Sophia's Recapitulation -

A Provisional Linear Sequence

jll: 21 March 2012

in completion with Swan Deva

four planets visible in the evening:

saturn in the VIRGIN aligned to Spica

mars retrograde in the LION

jupiter in the RAM, before CETUS

venus moving from RAM into BULL

NOTE: Of the five planets of the solar system -- intraterrestrial, mercury and venus, extraterrestrial, mars, jupiter and saturn -- four are visible at once and all of them are significantly configured into the process of correction: earth assuming self-propulsion and self-guidance. The first planet, mercury, is rarely visible at any time, in any configuration, due to its proximity to the sun. For four days at the beginning of March, however, mercury was also briefly visible.

I would infer that Sophia has now co-opted the entire solar sytem in recovering her autonomy (pronoia). She is using planets in pairs or dyads, tantric-style: venus paired with jupiter, mars paired with saturn. Note that mars after it comes out of its retrograde cycle on April 16 in 4 Virgo (near Regulus in the heart of the LION), moves to conjoin saturn on 31 July in 24 Libra, aligned to Spica in the VIRGIN. The main action in these two regions is:

venus and jupiter with Aldebaran in the eye of the BULL

mars and saturn with Spica in hand of the VIRGIN

Notably, on March 12 there was a supernova in the LION very close to mars. Another supernova followed almost immediately. Supernove are relatively rare events, but to have two of them in almost exact conjunction with mars when it is distinctly visible in its retrograde cycle, is truly extra-extraordinary. Mars is located in the belly of the LION, shifting in retrograde motion toward the heart star Regulus, which Gaian tantrikas call Vira. It turns direct on April 15 in 4 Virgo, three degrees from Vira.

Image attached: link to astrobob.

Curiously, March 12 is a commemorative day in the personal adventures of the terton, marking an event that lead ultimately to the Terma of Gaia Awakening: the dolmen kiss. That was in 2007, five years ago.

In Gaian divination science, supernovae are taken for signals from the Pleromic Aeons, or, to put it in another way, bursts of noetic peak capacities (ennoia, epinoia, pronoia) igniting in the human psyche. For instance, and most famously, there was the supernova in the Andromeda galaxy of 1885, when a star exploded in that galaxy. The explosion was so immense that it shone brighter than the entire galaxy. Hence for a number of weeks a single star in M 31 was visible on earth. The "result" or earthside correlation of this remote signal was the birth of the Modernist/Symbolist Movement in European and Russian culture. Some prominent figures born in that year were D. H. Lawrence, Sabina Spielrein, H. D. (Hilda Doolittle, 1886), Velimir Khlebnikov. All were geniuses of an extraordinary degree whose poetic, literary, and psychological contributions have immensely enriched human life.

Below is a first draft of a sequence tracking Sophia's correction and key moments of recall. I will elaborate on these notes in an audio file to follow on the weekend. You will note that this month Sophia begins the recall of her plunge from the galactic core: with a crucial moment to observe on April 13 when the lunar apogee aligns with jupiter. The recall of this event, so decisive in her story, entails a long, slow sweep. It commences with a rush on March 24-25-26-27, centered on the apogee surge of monday the 26th. The western sky with the sunset crescent will announce if there is a second Swan Deva shift, or if it will be Chinnamasta...

I would expect that the rush of the dreaming attention could trun extremely intense from this moment onward. The recall of the plunge might resemble a breathtaking moment as when you fall in a dream, than catch yourself. So, recapitulation begins with a precipitant thrust and then the apogee goes into a stall for three months! During this time, the wisdom goddess engages in her most intense dismantling of the binding structure of the archontic spell, mass mind control. Jupiter and the lunar apogee stand just before the satanic head of Cetus, aligned to the star Alpha that marks the backbrain of the monster (see below). Sound familiar. Been looking at the demasked face of evil for a while. You ain't seen nuthin yet!! Liberation comes with the moment we are able to see right through the spell in all its aspects, as if looking through a barrage of smoke and mirrors. In three months the spell lifts entirely for those who have the attention to observe her intervention.

* Asterisks with dates of recall denote my best estimate of when she will recapitulate those events, contrasted to the ones she has already reviewed.



§ Designing Anthropos-10 with TheleteDec 2011

§ Chrismation of the genome"

§ Projecting the Anthropos into the Orion Nebula"

§ Observing nine previous experimentsJan 2012

§ Analysis of the catastrophic outcomes"

§ Sophia realizes the problem with the genius project"

§ Sophia "previews" Anthropos-10"

§ Sophia makes a pact (Perseus/Andromeda)March 2012

§ Sophia's plunge, without using the astral stemApril 2012



NOTE: Sophia recapitulates the entire following sequence of cosmological events during the apogee stall at 15-17 Taurus, aligned to alpha Ceti, marking the backbrain of Cetus. Note that the previous stall, August - December 2011, was aligned to Zeta Ceti (Gog) marking "the belly of the beast." The collective reflectionof her recall at that time was exposure of the corrupt body of corporate government, pictured as a ghoul-like corpse that feeds off the living -- i.e., the bloated torso of Cetus. Corporations are soulless vampiric instruments of social evil, engines of greed and destruction, period. World tryanny, working against the divine experiment in human potential, relies on the unholy trinity of corporate-military-financial power. The putrid breath exuding from the ghoul is the fourth element of archontic influence: the media, the gaping mouthpiece spewing out pernicious mind control, inane political propaganda, the perversion of values, and outright, ridiculous lies.

From August 2011 on, the Aeon Sophia engaged in a "controlled demolition" of the archetypal infrastructure that upholds the threefold archontic monster and the media.

The current stall lasts from the end of March through end of June: three months. Watch for the collective reflection or correlate to this phase of recapitulation to become evident in full and widespread disclosure of the psychosis of the authorities, including the spirit of malovolence they enact due to birth-damaged backbrain circuits (side-effect of mitotic reproduction). Alpha Ceti (Magog) is located exactly at that position on the pentragrammic formation of the head of Cetus.

The stall culminates in a spectacular way on July 4, 2012 with venus and jupiter reunited at Aldebaran, seen in the east before dawn. This celestial event repeats the meeting of venus and jupiter on March 13 in the evening sky! Hence, two striking omens come into play during this phase of recapitulation (tracked by the apogee shift):

March 13: Omen of Remembrance, with Venus moving ahead into the Pleiades on April 3, and advancing to the star Nath at the tip of the upper horn of the BULL, where it turns retrograde on May 16. Then it disappears for a while, passing between earth and sun.

July 4: Omen of Deliverance, with Venus at its extreme point of retrograde in 8 Gemini on June 29. This is next to Aldebaran in the eye of the BULL, with jupiter in position there and the Pleiades aligned to the two planets. This sight will be visible in the morning sky before dawn.


or TO BE


§ Generation of the Archons...*April-to

end June


§ Setting up the first Archon stereoma, which collapses

(Saturn at the center)

§ Sophia shores up and encloses the emergent stereoma,

hides Ialdabaoth in a radiant cloud


§ Sophia forms second stereoma with the sun

Conversion of Sabaoth

§ Sophia provides luminous epinoia to Anthropos-10Mar 10, 2012

(Zoe, the flame-born daughter of Sophia, P> 17 Libra

emanated from the sun)VIRGIN

perigee hit

excites ATP

§ D-force provided from the sunCMEs 2012

§ Sophia forms the moon by condensation of the OLongoing

calibrating the time-cycles of life and death

by lunar frequencies

§ Sophia integrates the Archontic heaven*April 4-10

into the three-body system, and consequentlystall begins

she is seized in its capture

§ Sophia contracts massive toward forming

the earth(4320 billion years ago)*mid-June jupiter at Pleiades

§ Final stage of materialization:

OL precipitates into the geode holding Mantis:

Sophia's terrorRECALLED

Feb 2012

NOTE: Recalling her plunge forward in time begins at the end of March, but she has already remembered the one isolated incident of trama involving Mantis which occurred at the end of her conversion into the earth.

§ Sophia shears the Anthropos template ?? !! ??

by a vortex motion (imagine a scarf flushed down a

toilet), absorbing the feminine elements into her light-body

(separation of the sexes)

§ Sophia materializes into the terrestrial elements, *4 July 2012

lavishly seeding the earth with female components

of the Anthropos

NOTE: This is the moment (Independence Day USA) when venus stands again with Jupiter, conjunct Aldebaran, seen in the morning sky, aligned closely to the Pleiades -- The Omen of Deliverance

Subsequent events:

§ Formation of the oceans

§ Anaerobic systems

§ Formation of oxygen (blue-green algae)

§ Microbial life



NOTE: The events listed below come to recall at the end of June, due to an exceptional modification that occurs in Sophia's recapitulation, and fundamentally changes the process. This modification is signaled by the transit of jupiter into the south node of the moon in 4 Gemini, at the end of June. So far the terton has not indicated the role of the lunar nodes in correction, only the lunar apsides. In dynamic terms, the nodes could not be engaged until other systems were in place, more massive systems connected to the self-guidance device of the planetary mothership.

"Correction takes place in the apsides of jupiter." Why? Because jupiter is like the gyroscope that Sophia uses to insure the stability of the mothership in self-navigation. She takes the properties of gyroscopic equilibrium from jupiter, actually from the celestial dynamics of the jupiterian mass and its orbital elements. Remember, she lend the archons all the powers then needed to construct a celestial habitat, their own zone of inorganic mechanical clockwork, the stereoma. Now she reassumes the power she assigned to them.

Repeat: Gnostic myth asserts that the Aeon Sophia lent her Pleromic powers to the archons so that they could construct a celestial habitat for themselves, the stereoma. They only use the powers she confers upon them. In correction, Sophia reclaims the powers she allowed to be invested in the archontic system of celestial mechanics and turns them to her own purposes. In spring 2012, all five planets she uses are momentarily visible at the same time to naked-eye observation. We, witnesses to the Nagual, the supernatural powers of the terrestrial Aeon, can actually observe how she makes this reclamation from the archontic realm and incorporates planetary dynamics for the purpose of self-navigation.

But the analogy is more complicated: the "guidance system" of the mothership does not merely require the safety of gyroscopic balance, a matter of stabilization. But it does require that first. Sophia achieves full stabilization around April 13 when the lunar apogee converges with jupiter in 16 Taurus, in the RAM, still before the satanic mask of Cetus. Jupiter and the lunar apogee have been doing a tango dance for some time, shifting around each other, but at this moment they converge. The conditions for full stabilization of the mothership prior to undertaking full self-navigation are completed at that moment.

Additional to stabilization, Gaia-Sophia needs to combine gyroscopic balance with direction. The factor of direction belongs, obviously, to the steerage of the barycenter mechanism, the lunar apsides. To steer right and left, starbord and port, the mothership uses the barycenter mechanism, yes. But direction entails more than the ability to steer right and left, and correct the immediate course: it requires holding the set course over time. It requires continuity and autonomy due to being able to see ahead: pronoia, in Pleromic Terms. (Scholars routinely translate this term as "providence" .More correctly, fore-seeing, viewing the way ahead.) To regain her full capacity for pronoia, the mothership needs to deploy another device, the lunar apsides. She does at the end of June so when jupiter moving ahead in the zodiac converges with the retrogressing lunar node (south). The location is 4 Gemini, in the head of the BULL about 8 degrees from Aldebaran, the bullseye.

Summary of jupiterian features of self-navigation:

March 13 jupiter-venus in evening sky to the west

Omen of Remembrance

April 13jupiter converges with lunar apogee

15-17 Taurus, before the head of Cetus

June 13jupiter reaches the Pleiades (spindle, astral stem)

June 22jupiter converges with the south lunar node

in 3-4 Gemini, BULL

July 4jupiter approaches Aldebaran, eye of the BULL

rejoins venus at the end of her retrograde phase

Aldebaran-venus-jupiter-Pleiades visually aligned

Omen of Deliverance

August 2012jupiter aligned to Aldebaran

venus moves ahead into the TWINS - CRAB


The Christic Intercession *end of June

(Cambrian Explosion 585 MYA - into geological time)onward

Gaian women emerge into anatomical form

from tuberous plants washed up

from the ocean -- generation of the arboreal nymphs

Dreaming of animal species

Male counterparts descend from the Orion Nebula

Beginning of the "chthonian romance"


jll: March 19-24, 2012 Andalucia