Annual General Meeting ofthe CMMI Kolkata Chapter

The 2ndAnnual General Meeting of the Company of Master Mariners of India’s Kolkata Chapter(for the financial year ending 31st March, 2017) was held on 14th July, 2017 at Princeton Club, Kolkata. The AGM was chaired by Capt.Mukund Kumar, Chairman of the Chapter.

In his opening speech, the Chairman welcomed the members to theAGM and made the following points:

1) He highlighted that member strength of the Chapter hasreached 128.

2) He informed that Rs. Twenty OneLakhs had been invested as Fixed Deposit in the CMMI Kolkata Chapter Bank Account at Syndicate Bank.

3) Welcoming theDeputy Nautical Advisor-cum-Senior DDG (Tech), Mercantile Marine Department, Kolkata, Capt. Ravindra Sagar, he sought his views and support for further promotion of the image of CMMI.

4) Finally the Chairman expressed gratitude to

a) P.O. MMD Kolkata and other officers of MMD, Kolkata, who had always been so supportive of CMMI.

b) The Shipping Corporation of India, Kolkata, foraccommodating CMMI for some of its Monthly Lecture Meetings in their Board Room.

c) P.O. MMD Kolkata, Shri. S.K.Sinha, for allowing CMMI to hold most of its Monthly Lecture Meetings in the Board Room atMarine House, and also for allowing the use of the Marine House Annexe Building for the work of the Facilitation Centre and the Kolkata Chapter Office for a nominal charge.

d) Capt. Aninda Bhattacharyya, Deputy Chairman of the Chapter and Manager of M/s Dynacom Tankers Management Pvt. Ltd., Kolkata, for his valuable contribution in the membership drive of the Chapter.

e)All the sponsors who had always been so supportive of CMMI.

The minutes of the last AGM held on 08th July 2016, which was circulated to members along with the Agenda, were taken on record.

The Report of the CMMI Kolkata Chapter for the year ended 31.03.2017 was read out and taken on record.

The Auditor’s Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the Chapter for the year ended 31.03.2017was considered, and the same was adopted unanimously, without any query.

The auditors for the Chapter,M/s D. Bandyopadhyay & Co. were reappointed for the financial year 2017-18, for an agreed annual remuneration of Rs 7,500/- plus GST as applicable.

There being no other matter, the meeting ended with a vote of thanksto the chair, by the Secretary of the Chapter, Capt. Kaustuv Dutta.

Themeeting was followed by a sponsoreddinner.