Level 19, 55 Market Street, Sydney, NSW, 2000

On Monday, 12 October 2015 at 10am


(Day 1)

Before the Commissioner: The Hon. John Dyson Heydon


Counsel Assisting: Mr Jeremy Stoljar SC and

Mr Richard Scruby

Instructed by: Minter Ellison, Solicitors.

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2 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, Mr Stoljar?


4 MR STOLJAR: Commissioner, before I call my first witness,

5 there are some appearances and there may be some other

6 housekeeping matters.




10 MR N CLELLAND QC: Commissioner, I appear for Mr Shorten.




14 DR K HANSCOMBE QC: Commissioner, I appear now for

15 Mr Melhem. Mr Moore previously representing Mr Melhem is

16 engaged elsewhere in a trial.


18 THE COMMISSIONER: Thank you, Dr Hanscombe.


20 MS D HOGAN-DORAN SC: Commissioner, I seek authorisation

21 to appear for Mr Sasse.


23 THE COMMISSIONER: Yes, that's granted, Ms Hogan-Doran.

24 Any other appearances?


26 MR CLELLAND: Commissioner, the other matter which our

27 learned friend Mr Stoljar was adverting was a matter

28 I raised with him very briefly before you came on to the

29 bench. It relates to the expected testimony today of

30 Mr Stephen Sasse and the questioning which took place back

31 in July, it is now, July 9, of Mr Shorten in the Commission

32 when he gave evidence relating to the Thiess John Holland

33 matter. Commissioner, you will have some recollection of

34 that, although I am sure you have heard a lot of evidence

35 since.


37 Mr Shorten is concerned, as a result of what has come

38 to his notice and the notice of his legal representatives

39 subsequently, that he has not been afforded procedural

40 fairness in that process.


42 Mr Shorten's solicitors wrote to the solicitors for

43 the Commission who reject those assertions and, in effect,

44 stated that we should explain our position before the

45 Commission this morning, and we seek to do so now. We are

46 mindful of the fact that the Commission has a fairly

47 demanding timetable and we will try and deal with this

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1 relatively briefly, but we do wish to deal with these

2 issues now if we might.




6 MR CLELLAND: If the Commission pleases. To assist in

7 this process, could we just provide the Commission, our

8 learned friends, with some folders of some correspondence

9 between solicitors for Mr Shorten and solicitors for the

10 Commission.


12 I think Mr Sasse is actually in the hearing room

13 because I am told that he is to be the first witness. He

14 was formally a General Manager for Human Resources and

15 Industrial Relations Safety with John Holland and his

16 evidence, we expect, will touch on matters about which

17 Mr Shorten was examined.


19 A convenient exposition of the concerns, Commissioner,

20 can be found behind tab 10. I don't know, and I am not

21 going to ask, how much of this material you have seen, sir,

22 but I propose to take you to it. There is this letter --


24 THE COMMISSIONER: I don't have to bother with tabs 1 to

25 9; is that right?


27 MR CLELLAND: I will take you back to those because the

28 correspondence behind those is referred to either in this

29 letter from Mr Shorten's solicitors to solicitors for the

30 Commission, or in the Commission's response of the same

31 date. Both those pieces of correspondence contain, it

32 might be said, both heat and some light.


34 The point under discussion is the questioning of

35 Mr Shorten on 9 July. It was regarding an alleged

36 agreement in the context of EBA negotiations said to have

37 been arrived at between the joint venture, Thiess John

38 Holland and the AWU for a payment to the AWU of some

39 $100,000 per annum over three years.


41 Commissioner, at that time, no statements or evidence

42 had been provided to Mr Shorten or his legal

43 representatives by persons claiming to have any knowledge

44 or involvement in those negotiations on behalf of Thiess

45 John Holland.


47 Could I invite you to go to the letter from Arnold

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1 Bloch Leibler on behalf of Mr Shorten. Commissioner, you

2 will see that the first reference there is to the

3 Commission's letter of 25 September 2015 in which ABL, that

4 is Arnold Bloch Leibler, was advised that the Commission

5 required notification of the persons that Mr Shorten sought

6 leave to cross-examine by 6 October 2015, and what was

7 described by the writer as the Commission shut out date,

8 and it refers to the fact that there was some confusion

9 arising from Practice Direction 12 which set out an earlier

10 cross-examination.


12 That letter, Commissioner, can be found behind tab 2.

13 For present purposes, we direct you, Commissioner, to the

14 statement, first of all, of the dates upon which the

15 evidence in relation to the Thiess John Holland matter

16 would be heard, that was 12 and 13 October. The documents

17 that would be the subject of examination were identified as

18 those documents placed into evidence before the Commission

19 during the hearings the Commission conducted between 28 May

20 and 4 June, and 8 and 9 July 2015, and there was a listing

21 of those documents which included Shorten MFI-1 to MFI-14.


23 There was an indication that additional witness

24 statements, private hearing transcripts and documents would

25 be uploaded to the AWU October 2015 Court Book, that's at

26 about point 3 on page 2 of the letter, Commissioner, from

27 Friday, 25 September 2015 onwards.


29 There was a reminder, or an emphasising of the

30 confidentiality provisions of section 6D(3)(b) of the

31 Royal Commissions Act and there was a request for

32 notification by 6 October 2015 by parties who wished to

33 cross-examine a witness and the topics about which they

34 wished to cross-examine that witness. Self-evidently, at

35 that point, there was no listing of witnesses to be called,

36 and just to clarify what the confusion was, there was an

37 attachment of a practice direction signed by you,

38 Commissioner, on 25 September 2015 which at paragraph 5 at

39 least made reference in the last sentence to the need for

40 applications to be made in writing no later than 2 October

41 2015. Nonetheless, it is accepted, and I think agreed

42 between the parties, that 6 October was the relevant and

43 operative date.


45 On 1 October, Mr Shorten's solicitors wrote to the

46 Commission. Commissioner, you will find that

47 correspondence behind tab 3. It is actually an email. A

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1 number of things were sought in that email. In the second

2 major paragraph, this was said, although Mr Shorten has

3 previously made this point:


5 The Commission should provide all

6 additional statements and documents which

7 concern Mr Shorten, including long-held

8 transcripts of private hearings, as soon as

9 reasonably possible before the Parliament

10 resumes sitting so we may obtain his

11 instructions.


13 There was then a reference to materials received that day,

14 that is, uploaded on to the website, which apparently were

15 transcripts of private hearings which had taken place as

16 long ago as 15 April 2015 in relation to a Mr Lance Wilson,

17 but up to and including 19 August 2015, an explanation was

18 sought for the delay in providing those documents.


20 What was also sought was, in view of the fact that no

21 witness list had been advised, a request was made for a

22 proposed witness list and indeed the dates that those

23 witnesses were proposed to be called as soon as reasonably

24 possible. The document went on to say, significantly:


26 There has been much media reporting of the

27 fact that the Commissioner has made a

28 decision to call Mr Sasse and that his

29 evidence may concern Mr Shorten.

30 Mr Shorten and his lawyers have not been

31 told by the Commission that the Commission

32 intends to do so. If the Commission has

33 previously decided to call Mr Sasse, can

34 you please let us know when it proposes to

35 do so and can you please provide us with a

36 copy of his statement or transcript of his

37 private hearing.


39 That night - and Commissioner, you will find this document

40 behind tab 4 - this ECB notification appeared and advice

41 was given to the affected parties and their legal

42 representatives.


44 THE COMMISSIONER: Can I just ask a question if it is not

45 inconvenient to your train of thought?



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2 THE COMMISSIONER: It may not matter much, but the letter

3 from Mr Zwier, Thursday, 1 October, was emailed at 9.34pm.

4 Do we know when the document behind tab 4 was generated?

5 In other words, was it before 9.34 or after 9.34? You said

6 it was that night.


8 MR CLELLAND: The document that I want to draw your

9 attention to, or that advice, was at 11 o'clock that night,

10 11pm.




14 MR CLELLAND: The advice - and we're just anxiously

15 looking for it at the moment - is not that which sits

16 behind tab 4 at the moment. We will find a copy and hand

17 it up to you, but I can tell you as Mr Zwier's letter of

18 8 October says, Commissioner, if you go to page 2 at about

19 point 3, under the heading "Sasse statement provided 11pm

20 on 1 October 2015 to Mr Shorten", later, at about 11pm in

21 response to my email, and on 1 October 2015, the Commission

22 made available, amongst other AWU evidence, the statement

23 of Stephen Sasse dated 7 August 2015. The Commission did

24 not provide a copy of the transcript of any Sasse private

25 hearing.


27 THE COMMISSIONER: What you've just read was from what?


29 MR CLELLAND: I missed your question, I'm sorry?


31 THE COMMISSIONER: You just read out a few sentences.

32 What were you reading from him?


34 MR CLELLAND: I was reading from Mr Zwier's letter of

35 8 October behind tab 10 of the folder at page 2 and under

36 the heading "Sasse Statement provided 11 pm on 1 October

37 2015 to Mr Shorten". Regrettably, it seems we have put the

38 wrong notification in, but, for present purposes, it may

39 not matter that much. What it referred to was the

40 statement or, indeed, a background document of Mr Sasse

41 which, of course, was not a transcript of a private hearing

42 or an interview which subsequently emerged, but what was

43 included or reference was made, however, to - and

44 I apologise for the pronunciation, but what was included

45 was a transcript of the private hearing of Mr Rzesniowiecki

46 and relevant attachments for him. That was at 11 o'clock,

47 11pm, on the night of 1 October following Mr Zwier's

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1 letter.


3 On 2 October, solicitors for the Commission -

4 Commissioner, if you go to tab 5 you'll see the response

5 from solicitors to the Commission to Mr Zwier's 9.33pm

6 letter of 1 October 2015, the email:


8 Thank you for raising these issues with us.


10 Unfortunately with the Commission's current

11 reporting deadline of 31 December 2015

12 there is limited flexibility to reschedule

13 a 2 week hearing block and allow sufficient

14 period for written submissions.


16 The letter went on to state that there had been no delay in

17 providing affected parties with material relevant to the

18 next round of hearings. A reference was then made to

19 Practice Direction 13 of 25 September and went on to then

20 explain:


22 The Commission is entitled to keep evidence

23 confidential until it determines that its

24 publication will not interfere with the

25 integrity of other evidence it is gathering

26 or publication is otherwise necessary to

27 afford procedural fairness. As an

28 investigative body the Commission assembles

29 evidence and assesses its relevance to the

30 inquiry being undertaken. It is only when