At the end of the 1994/95 academic year she graduated with a first class degree from the University of Milan. The subject of her thesis was the History of Italian Law with reference to notorial acts of the 12th/13th centuries. Its title was “Limited partnerships in notorial acts of the 12th/13th centuries”. It was presented to Prof. Antonio Padoa Schioppa.
In 1996 she won the prize awarded by the Fondazione dott. Francesco de May and sponsored by the Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato for her proposed degree thesis. From January of the same year she took part in teaching activities of the istituto del diritto italiano at the University of Milan.
In 1999 she won the doctoral competition for research into Italian Law history with particolar reference to common and medieval law at the University of Milan, cycle XIV.
In the same year she joined in the teaching activities of the istituto di Storia del diritto italiano of the University of Milan-Bicocca both in the study of material of the examining commission of the History of Italian law ( basic course), and History of the Italian law ( advanced course), and engaging in the tutorial work of the chairs concerned.
In 2000 she qualified with maximum marks as barrister.
At the end of 2000/01 she received a doctorate research in History of Italian Law with particular reference to medieval and common law with a thesis on transaction entitled “ Study of civil settlements under common law in 1400/15000 especially in the Lombardy region”.
Since 2002 she has been a researcher at the l’istituto di Storia del diritto Medievale e Moderno at the University of Milan, now Dipartimento di Diritto privato e Storia del Diritto.
In context of her teaching activity she has on her own account held the following seminars: in 2003/04 with the title “ Text and themes of the history of Italian law “developed at the chair of the History of Medieval and Modern Law held by Prof. Antonio Padoa Schioppa; in 2004/05, 2005/06 and 2006/07 seminars entitled “ Exploration of sources and legal historiography “ and in 2007/08 “ Outlines of trend in the history of law “, all at the chair of the History of Medieval and Modern Law held by Prof.ssa Gigliola di Renzo Villata.
Since 1 November 2005 she has been an established researcher at this institute.
In addition in 2007/08 and 2008/09 she has been teaching the History of European Codification at the University of Bergamo.
She was also devoted to many researches (2002/ 2003/ 2006) funded by MIUR.
Workshop and Congress:
Roma, giugno 2005, CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE FORENSE, Progetto di studio sulla storia dell’avvocatura, workshop, held by Prof. Antonio Padoa Schioppa:Ad Auxilium Vocatus. Studi sul ‘praticantato’ in eta’ moderna.
Mirandola 19-20 ottobre 2006, International Congress, Giuseppe Luosi giurista italiano ed europeo: traduzioni, tradizioni e tradimenti della codificazione:Luosi, Romagnosi e la Scuola di Eloquenza forense.