Course and Student Information Handbook

Validated version 2017

S:\Austlink All Course Forms\Austlink Manuals\Manuals\STUDENT COURSE INFORMATION 2017.doc






Web site:

Information and Privacy Policy

Skills First Quality Charter - Statement of Commitment

Commitment to Serving the Public Interest

Accountable and Effective Governance

Informed Choice of Course and Provider and Awareness of Essential Training Entitlement

Deliberate Planning of Training Program

High Quality Delivery of Training and Assessment

Responsive Feedback Systems

Student Advice & Pre-Training Review Policy

Student Entry Procedure

Academically Suited

Pre-Training Review

Student Identification Requirements

Course Information

Identifying Individual Student’s Needs

Student Enrolment Information Collection

Students’ Needs

Academic Suitability - Language, Literacy, and Numeracy (LLN) Assessment

Credit Transfer

Recognition of Prior Learning

Employer Engagement

Government Loan / Subsidy / Support Eligibility Assessment

Victorian Skills First Program

Finalising the Pre-Training Review

Non-Acceptance of Enrolment Application

Fees and Refunds

Fees and Charges

Course Tuition Fees

Student Support Services Fees

Incidental Expenses / Resource / Other Fees

Embedded Qualifications


Fee Concessions and Exemptions


Evidence of Eligibility

Notifications and Guarantee

Payment of Fees


Enrolment Fees

Refunds Due to Non-Provision of Services

Refunds Due to Request / Hardship Application

Third Party Refunds

Fee Records

Evidence Policy

Evidence of Participation

Skills First Program Requirements

Assessment Evidence

Child Safety Policy

Our Commitment to Child Safety

Legislative Framework

Child Abuse

What is a ‘reasonable belief’?

Child Safety Officer

Code of Conduct

Risk Management

Training and supervision

Regular review

Procedures - Allegations, Concerns and Complaints

Fair procedures for personnel


If a child discloses an incident of abuse

If a parent/carer says their child has been abused or raises a concern


ACTION 1: Responding to an emergency

Action 2: Reporting to authorities

Action 3: Contacting parents / carers

Action 4: Providing ongoing support

Additional support – mandatory reporting

Working with Children Checks

State and Territory Requirements

Example Risk Management Planning Items

Director Statement

Compliance Management

Cooperation with ASQA

Information on Request


Third Party Arrangements

Annual Declaration

Ceasing Operations


Reporting Changes to Government Stakeholders

Victoria Skills First Funding Contract

Key Locations and Officers

Government Subsidy / Support Eligibility Delegations

Traineeships Policy

Employee & Employer Agreement

General Administrative Practices

Government Systems


Aust-Link Responsibilities

Delivery Practices

Structured training


Monthly Contact

Reporting of Traineeship / Employer Issues

Unemployment of Trainees

Competency Based Training and Completion requirements

School Based Traineeships (SBAT’s)

General SBAT Arrangements

SBAT Structure

Completion Arrangements



First Aid

Public holidays

Public Liability Insurance

Safety Procedures

Evacuation Procedures


Drugs and/or Alcohol Use and Dependence Policy

Student access to records








Enrolments are to be made in person at the relevant Aust-Link office, between 8:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Friday.

Some courses may be available weekends on request.

Course duration will not exceed 8 hours each day.





Please enquire at Reception for more detailed information.





Web site:

Take the opportunity to review the Aust-Link web site for further information on

courses delivered.



Information and Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

Aust-Link is required to provide the Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, with student and training activity data which may include information I provide in this enrolment form. Information is required to be provided in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines (which are available at The Department may use the information provided to it for planning, administration, policy development, program evaluation, resource allocation, and reporting and/or research activities. For these and other lawful purposes, the Department may also disclose information to its consultants, advisers, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations. I have been advised by the training organisation that I may be contacted and requested to participate in a National Centre for Vocational Education Research survey or a Department-endorsed project or audit or review.

TheEducation and Training Reform Act 2006 requires Aust-Link to collect and disclose my personal information for a number of purposes including the allocation to me of a Victorian Student Number and updating my personal information on the Victorian Student Register.

For students eligible for VET Fee Help, the following privacy statement also applies:

Aust-Link is collecting the information in this form for the purpose of assessing my entitlement to Commonwealth assistance under the Higher Education Support Act 2003 and allocation of a Commonwealth Higher Education Student Support Number (CHESSN) to me. Aust-Link will disclose this information to the Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education (DIISRTE) for those purposes. DIISRTE will store the information securely in the Higher Education Information Management System. DIISRTE may disclose the information to the Australian Taxation Office. Aust-Link and DIISRTE will not otherwise disclose the information without my consent unless required or authorised by law.

For more information in relation to how student information may be used or disclosed please contact Aust-Link]’s Privacy Officer on phone 50238581 or I acknowledge and agree to the terms described in this privacy statement:

Aust-Link recognises that a wide range of educational related and personal factors may affect the health, work satisfaction and performance of the students.

The decision to drink or to take drugs socially is the right of the individual. The Company becomes concerned when the effects of these interfere with performance or with safety.

Performance difficulties may arise through a whole range of behavioural problems, related to alcohol and drug abuse.

The Victorian Government, through the Department of Education and Training (the Department), develops, monitors and funds vocational education and training (VET) in Victoria. The Victorian Government is committed to ensuing that Victorians have access to appropriate and relevant VET service. Any personal information collected by the Department for VET purposes is protected in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001 (Vic).

Collection of your data

Aust-Link Pty Ltd is required to provide the Department with student and training activity data. This includes personal information collected in the Aust-Link enrolment form and unique identifiers such as the Victorian Student Number (VSN) and the Commonwealth’s Unique Student Identifier (USI).

Aust-Link Pty Ltd provides data to the Department in accordance with the Victorian VET Student Statistical Collection Guidelines, available at:

Use of your data

The Department uses student and training data, including personal information, for a range of VET purposes including administration, monitoring and planning.

A student’s USI may be used for specific VET purposes including the verification of student data provided by Aust-Link Pty Ltd; the administration and audit of VET providers and programs; education-related policy and research purposes; and to assist in determining eligibility for training subsidies.

Disclosure of your data

As necessary and where lawful, the Department may disclose VET data, including personal information, to its contractors, other government agencies, professional bodies and/or other organisations for VET-related purposes. In particular, this includes disclosure of VET student and training data to the Commonwealth and the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER).

Legal and Regulatory

The Department’s collection and handling of enrolment data and VSN’s is authorised under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic). The Department is also authorised to collect and handle USI’s in accordance with the Student Identifiers Act 2014 (Cth) and the Student Identifiers Regulation 2014 (Cth)

Survey participation

You may be contacted to participate in a survey conducted by NCVER or a Department-endorsed project, audit or review relating to your training. This provides valuable feedback on the delivery of VET programs in Victoria.

Consequences of not providing your information

Failure to provide your personal information may mean that it is not possible for you to enrol in VET and/or obtain a Victorian Government VET subsidy.

Access, correction and complaints

You have the right to seek access to or correction of your own personal information. You may also complain if you believe your privacy has been breached.

For further information, please contact Aust-Link’s Privacy Officer in the first instance by phone 03 5023 8581.

Further information

For further information about the way the Department collects and handles personal information, including access, correction and complaints go to:

For further information about Unique Identifiers, including access, correction and complaints, go to:

Skills First Quality Charter - Statement of Commitment

Aust-Link is fair and honest when dealing with the individuals it trains, with other RTOs, with industry and community representatives and with governments. Aust-Link operations demonstrate a commitment to the following principles and obligations.

Commitment to Serving the Public Interest

Aust-Link delivers training to Students that is consistent with the objectives of government stakeholders, contractual requirements and promotes confidence in the training system. Aust-Link:

  • Delivers training services that are of high quality and relevant to industry and employers;
  • Provides access to high quality courses and qualifications that enables Students to:

-obtain the required skills to make them job-ready;

-undertake further education; and/or

-access training if they are disadvantaged learners;

  • Provides training services that are in the best interests of Students, taking into account their diverse social, cultural and special learning needs.
  • Makes all reasonable efforts to work and communicate effectively with, and maintain the confidence of, all stakeholders, including maintaining strong and regular links to industry.
  • Promotes and delivers training in a manner that:

-demonstrates the highest ethical standards;

-does not damage or bring into disrepute the organisation, the training and VET system, or the relevant government support program;

-is transparent and honest.

Accountable and Effective Governance

Aust-Link makes proper use of the position of trust placed in its expenditure of public money. Aust-Link :

  • Complies with all aspects of government’s policies in skills programs and VET Funding Contracts and at all times is accountable for its performance.
  • Ensures that appropriate compliance, reporting and auditing frameworks, controls and systems are in place and cooperate with government to verify compliance.
  • Complies with relevant state and national laws that in any way affect or are applicable to the provision of training services and act appropriately and promptly when known or suspected breaches of any policies or laws are identified or reported.
  • Maintains and develops professional skills and knowledge across the organisation’s workforce to contribute to a high quality training and VET system.
  • Ensures that details of the qualifications and industry experience of all trainers and assessors are maintained in a Register of Trainers and Assessors.

Informed Choice of Course and Provider and Awareness of Essential Training Entitlement

Students make an active and informed choice of both course and provider.


  • Provides information and support to and for each Student, including:

-how Aust-Link ’s training products, programs, pathways and delivery options will affect the individual’s training outcome; and

-all fees, costs and requirements of undertaking the program, including in accordance with the Statement of Fees;

  • Ensures the information provided is clear, accurate, full and relevant;
  • Ensures the support provided is reasonable and accessible; and
  • Ensure each Student is made aware of how undertaking training and assessment will impact their access to further government funded training. This includes ensuring that Students are aware of the full effect of any dual enrolment on the Student’s lifetime Entitlement to Funded Training.
  • Publishes in a prominent place on its website:

-standard fees and any other fees;

-a list of any brokers used; and

-its online service standards.

  • Ensures that each Student who receives training and assessment under a subcontract arrangement is aware that they are enrolled with Aust-Link, not the subcontracted party.

Deliberate Planning of Training Program

Student’s training programs are suitable for their individual needs.

Aust-Link ensures the Student’s training program is suitable, where suitable means the training program:

  • Meets the individual’s needs;
  • Links to likely job, participation and/or further study opportunities;
  • Is vocationally relevant and reflects industry requirements and the workplace setting; and
  • Minimises duplication of the individual’s existing competencies, as:

-determined and documented through a thorough an individual Pre-Enrolment Review; and

-ultimately, reflected in the Training Plan.

High Quality Delivery of Training and Assessment

Student’s training and assessment meets regulatory standards and is delivered by experts in a manner appropriate for their individual needs and in a learning environment that is conducive to the success of Students. Aust-Link ensures:

  • Student’s training and assessment is delivered to Regulatory Standards;
  • Student’s training and assessment is delivered in an appropriate manner, including that:

-the Student is provided reasonable and accessible support to facilitate their participation in training and attainment of skills; and

-the Volume of Learning, Amount of Training, Duration, delivery modes, materials, facilities and equipment are sufficient:

  • to meet the Student’s needs, including as identified through the Pre-Training Review;
  • for the Student to consolidate skills and produce job-ready competencies; and
  • to meet the requirements and guidance in the Australian Qualifications Framework, training packages and accredited courses,

-as documented through:

  • an appropriately tailored Training and Assessment Strategy; and/or
  • the Training Plan;

-for each Student cohort, where the Training and Assessment Strategy is structured so as to be completed in a shorter time period than the minimum described in the Australian Qualifications Framework, Aust-Link describes and documents within the Training and Assessment Strategy, using a rationale based on the previous skills and knowledge and the needs of students, how a specific student cohort:

  • has the characteristics to achieve the required rigour and depth of training, and
  • can meet all of the competency requirements in a shorter timeframe.
  • For each student undertaking a work/practical placement, a written agreement is in place between Aust-Link and the host organisation;
  • Where training is delivered and/or assessed partly or wholly online, or in a workplace, the training must reflect and respond to the unique requirements of that type of delivery; and
  • The student’s training and assessment is delivered by suitable trainers and assessors.

Responsive Feedback Systems

Students can provide feedback on their training experience and Aust-Link responds and improves adequately. Aust-Link:

  • Has and maintains a complaints and appeals process compliant with Regulatory Standards;
  • Publishes on its website its complaints and appeals process;
  • Responds to and co-operates with any complaints mechanism or process established by government; and
  • Participates in performance improvement initiatives as determined by government.

Student Advice & Pre-Training Review Policy

Student Entry Procedure

On application for enrolment, Aust-Link ensures that all students are able to seek admission to a course program on the same basis. Where students have particular needs, these are discussed in open consultation with the student, and where appropriate, reasonable adjustments will be made in order to facilitate the student's enrolment.

Aust-Link provides high quality course services, including training and assessment that is suitable and appropriate for each Student.

Suitable means the training and assessment meets the individual’s needs, links to likely job and/or participation outcomes and minimises duplication of the individual’s existing competencies.

Appropriate means the training and assessment is delivered to regulatory and industry standards, uses delivery modes and durations optimised for the individual’s needs and includes reasonable support to facilitate the individual’s participation and attainment.

Aust-Link focuses on supporting a prospective student to understand how their options may affect their future and, ultimately, helping them to choose the right training. This includes being prepared to suggest, in some instances, that none of its offerings are right for an individual. Where this is the case, Aust-Link refers prospective Students to relevant government websites in their jurisdiction as a good place to start to determine more suitable course options. Some example sites include:

Australian Training Directory