P.S. 114X

1155 Cromwell Ave., Bronx, New York 10452

Phone # (718) 681-7507 Fax # (718) 681- 7519


Mrs. Olivia Francis-Webber Mr. George Ault Ms. Tabatha Williams

Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal


Parent Handbook

2011 - 2012


PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE ……….……………………………………………………………… 4

PARENT CHILD CONTRACT………………………………………………………………….. 3

STUDENT BILL OF RIGHTS ……………………………………………………………… 5



DAILY SCHEDULE ………………………………………………………………………. 8

DISMISSAL ………………………………….…………………………………… 8

ABSENCE / LATENESS ………………………………………………………………………. 8

RELEASE FROM SCHOOL……………………………….……………………………………. 9

/ SIGN-OUT ………………………………………………………………………. 9

STUDENT ILLNESS ………………………………………………………………………. 9

NURSE / MEDICATIONS………………………………………………………………………. 10

PARENT CONTACT NUMBERS …………………….……………………………………. 10

EMERGENCY SCHOOL CLOSINGS…………………….…………………………………….. 10

INCLEMENT WEATHER……………………………………………………………………….. 10

VISITS TO SCHOOL ……………………………………………………………………….. 10

CURRICULUM NIGHT …………………………………….…………………………………. 11

PARENT / TEACHER CONFERENCES...... ………………………………………………. 11

PARENT ASSOCIATION (PA)………………...... ………...…………………………………….. 11

PARENT COORDINATOR………………………………...……………………………………. 11

SCHOOL SUPPLIES ...……………………………………………………………………… 12

CLASSROOM RULES ………………………………………………………………………. 12

GRADING POLICY ………………………………………………………………………. 12

REPORT CARDS ………………………………………………………………………… 13

PROMOTION ………………………………….……………………………………. 13

GRADING SYSTEM ON ASSIGNMENTS ……………………………………………………. 13

HOMEWORK GUIDELINES ……………………………………………………. 14

THIRTY (30) BOOKS OR MORE ……………………………………………………. ……… 14

HONOR ROLL ……………………………………………………. 14

STUDENT OF THE MONTH ……………..……………………………………. 14

AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAMS ……………..……………………………………. 15

DRESS ……………………………………………………. 15

CAFETERIA RULES ……………………………………………………. 16

IMPORTANT NUMBERS ……………..…………………………………….. 16

GUIDANCE COUNSELORS ……………… ……………………………………. 16

THE HANDBOOK IN SPANISH …………………………………………………….. 17-31


PARENT WORKSHOPS FOR 2011-2012 ...... 32


SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012

Please sign and return to teacher by (October 3, 2011)

I read the Parent Handbook and will continuously review the following school rules

with my child:

1.  I am respectful to others.

2.  I am quiet when expected.

3.  I am peaceful with classmates.

4.  I come to school on time wearing my school uniform.

5.  I come prepared with homework.

6.  I respect school and classroom property.

7.  I do not bring toys and candy to school.

8.  I do not bring dangerous objects to school (knife, etc.)

My child understands that if he/she does not follow the rules, the following consequences

may take place:

1.  Parent contact by teacher.

2.  Exclusion from participating in class activities.

3.  Guidance meeting with parent.

4.  Assistant Principal conference.

5.  Detention from recess/other activities.

6.  Parent/Principal conference, if your child is reported a fourth time. He may be suspended for 3-5 days and will have to attend the Alternative Education Center.

I read the contract with my child.

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______

Student Signature: ______Class: ______



Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is a pleasure to welcome you and your child to the Luis Llorens Torres Children’s Academy, P.S. 114X. We are looking forward to an exciting and successful year in a positive climate where all children have an opportunity to succeed. We hope that by working together, each child will have an exciting learning experience that will foster confidence and a positive attitude.

The mission of the Luis Llorens Torres Children’s Academy is to establish a safe child-

centered learning community designed to meet each child’s academic, social, emotional,

and psychomotor needs. Our commitment is to continuously provide quality instruction

so that there is measurable achievement of the academic performance of all students.

Your becoming a member of the Parent Association is very important. We welcome your active participation and support in this association during the school year. Working together, we will be able to reach our collective and individual goals. We look forward to celebrating with you the achievements of our students.

The following is a recommended at-home daily schedule for parent and student independent reading:

Kindergarten - parent reads to child for 15 minutes

Grade 1 - parent reads to child for 20 minutes

Grade 2 - parent reads to child for 25 minutes/student reads independently for 25 minutes

Grade 3 - student does 30 minutes independent reading

Grade 4 - student does 30 minutes independent reading

Grade 5 - student does 35 minutes independent reading

Finally, please read the Parent/Child Contract, contained in this handbook, and review it with your child, on a regular basis; make sure that he or she understands and is willing to follow school rules. Please sign, both you and your child, the contract and return it by (Monday, October 3, 2011). A duplicate copy will be sent to you.

The administration and staff at PS. 114X thank you for choosing this school as the vehicle to take your child along the first third of the public education journey, and as the first mold for his or her life experiences.



Mrs. Olivia Francis-Webber.



·  I have the right to learn without interference

·  I have the right to work and play in a safe environment

·  I have the right to move without interference

·  I have the right to be touched by another person only when I choose

·  I have the right to have my work respected

·  I have the right to have my property respected

·  I have the right to be listened to when I am speaking

·  I have the right to get help when it is my turn

·  I have the right to express my feelings appropriately and to have my feelings respected

·  I have the right to have my opinions respected



·  Recognizes the intellectual, emotional, physical, social and cultural needs of students and makes every effort to provide a climate where these needs can be met.

·  Keeps lines of communication open with teachers, parents and students, always listening and trying to understand all sides of an issue.


·  Keeps communication open with parents, making sure they have a good understanding of what is expected, of each child, in the classroom.

·  Gives each student an opportunity to make choices emphasizing that he/she is responsible for the results of his/her choices.

·  Encourages students to develop abilities by providing both well planned lessons and learning materials.

·  Treats parents, students and colleagues in a polite, caring way.

·  Creates a positive climate within the classroom.

·  Establishes and enforces sound classroom management and discipline practices


·  Sends his/her child to school well rested, fed and in school uniform.

·  Sends his/her child to school ON TIME knowing that a tardy child disrupts

instruction and deprives others of learning time.

·  Picks-up his/her child ON TIME.

·  Knows that the teacher is working in the best interest of each child.

·  Keeps teachers informed of situations at home that may affect the child in school.

·  Works with the teacher to help his/her child develop a healthy self image.

·  Sets a good example, knowing that he/she is the most IMPORTANT person in the child’s life.


·  Accepts responsibility for his/her actions. The student understands that an important part of education is to learn self-discipline; and those children need both help and guidelines in making the right decisions. That there will be open communication between the school and the home. That the teacher is always available to answer questions or discuss problems that may arise.

·  Shows respectful behavior at all times and accepts the consequences when he/she chooses not to do so.

·  Is helpful to teacher and classmates.

·  Speaks politely to teachers and classmates, using ONLY respectful language.

·  Is quiet when requested to do so.

·  Shows peace and love toward classmates.

·  Is careful of school and classmates’ property.

·  Comes to school on-time prepared with homework

and, in general, treats others as he/she would like to be treated.


·  The teacher contacts the parent/guardian.

·  Exclusion from participating in class activity.

·  Guidance meeting with the parent.

·  Meeting with the Assistant Principal if there is a third repetition of the behavior after a previous meeting between teacher and parent, and a previous conference including the teacher, the parent/guardian, and the guidance counselor.

·  Non-participation in recess or other recreational activities.

·  If a child is reported by the Assistant Principal, the Principal and the Assistant Principal will confer, and the student may be suspended for 3-5 days in the Alternative Education Services room.

The following behaviors are serious and may result in a suspension and must be reported to the police department and the school safety department:

·  Fighting with or Bullying other students

·  Bringing matches, or a weapon to school

·  Striking a staff member

·  Extreme habitual misconduct

·  Vandalism

·  Purposefully causing injury to another student

·  Sexual harassment and misconduct


Following a parent conference, any of the above misbehaviors may result in:

·  Exclusion from Grade 5 End-Term Party

Exclusion from Grade 5 End-Term Field trip

·  Exclusion from graduation ceremony


·  7:20 - 8:00 Breakfast (All grades)

·  8:00 Doors Open / Arrival of students

·  8:10 Doors Close / Students are considered late

The school is not responsible for children dropped off before school opens. Parents please adhere to the following: If your child attends breakfast he/she should arrive between 7:20 – 7:50 AM, otherwise he or she should arrive no earlier than 8:00 AM. The school is not responsible for any child/children dropped off outside the stated time frames.

Children should be picked up at the dismissal door. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure the safety of his or her child after 3:10 p.m. Repeated late pick-up of students may be reported to the Agency for Children Services. (ACS)


K 7 2:20 MON - FRI

1 3 2: 20 MON – FRI

2 4 2:20 MON - FRI

3 2 3:10 TUES, WED, & THURS

4 5 3:10 TUES, WED, & THURS

5 4 3:10 TUES, WED, & THURS

3, 4 & 5 2, 5, &4 2:20 MON & FRI


There are half-days scheduled throughout the year for both parent conferences and staff development for teachers. All students come to school at the regular time on these days and are dismissed at approximately 11:30 AM. Parents will receive adequate notice for each scheduled activity.


If there is an emergency dismissal during the day (e.g., due to inclement weather conditions) your child will be sent home early. All parents are required to submit a list of three (3) alternative contact persons who can pick-up your child in the event that you cannot be reached. Such persons must have a state picture identification.

When a child returns to school after any absence, he or she must bring a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence. Any unexplained absence will be marked as illegal in the New York State Attendance Register. A child, who is late more than 5 times in a month, will receive a home visit by the Family Worker. If the pattern of lateness continues, there may be cause to file in a report with the Agency for Child Services (ACS).


The following are legal excuses for student absence:

·  Personal illness

·  Death in the family.

·  Religious observance

·  Required attendance in court

·  Medical appointments

A student may not be released from school to anyone but a parent providing another person, who arrives to pick up the said child, name appears on the Blue Emergency Card and he or she produces valid picture identification. The parent must complete a Blue Emergency Card with at least 2 names with 2 corresponding phone numbers. A child must be signed out when he or she leaves the building before 3:10 PM. It is recommended that parents/guardians desist from picking up children after 2:15 p.m. for appointments. It is too close to dismissal at 3:10 PM; homework assignments are being reviewed during that period. Medical appointments during school hours are discouraged.


Any child who is brought to school late must report to the Attendance office. If you bring your child to school during the day, you must sign your time of arrival in the main office. If you must pick up your child from school before dismissal time, your must sign your child out in the main office. You may not remove any student from a school bus, in front of the school, without a pass from the main office.

If a child is sick or has an accident, the school will immediately contact the parents. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to pick up their child. In cases where a parent cannot be reached and the child is seriously hurt or sick, the school will call for emergency assistance from the police department and/or the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) unit.

The school nurse is the only person authorized to administer medication. Medication is administered only to children with asthma and other special conditions. Please contact the nurse at 718-537-0827 for information regarding the special application form (504) for Medicine Administration Authorization.

The office must be advised immediately of any phone numbers changes for parents/guardians. It is important that the school is able to reach parents/guardians when necessary. Please include work, cell-phone, and/or pager numbers where applicable.

Emergency school closing is normally made in conjunction with The New York City Board of Education. Please listen to the following radio stations regarding the closing of schools:

·  WCBS 880 AM

·  WINS 1010 AM


Ordinarily, announcements will not be made before 6:00 AM or 6:30 AM on a given morning.


In the event of inclement weather (rain, snow, or sleet), students will continue to report to their morning assigned locations. No parent/guardian will be allowed to enter the building.