CRJU492 InternshipPaper Rubric

Paper is worth a maximum of 100 points based on the following rubric.

Component or Paper Section / Excellent (A) / Good (B) / Average (C) / Poor (D-F) / SCORE
Cover Page / Includes paper title, internship site, semester, course, & student name.
(2 pts.) / Missing one required element (1.4-1.5pts.) / Missing more than one required element (0-1.3) pts.) / /2
Internship Site Description / This section includes detailed descriptions of your activities, observed behaviors, interactions, and environment. (9-10 pts.) / Missing one required element.
(8-8.9 pts.) / Missing two required elements.
(7-7.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements.
(0-6.9 pts.) / /10
Problem, issue, or creative approach / This section identifies and meaningfully discusses a problem/issue confronting the site OR identifies and meaningfully discusses a creative approach or innovationyour site implemented. Incorporates quotes or observations from the internship site.
(13.5-15 pts.) / Missing one required element.
(12-13.4 pts.) / Missing two required elements.
(10.5-11.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements.
(0-10.4 pts.) / /15
Literature Review / This section reviews relevant literature regarding the issue/innovation discussed in the prior section. Literature is properly applied and well-integrated, providing evidence supporting/opposing the problem/innovation. Connections are made to the internship site and class material.
(18-20 pts.) / Missing one required element.
(16-17.9 pts.) / Missing two required elements.
(14-15.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements.
(0-13.9 pts.) / /20
Recommendations / This section provides thoughtful solutions or recommendationsto the site that are grounded in experience at the site and are based on/applies the literatureand class material. Potential political, social, departmental, or fiscal implications are discussed.
(18-20 pts.) / Missing one required element.
(16-17.9 pts.) / Missing two required elements.
(14-15.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements.
(0-13.9 pts.) / /20
Conclusion / This section concludes paper and provides thoughtful feedback to faculty supervisor about quality of internship site (4.5-5 pts.) / Missing one required element
(4-4.4 pts.) / Missing two required elements
(3.5-3.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements
(0-3.4) pts.) / /5
Citations / Includes at least 15 peer-reviewed references, cited in the proper APA format throughout the text and in the reference page. All cited works appear in reference page and vice versa.
(9-10 pts.) / Missing one required element.
(8-8.9 pts.) / Missing two required elements.
(7-7.9 pts.) / Missing three or more required elements.
(0-6.9 pts.) / /10
Clarity / Paper is written in standard academic English and containsthree or fewerwriting errors. (13.5-15 pts.) / Paper is written in standard English but contains 4-6 writing errors.(12-13.4 pts.) / Paper is written in standard English but contains seven or more errors.(10.5-11.9 pts.) / Paper is unintelligible. (0-10.4 pts.) / /15
Length / Between 12 & 15 pages of body text, 12pt, times new roman font, 1 inch margins, double spaced, page numbers
(2.7-3 pts.) / Missing one required element
(2.4-2.6 pts.) / Missing 2 required elements
(2.1-2.3 pts.) / Missing 3 or more required elements
(0-2.0 pts) / /3
Total Score = / /100

Revised: Fall 2017