2017-2018 ArlingtonISD
District Policy
Parent and FamilyEngagement:
Parent and family engagementmeanstheparticipationofparents in regular, two-way, and meaningful communicationinvolvingstudentacademic learningand other school activities, byensuring:
A.thatparents playan integral role in assistingtheirchild’s learning;
B.thatparents are encouraged tobeactivelyinvolved in their child’s education atschool;
C.thatparents arefull partners in theirchild’s education andare included,asappropriate, in decision-making andonadvisorycommittees toassist intheeducationoftheirchild.
The term“parent” refers to anyadultactingina parental capacity.
General Expectations:
- The school district will ensurethat programs,activities and procedures are in placefor the engagement ofparentsin allofits schools with TitleI,Part A programs.
- The school district will workwith its schools toensurethat the required school-level parental engagement policies meet the requirements ofESSA includingschool-parent compacts.
- The school districtandits schools will providefullopportunitiesfor the participation of parentswith limited English proficiency, parents with disabilities, andparents of migratorychildren. This includes providing informationand schoolreports inanunderstandable anduniformformatand, includingalternative formatsupon request, and, to theextent practicable, in a language parentsunderstand.
- The school district will involve the parents of children served inTitle I PartA, schools indecisions abouthowfundingforfamilyengagementactivities will be utilized.
- The school district will ensurethatTitle Icampusesarefamilyfriendlyand willworkwith parentsas partners intheeducation ofchildren.
In order to comply withthe guidelinesof Every Student Succeed Act (ESSA), Arlington ISD has implemented the following proceduresand activities to ensure effective parent and familyengagement.
TheArlington ISDwill:
1.Providesupportto assist TitleI schools inplanning and implementingeffective parental
engagementactivities including:
a.Havinga district-level FamilyEngagementSpecialist to coordinate and supportthe
ParentEngagementprogramat eachTitleI campus
b.HavingaFamilyEngagementLiaisonateachTitleI Campustoplanand implement FamilyEngagementevents
c.HavingaFamilyEngagementTeam(made upof teachers,administrators,parents and the FamilyEngagement Liaison) asasub-committee of each campus’s Site-Based Decision Making(SBDM) Committee to reviewand makerecommendations regardingcampus-level familyengagement activities
2.Ensure thatteachers communicateregularly with parents about theirchild’s progress by:
a.Providingparent-teacher conferences
i.Annuallyat elementarylevel
ii.s needed at the secondarylevel
b.Sendingfrequent student progress reportsto parents
c.Makingphone calls
d.Providingclass newsletters, etc.
3.Provide professionaldevelopmentforTitleI teachersandstaff inhowto reachout
to, communicatewith andworkwith parents asequal partners
4.Ensure thateachTitle I Campusprovides appropriate parentnotificationin theseareas:
a.Parentshave the right torequest HighlyQualified and certificationinformation
for theirchild’s teacher
b.Noticethat theirchild is beingtaughtbya non-HighlyQualifiedteacher
forfour consecutive weeks or longer
c.Identifyingtheirchild’s participation in intervention programs(tutoring, etc.)
5.Theschool district will ensure thateach of its TitleI campusesconductsan AnnualTitle I Meetingtoexplain the ESSA requirementsand the campus’ implemented programandhowthis programwill benefit the students atthat campus.
6.Monitor information(attendance demographics, meetingtypes,meetingtimes,etc.) on
Parent and Family Engagement eventsat each campus to help ensure thatbarriers to
effectivefamily engagementare eliminated
7.Reducebarriersforparentstoparticipatein Parents and FamilyEngagementevents by:
a.Providingschoolmeetings ata varietyof days and times
b.Providingbabysittingat FamilyEngagement events,asneeded
c.Providingtransportation,as needed
8.Advertise theparent and family engagementevents ina timelymanner, and to the extent
practicable, in a language the parents can understandbyusingmultipleformatsto
advertiseeach meeting(for example:meetingflyers, Telephone (reminders and use of
auto-phone systems), Schoolmarquee,Website & e-mail)
9.TheArlington ISD willprovide opportunitiesfor parentstoincreasetheirown
understanding of:
a.Academic standards:
Academic Activities may include, butare notlimited to:
- Grade level orientationmeetings (curriculum,gradingsystem, academic expectations, etc.)
- FamilyReading, Mathor Science Nights
- STAAR, End-Of-Course Exams,and CurriculumAssessment informational meetings to explain what the tests do,howto interpret scores, what is the passingcriterion,etc.
Parenting Activities may include, but arenot limited to:
- Improvingcommunicationwith your child
- SettingRulesand Structure atHome
- BuildingSelf-Esteem
- Awareness of Bullying
- LivingwithTeenagers
- Keeping Your Child Safe
Parentand childactivitiesmay include,butare not limited to:
- FallFestival
- International Celebration
- FamilyFitness Night
- Neighborhood Math
10.Involve parents in the process of school reviewand improvement by:
a.ProvidingaCampusTexas AcademicPerformance Report (TAPR) Report Card
b.Providingcommunicationtoexplain theTAPR
c.Involvingparents of participatingchildren intheSite-basedDecision Making Committee(SBDM), Campus FamilyEngagementTeam,as wellas the District Improvement and Decision-MakingCommittee (DIDC)
11.EstablishanannualTitleIParentAdvisoryBoard to:
a.Reviewand update the Parent and FamilyEngagement Policy(as needed)
b.Reviewthe results of theannual FamilyEngagementSurvey
c.Reviewdistrict and campus FamilyEngagement eventdocumentation to identifyandeliminate barriers toeffectivefamilyengagement
d.Gather informationfromparentsonhowtoimprove theParentEngagement Activities
12.Conduct an annualevaluation of thefamilyengagementprogram
a.Surveywill be senthome to allTitleI studentsduringthespringsemester each year
b.Surveys will be printed inEnglish, SpanishandVietnamese.Other languages will be determined eachyear basedupon the needfor languages spoken byArlington ISDfamilies
13.ProvideaFamilyLiteracyprogramforparents who wish tofurther theirown language
skills or work toward theirGED
14.Establishandmaintain aParent and FamilyEngagement websitetoadvertise
upcomingmeetings andtocoordinatewithparentsfrom other programs
AISD Website
AISD Parentand CommunityEngagement Department
1141W.PioneerPkwy Arlington,TX76013
AISD State and FederalPrograms Department
4800W.Arkansas Lane Arlington,TX76016
AISD FamilyLiteracyPrograms
Each TitleIcampus has its own Parent and Family Engagement Policy. Thisdocument may be requestedfromthe office or the Family Engagement Liaison at your child’s Title I campus
The AISD does notdiscriminate onthebasisof race,color,age, gender, national origin, religion or disability ineducationprograms, admissions/enrollment decisions oractivities whichit operates, asrequiredby TitleVI, Title IXandSection504.