Paper title (use abbreviation if too long)

Title of the paper


(1) Department of Civil Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, e-mail:

(2) Department of Rural and Surveying Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece, e-mail:

(3) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, e-mail:


The abstract should be as concise as possible presenting the core of the work carried out by the authors. It should be of a length between 200 and 250 words. No figures, tables, equations and references are appropriate for the abstract. In more detail the abstract should contain some sentences as introduction, a short description of the methodology including all innovative elements, a short discussion on the results and the main conclusions. The authors should bear in mind that on this abstract the decision on the initial acceptance of the paper will be taken and that this page will be included in the volume of abstracts, which will be distributed to the participants during the Conference. For homogeneity purposes of the abstracts it is suggested that the fonts should remain those adopted in this text. The authors should not forget to specify the section of the Conference and the type of article they wish to submit. There are three sections of the Conference and two types of articles. Obviously this information should be given in the cover letter/e-mail and not in the abstract. All the details are in the announcements and call for papers of the Conference. The authors should note that the deadline for submission of abstracts is 30th of November 2012. They can expect to receive a letter on the acceptance after three or four weeks. In any case the deadline for the acceptance of all the abstracts is the 15th of January 2013.


·  The most important finding is presented in a short sentence with no more than 150 characters (spaces included).

·  The second finding is also presented here (150 characters - spaces included).

·  The third finding is also presented here (150 characters - spaces included).

·  The fourth finding is also presented here (150 characters - spaces included).