and raise funds to cover the loss. When a decision regarding St Mary’s budget is made, Anne will inform the Parent Council.

(b)  Parents/carers need to be asked what issues they wish to raise at the Parent Council. North Berwick Parent Council sent out a questionnaire to the Parent Forum. Yvonne Smith recommended a suggestion box for parents/carers.

(c) Parent Council members agreed for their photos to appear on the 2 external school noticeboards, stating which class they represent. These will be taken at the next meeting. Val McIntyre suggested that a booklet, including photos of members, be sent out to the Parent Forum.

(d) Anne Bisset received a poor response from parents/carers asking them to participate in a focus group in the school. Only two replies were received. Anne will send out another note.

(e) The school is required to get an asbestos contractor to replace blinds in P3/4 classroom. Anne to action. The school has an asbestos register.

(f) Yvonne Smith pointed out the poor state of the school’s exterior paintwork. Anne Bisset said this is the responsibility of the local authorities. Anne to action.


Anne Bisset to contact asbestos contractor to replace blinds in P3/4 classroom and contact local authorities regarding exterior paintwork.

Anne Bisset to send out another note to parents/carers re focus groups.

Suggestion Box to be made available to Parent Forum.

Photos of Parent Council members to be taken at next meeting for noticeboards.

4.  Update on Evaluation Visit

Karen Robertson, Quality Improvement Officer, visited the school for an evaluation visit. Anne Bisset thanked the members who were involved. One of the issues being looked at is parental involvement in the school. Feedback was positive, and Karen Robertson was pleased with results. A report will be sent to the school. Any statement made by the Head Teacher has to be backed up with sound evidence. The Parent Council members who attended this visit gave evidence. They were advised to obtain more information on the School Development Plan, and Anne will give an update at future meetings. Priorities for development this session (summer 2007 – summer 2008) are:

Radiowaves – Patrick Griffin and pupils have put together a simple radio programme on website.

Health and Well Being – Jill Bueckardt is now working towards Stage 2 of Health Promoting Schools.

Writing – Recommendations were made that writing needed to be improved. Mary Howie, Language Advisory Teacher for East Lothian, visited the school and was pleased to see improvements.

Teaching Learning in an Enterprising Way – This involves children learning through an enterprising approach and reaching an end result, eg planning and organising our 40th celebrations. Children also plan how to raise money and decide themselves where the money is spent.

Small Schools Learning Teams – Each member of staff (not NQT) has a learning partner from another small school to discuss different aspects of teaching, and looking at new ideas. All small schools are taking part.

Active Learning in Primary One – This is a national drive for more active learning. P1 staff are taking this forward.

Anne Bisset to update Parent Council on School Development Plan.

5.  Update on Cluster Training/Toolkit

Sharon McLoughlin and Michael McHugh attended the Mini Toolkit design and training held on January 13th at Knox Academy. Four schools were represented. Sharon said that St Mary’s Parent Council has progressed extremely well. She will pass on training notes to members.


Sharon McLoughlin to pass on training notes to Parent Council.

6.  Next Cluster Meeting – February 13th, Knox Academy

Two spaces are made available for each Parent Council. Michael McHugh will be attending. Anyone else wishing to attend please inform Liz Syme who will pass names to Val McIntyre.


Liz Syme to pass on names of attendees to Val McIntyre.

7.  Training

Sharon McLoughlin and Mark Wyllie are to attend the Recruitment and Selection Training course March 10th. Anyone else wishing to attend please inform Liz Syme who will pass names to Val McIntyre. Val will reserve two more places.


Liz Syme to pass on names of attendees to Val McIntyre.

8.  Minutes of the 2nd Meeting held on Thursday, December 6th, 2007

Agreed and signed.

9.  AOB

(a) Anne Bisset inquired about the operating times of Lollipop people, but Jacqui Sneddon explained there is still a problem with St Mary’s pupils not having enough time to walk to certain roads manned by Lollipop people. Anne Bisset to investigate.

(b) The issue of playground paving slabs and flooding on the path outside the nursery is being addressed.


Anne Bisset to investigate operating times of Lollipop people.

10.  Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday, 16th April, at 7.30pm.