GPSEPC Meeting

March 13, 2017


Present: Linda Herkenhoff (LH), Ameera Ibrahim (AI), Craig Johnson (CJ), Sarah Vital (SV)

Absent with notice: Elizabeth Montaño (EM)

Guests: Heidi-Marie Rambo (as Educational Technology Group representative and to speak on Phi Beta Kappa initiative); Maria Grazia De Angelis (as ETG representative); Peter Greco (as ETG representative).

Minutes from previous meeting were approved previously via email and submitted for posting on the website.


1.  SV reviewed the items of concern to GPSEPC at the last Academic Senate on March 8) included approval of name change for MS-Finance and approval of 4+1 in Justice, Community, and Leadership. Discussion on intellectual property policy was tabled until next meeting.

2.  SV will attend the next Academic Senate meeting (Wednesday, March 29, 1-2:30pm) and report back.

3.  Next GPSEPC meeting will be April 24, 1-3pm, in FAH 240.

Old Business

1.  AI updated the group on initial discussions with Dean Zhan Li regarding possible language changes in the handbook and Provost protocol 1.4 and 1.5 to ease the confusion of GPSEPC’s need to review internal “department” changes that don’t affect the curriculum or college (i.e., SEBA changing “Quantitative Methods” to “Business Analytics”) vs those that do (i.e., SEBA changing degree name to MS Finance). She will continue these discussions and report back next meeting.

New Business

1.  TGEMBA name change- The TransGlobal Executive MBA program has proposed to drop the Trans from the the name and be known simply as Global EMBA (GEMBA). This changes is endorsed by the SEBA Dean. Was approved in the past by the SEBA GPC and will be reviewed again at the next meeting.

a.  GPSEPC voted unanimously to endorse this renaming proposal and forward to the Academic Senate for their next consent agenda (March 29). (4 yays; 0 nays; 1 absent from voting)

2.  Representatives from the ETG visited to answer questions and take feedback on their draft “Hybrid / Online course Designation and Policy” document. GPSEPC commended the group on such fine work on a timely and important topic. GPSEPC suggestions included

a.  Clarifying the language of the WASC Distance Education Policy section

b.  Double-checking to make sure IV.A.3 (faculty “ownership” of content) is consistent with the new Intellectual Property Policy to be discussed at the upcoming Senate meeting by the Provost.

c.  Add “and course policies outlined in the syllabus” to the “Student’s Responsibilities” section (IV.B.1) to expand to faculty set rules in addition to just the student handbook.

d.  Remove mention of “technology enhanced” in IV.A.8, as this policy doesn’t address that

e.  LH suggested that the group consider addressing the issue and policies surrounding recording lectures

3.  Phi Beta Kappa initiative- Heidi-Marie Rambo discussed the initiative that brought a chapter of Phi Kappa Phi’s honor society to the undergraduates at the College. Similar efforts are being made towards a Graduate honor’s society (Phi Kappa Phi). Some concerns at implementation were discussed and Professor Rambo left the GPSEPC with concerns she’d like us to discuss and provide recommendation

a.  Criteria for admission. Admission into the honor society is typically based on GPA. However, some graduate programs at the College use Pass/Fail system. Options are to retrospectively translate students in those courses to letter grades, or to exempt those programs from participation.

i.  GPSEPC’s initial recommendation is that those programs choosing Pass/Fail for reasons related to reducing competition among students wouldn’t be interested in adding this different level of competition and should be exempted from eligibility.

b.  Timing of eligibility. Because programs vary greatly in length, when a student should be eligible to be considered for inclusion is uncertain. With undergraduates, it’s usually done by what “year” of the program the student is in (i.e., junior year).

i.  GPSEPC’s initial recommendation is to consider eligibility at percentage of program completed (perhaps 75%).

CJ will collect feedback and we will discuss and provide Heidi-Marie Rambo with more formal recommendations next meeting.

4.  Social Justice program- GPSEPC discussed and voted on a proposal from the undergraduate Justice, Community, and Leadership program to add a 4+1 track from Single Subject Teaching Credential plus possible MA. This track would mirror much of the current “Teachers for Tomorrow” program but would direct students interested in high school teaching. GPSEPC voted unanimously to endorse this, 5 yays (0 nays, 0 abstentions) via email and passed to Senate’s consent agenda. Representatives of that program were not present and this proposal was already accepted by the Senate, so any further discussion was tabled.

-Meeting adjourned: 2:55 pm

-Minutes recorded by Sarah Vital (March 13, 2017)

-Minutes approved by GSPEPC via email on March 16, 2016 (vote: 4 yays; 0 nays; 1 abstention)