Parent and Carers Information Booklet.
Sherwood Playgroup CIO
Sherwood Community Centre
Woodthorpe House
Mansfield Road
0115 955 3152
Registered Charity Number 1156146
Sherwood Playgroup is a section of the Sherwood Community Association. Established in 1961, it has built up a wide range of good quality toys and equipment, maintained to a high standard and regularly updated. The staff provide a caring, happy and safe environment for all children to play and learn. The Playgroup is a registered charity; its funds are raised and managed by the Parent Committee, whose members include parents and carers. New parents and carers are always welcome to attend the meetings.The playgroup is due to become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in the next few months .
The Playgroup uses a large, safe room in Woodthorpe House, with access to an enclosed outdoor area, which has a soft safety surface. There are child size toilets and facilities for changing nappies and pull ups. The entrance door to playgroup is closed at all times, with controlled access. We also have use of a sensory room, which is in the community centre, and can also be accessed from the Playgroup outside area, this sensory room has lots of lovely equipment with calming effects, soft lighting, bubble tube, soothing music, we often use this room for a story time session or small group work.
Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life choices. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up.
The Early Years Foundation Stage ( EYFS ) sets the standards that we at Sherwood Playgroup must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. We aim to promote teaching and learning to ensure children in our care are given the broad range and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. Staff will consider each child’s individual needs, interests and stage of development in their care and will use this information to plan a challenging and enjoyable experience for every child in all the areas of learning and development.
Each child will be assigned a key person who will ensure that your child’s learning and care is tailored to meet their individual needs whilst at Playgroup and will help the child become familiar with the setting and offer a settled relationship with the child and build a relationship with parents. They will support and engage with you as a parent to also guide your child’s development at home. The key worker will also help families to engage with specialist support if appropriate. The child’s key person will also keep the child’s developmental records up to date and make them freely available for Parents to check their child’s progress, these will be shared with Parents at a convenient time to both parties and will always be shared with Parents before the child moves on to another setting.If your child attends another setting we will also share information with that setting with your consent and also work in partnership with the local health visitors .We also have home learning packs of books and activities for you to take home . Feel free to sign them out when you want to take them Your key person also will suggest activities to do at home as well .
Parents can access more information on the EYFS via the Department for Education website at
Parents will be made aware of the Policies and Procedures that we have in place when their child joins Playgroup and they will be invited to read any of them as and when they wish to do so. Parents will be made aware that Policies and Procedures are always available for their information and a comprehensive file of them is kept on the premises at all times. Please speak to a Manager or Deputy Manager and these will be made available to you when requested. Significant policies such as safeguarding and the complaints procedure are kept within the room at all times .
Sherwood Playgroup values and respects the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages of all children, parents, carers, and staff. We seek to reflect a multi-racial society in both our staffing and the children attending all sessions. Each child will be treated as an individual and encouraged to develop a positive respect for themselves and others regardless of race, religion, culture or gender. Support for children with special needs or disabilities will be provided wherever possible. Discriminatory behaviour or remarks are unacceptable.
All staff are aware of child protection policies and procedures. A copy of all the playgroups policies and procedures can be obtained from the playgroup supervisor. Any concerns will be discussed with parents unless this would have a detrimental effect on the child’s safety, If we notice any marks or bruises on your child whilst at Playgroup you may also be asked by a member of staff if you are aware of them and how they happened. We do have to follow strict guidelines within the Local Area Safeguarding Children’s Board procedures, a link to these procedures can be found from our web site at Jayne Lowe is the lead person for Safeguarding within the setting .
A good standard of behaviour is maintained within the Playgroup by the positive expectations of staff from the children in their care.
Co-operation from parents reinforces this.
The children are encouraged to:
1. Respect themselves and keep themselves safe.
2.Care for others in the Playgroup.
3.Look after Playgroup, to keep it a happy and safe place for everyone.
Children are constantly praised for their efforts and care for others.Each child will be encouraged to play in a way sensitive to others, helping them to avoid stereotypes and to develop a respect for themselves and for the feelings of others.
Sherwood Playgroup aims to have regard to the DfE Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs, and to provide a welcome, and appropriate learning opportunities, for all children.
Children with special needs, like all other children, are admitted to the Playgroup after consultation between parents, Manager, Key person or other external agencies.
Our system of observation and record keeping, which operates in conjunction with parents, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis.
Our Key person system ensures that each adult is especially responsible for a small group of children, so each child receives plenty of adult time and attention.
If it is felt that a child’s needs cannot be met in the Playgroup without the support of a one to one worker, funding will be sought through the Local Education authority to employ one. We work in liaison with staff outside the group, including therapists, health visitors, psychologists, social workers, paediatricians and portage workers to meet a child’s specific needs. Our SENCO is Louise Holland
There is a maximum of 26 children in a session; they are cared for by our experienced staff. Children are encouraged to participate in a range of activities which supports and develops children’s thinking and learning, builds upon previous experiences, acknowledges children’s natural enthusiasms and need to be active learners and responds to individual need. There are many different activities always on offer : water play, sand, tactile, role play, drawing, writing, books, small world play, construction, painting, craft table, mathematical, understanding the world we live in. Outside is an enclosed play area with soft safety surfacing, tricycles, cars, balancing beam etc. Our routine is consistent so that children have familiar features throughout the session .Children are asked to find their name cards on arrival and put it on the blue board on the carpet area where we have register and our greeting songs, children are then encouraged to experience the activities on offer, midway through the session we break for story and singing time, followed by milk and fruit, children are then encouraged to access outdoor play, but are free to play indoors also. Staff encourage children to develop independence and learn new skills.
The Playgroup is open term time only,
Monday9.30am – 12.30pm
Tuesday9.30am – 12.30pm1.00pm – 4.00pm
Wednesday 9.30am - 12.30pm 1.00pm – 4.00pm
Thursday 9.30am- 12.30pm
Friday 9.30am – 12.30pm 1.00pm – 4.00pm
In addition to the above session times we now offer 30 hours of child care for those 3 and 4 year olds who are eligible, please ask a Manager about the 30 hour offer if you are interested in applying. Because of the 30 hours we run a breakfast club every morning from 8.30 at a cost of £6 per child. The days when we are open all day we also offer a lunch club, Parents provide a packed lunch for their child,lunch club is an additional £5 as we have to pay staff to run it. All fees including session, breakfast and lunch must be paid even if your child is absent/ or sent home poorly.
Children must be collected before 12.30pm / 4.00pm as the hall has to be cleared by staff.
We operate a late pick up charge of £1 per minute which will be charged to Parents for lateness, please make every reasonable effort to arrive before the end of the session.
We do accept there may be unexpected delays on occasions and we ask parents to advise us of any delays and approximate times. However there will be some concern if we do not receive prior notice of a phone call.
If parents or carers are more than 10 –15 minutes late we will :
- Try to contact them on their home telephone number or mobile phone.
- If this is unsuccessful the emergency contacts must be tried to see if someone can collect the child.
- If this fails the emergency numbers must be tried for at least an hour, leaving messages where possible.
- If we do not establish contact with parents or relatives then we would
Contact the Social Services Duty Team for the child’s home area as a last resort.
Only in special circumstances and with prior permission will a child be accepted before 9.30am or 1.00pm.
A password can be given to staff if someone other than Parents will be collecting the child. This password will be unique to your child and will be kept by staff on file for future reference. The person collecting will only be able to collect your child if they produce the correct password.
Children must be between 2 and 5 years of age. There is a waiting list, and children’s names may be placed on the list and you will be contacted when a place becomes available. Your child may attend as many sessions as available, these will be arranged with the manager.
We accept children in nappies and the Staff will co-operate with the wishes of the parents to encourage the children to become independent
Please complete a registration form giving details of your child’s details and emergency contact numbers before your child starts Playgroup. Please inform Playgroup if you change your address or telephone number at any time whilst your child is attending, we need up to date information on how to contact Parents / emergency contacts if your child is ill or is involved in an accident.
A place is held open for your child and you must pay for a session whether your child attends or not. Unless you make special arrangements or notify the Playgroup your child is ill, the absence of any child for two consecutive sessions will result in their place being forfeited and offered to a child on the waiting list.
A fee of £16 is charged for each session, this includes milk and fruit. The fees are collected by the Manager or staff member and must be paid weekly or monthly, Parents wishing to pay for half a term or a full term can do so. We ask that 4 weeks notice is given on a child’s place. This 4 week notice period must be given during Term Time and must include Term Times, no holiday periods will be taken as notice. Parents collecting their child late will be charged £1 per minute, as staff need to clear the room or have their lunch if it is an all day session and this cannot be done safely if children are late being collected.Our holiday pattern is generally in line with that of Local Authority Schools in Nottingham . Letters will be sent out on a termly basis giving start and finish days .
We must at all times meet the ratio and qualification requirements to ensure the needs and safety of all children in our care.
The Manager holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification. We also have a Deputy Manager who is capable and qualified to take charge in the Managers absence.
For children aged two there must be at least one member of staff for every four children. At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification and at least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant level 2 qualification.
For children aged three and over when a person with qualified teacher status or early years professional status or another full and relevant level 6 qualification is not working directly with children, There must be at least one member of staff for every eight children. At least one member of staff must hold a full and relevant level 3 qualification and at least half of all other staff must hold a full and relevant level 2 qualification.
All staff receive induction training to help them understand their roles and responsibilities. At least one member of staff who holds a current paediatric first aid certificate will be present in the session at all times. First aid training is local authority approved and is relevant for staff working directly with children.
Training opportunities will always be made available to staff and mandatory courses ie: safe guarding, will be attended by all staff.
Staff also attend training courses to keep up to date with the EFYS, workshops that are relevant to sensory room development, Health and Safety, Food Hygiene and any other courses that will develop the skills and knowledge of staff. Our Food preparation area achieved the highest grading of 5 during it’s food and hygiene inspection .
All staff who have direct access and contact with children hold an enhanced criminal records disclosure ( CRB ) showing their suitability to work with children or more recently a DBS.Until this disclosure has been done and checked staff would be supervised at all times and would not be allowed in the cloakroom area unsupervised and would not change nappies or clothing.
The Playgroup is able to provide supervised work experience for students and volunteers, however these students and volunteers will never be allowed unsupervised access to children and would have no access to nappy or clothes changing.
The Manager or Deputy in charge of the session will carry out a risk assessment of the Hall and Outside garden area every day and remove any objects, equipment that would pose a risk. An on going risk assessment is done throughout the session to identify any problems that would also pose a risk to safety, ie : wet floors, tripping hazards etc. The daily risk assessment will be recorded and a yearly assessment is done when our Public Liability Insurance is due for renewal.
Please inform the Supervisor of any infectious disease in your household, as your child may not be able to attend whilst there is a risk of infection. If your children has sickness or diarrhoea please keep them away for 48 hours after the last bout of the bug. Please telephone Playgroup on the first morning of illness so we can make a record of your child’s non attendance, staff will always advise when your child should come back to Playgroup if it is necessary.
If your child is ill or hurt at Playgroup the Manager will contact you or your emergency contact to make arrangements to send them home, or if necessary to the Doctor or Hospital.
Every effort is taken to avoid accidents, in the unfortunate event that your child is involved in one, you will be asked to sign the Accident Book. This book is a written record of any accident or injury that your child has received whilst in our care, it will detail the circumstances of the accident, what first aid treatment was given and by whom. You will be informed of any accident or injury on the same day, or as soon as reasonably practicable. A fully stocked first aid kit is kept in the hall and the sensory room.