Paper title – The title must fit on one or two lines (Times New Roman 16 pt bold, Style: Title)
Firstname Surname 1, Firstname Surname 2, and Firstname Surname 3(12 pt, Style: Author)
1Centre for Smart Infrastructure and Construction, Department of Architecture, Cambridge University, 1-5 Scroope Terrace, Trumpington Street,Cambridge CB2 1PX, United Kingdom
2Department of Engineering, Cambridge University, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1PZ, United Kingdom
3Institution, City, Country (10 pt Italic, Style: Affiliation)
Keywords: paper, headings, text, figures, tables, lists, references(max. 7 keywords, 10 pt, Styles: Keywords)
ABSTRACT (Style:AbstractHeading)
This document serves as the template and it explains how to prepare the full paper for submission to the 5th Symposium on Applied Urban Modelling. It also includes the instruction for submission and some other relevant information. The abstract should be a self-contained statement and provide a concise summary of the full paper, including the purpose of the study, approach, main findings, and interpretation of their significance.Spaces should be 18 pt between title and authors, 12 pt between authors and affiliations, 12 pt between affiliations and abstract, 6 pt underneath the heading ABSTRACT, and 12 pt underneath the abstract. (Style: Abstract)
Deadline for the submission of full papers is XXX, 2015.
Full papersshould include a short introduction to the subject.
Authors, who are entirely responsible for the formatting of their papers, should follow these instructions strictly. Authors are also responsible for the language in their papers. Papers and oral presentations in the conference should be written in correct British or American English.In addition, papers should not include any kind of commercialism.
At first,only full papers are uploaded in pdf format to ease the review process. The final versions of full papers and one-page abstracts, which are revised and formatted on the basis of the reviewers’ comments, should be uploaded in Microsoft Word (doc/ docx) format. The editorsare not expected to do any reformatting to the final papers.
2.First level heading (Times New Roman 11pt bold, Style: Heading 1)
Start writing body text here (Times New Roman 10pt, Style: Body Text).Papers must be written onA4 size paper (21 × 29.7cm).The left, right, top and bottom margins should be 1.5cm.The column width should be 87 mm.. The maximum length of paper is 8 pages (including figures, tables, references, appendices etc.).
Between the paragraphsof body text and after each heading there should be a space of 6 pt. Space before each level heading should be 12 pt. Themaximum number of heading levelsis limited to three.
Align text to the left. Use single line spacing. Do not indent the first line of paragraphs.Use justification (text aligned to both sides), butdo not usehyphenationand do not change thefont. If you need to emphasize parts of the text, use italic style (neither underlining nor bold). Do not add page numbers or headers and footers.They will be added later.
2.1Second level heading (Times New Roman 10pt bold, Style: Heading 2)
Start writing body text here.
2.1.1Third level heading (Times New Roman 10ptitalic, Style: Heading 3)
Start writing body text here.
2.1.2Figures and tables
Figures and tables should be numbered consecutively. Addfigure number and captionbelow each figure,and table number and caption above each table. Figure and table captions should be aligned to the left and the fontshould be Times New Roman 10pt (Styles:Figure Caption/ Table Caption).
Figures and tables should be aligned to the left and fit within the column width of 87 mm.Spacing between body text and a figure, a table, or their caption should be 9 pt and between caption and table or figure 3 pt. In tables should be used Times New Roman 9 pt, and in text, which is inside/ inserted on figures Arial 9 pt.Single figures or tables should not be embedded to body text.
Figures in the full paper can be coloured and should be clear. The resolution should be 150 × 150 dpi for photographs and 300 × 300 dpi for drawings, which are inserted as pictures.
In tables, explanations should be given at the foot of the table, not within the table itself. Footnotes should be set directly underneath the table, using reference marks such as *, **, etc. Align all headings to the left of their column and start these headings with an initial capital. Use only horizontal lines as table borders, like presented in Table 1.
Table1. Table caption (Times New Roman 10pt, Style:Table Caption)
(9 pt, Style: Table Text) / Margin (cm)Top* / 15
Bottom / 15
Left / 15
Right / 15
* Footnotes should be set directly underneath the table.
Fig. 1. Figure caption (Times New Roman 10pt, Style:Figure Caption)
All measuring units should be expressed according to the SI system.
Use the equation editor for writing equations (may be found in Insert menu, Object dialog box in most MS Word programs). Equations should not be indented and “Formula” style (10 pt) should be used. Number the equations consecutively and place the number with the tab key at the end of the line, between parentheses. Refer to equations by these numbers. See for example Eq.(1) below:
Fourier’slawfor heat transfer is defined as follows:
where q is the heat flux (W/m2), is the thermal conductivity (W/mK), and T is the temperature (K).
In lists, bullets are indented by 0.25 cm and text by 0.75cm from the left margin. As bullets are recommended to use solid spheres as follows:
- text (Style: Bulleted List)
- text
- text
Lists may also be numbered as follows:
- text (Style: Numbered List)
- text
- text
2.1.6Footnotes and endnotes
Footnotes and endnotes should not be used.
Summarise the main observations and research results. Try also to present concrete advices forresearchers in the fields,on how they can take into account and apply your results.
Acknowledgements (Times New Roman 11 pt bold, Style: AcknowledgementsHeading)
Start writing acknowledgments here (Times New Roman 10 pt, 10 pt line spacing, Style: Acknowledgments). It is appropriate to acknowledge the study participants for their time and contribution. Acknowledgments should be kept short and those should focus solely on the parties of the project. These can be for example financiers, researchers, study committeesand so on.
References (Times New Roman 11pt bold, Style: References Heading)
References in text are indicated using the name-year (Harvard) system, expressing writer(s) name and/or publishing year in parentheses as follows:
…according to the presented theory (Jin, 2012)…
…Jin (2012) has stated that according to the presented theory…
The order of fields in the reference list is: authors, year, (paper title,) publication title, (volume number,publication editors,publisher, town and country of the publisher,)page area/ total pages. Do not list any reference, which is not referred to in your text. References should be listed in alphabetic order as follows using the Reference List style(Times new Roman 10 pt, 10 pt line spacing):
Jin, Y. 2012. Cities without seams: forward planning for 2050. The Architectural Journal of China, 12: 70-84.
Hagen-Zanker, A and Y Jin. (2012. A new method of adaptive zoning for spatial interaction models.Geographical Analysis. Vol 44, pp281-301..
ISO 24353. 2008. Hygrothermal performance of building materials and products -- Determination of moisture adsorption/desorption properties in response to humidity variation.
Jin, Y. 2013. Urban microcirculation. Chapter 4 of Yao, R ed., Sustainable Built Environment Design and Management, 53-76. London: Springer.