Paper and Allied Merchants Association, Coimbatore. –October2016

14-10-2016Chamber of Commerce Meeting Ms. Belinda Bell Judge Business School, Cambridge spoke on “Social Entrepreneurship” Attended by Mr. C. Balasubramanian.

17-10-2016Chamber of Commerce – Governing Council Meeting Attended by Mr. R. Ravi and Mr. C. Balasubramanian.

18-10-2016Chamber of Commerce – Experience sharing session with Mr. C.K. Ranganathan, CMD, Cavin Kare P Ltd. Attended by Mr. R. Ravi and Mr. C. Balasubramanian.

23-10-2016PAMA – Executive Committee Meeting at 8 AM

Subjects discussed:

  1. September – 2016 – Monthly Report sent to FPTA
  2. Members Family Meet.
  3. Deepavali Bonus for our Loadman

31-10-2016PAMA Monthly Report for October – 2016 sent to FPTA.

The Paper Merchants’ Welfare Association, Vijayawada- October 2016

Activities-Achievements-Updates during this Period by the Association

No. / Date / Name of the Activity / Description
1. / 7-10-2016 / 1st MC Meeting 2016-17 / 1. Accepted and Approved Last MC Meeting Minutes.
2. Accepted and Approved Cashflow statement
2016 - 2017 upto the period 30-9-16
3. Reviewed the arrangements made for PMWA 33rd
AGM and expenses incurred. Members sought to
increase the budget amount for the next year AGM
due to on growing cost of index.
4. Reviewed the FPTA 55th AGM held at Mumbai from 23rd to 25th September hosted by Paper Trader
Association, Mumbai. Members were elected from
PMWA, Vijayawada as FPTA MC Members are
1) Mr. Madhusudan Bang
M/s. Ramchandar Shivanarayan Sons, Vja-2.
2) Mr. V.V.D. Ramesh
M/s. Sri Ravi & Co.,Vja-1.
3) Mr. Nilesh Solanki
M/s. Vardhaman Paper Products, Vja-3.
4) Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tated
M/s. Venus Sationery Mart, Vja-1.
5) Mr. Pahar Singh Purohit
M/s. Suresh Paper Agencies, Vja-3.
6) Mr. A.T. Arasu (Co-Opted)
M/s. Arasu Papers, Vja-1.
Among them Mr. Madhusudan Bang was
nominated as FPTA website committee member for
the year 2016-17 Mr. Nilesh Solanki nominated as
FPTA GST Sub committee member forthe year
2016-2017. Mr. Rakesh Kumar Tated was nominated
FPTA subject sub committee member for the year
5. Selected and nominated PMWA Co-opted members for the managing committee 2016-2018 as detailed here under.
1) Mr. K. Nageswara Rao
M/s. Sree Srinivasa & Co., Vja-1.
2) Mr. D. Siva Sankar
M/s. Sai Binding Works, Vja-1.
3) Mr. Mafatlal Jain
M/s. Sri Swastic Agency, Vja-1.
4) Mr. Kundanmal Gandhi
M/s. Paras Enterprises, Vja-1.
5) Mr. Harishchand Bhandari
M/s. Kamalsri Papers, Vja-2.
6. Blood Donation Camp conducted on 2nd October
2016 :
The Blood Donation Camp was organised on the
occasion of 147th Birth Anniversary in memory of
Father of Nation Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October
2016 Sunday at Rotary Red Cross Blood Bank, D.No. 26-5-5, G.S. Raju Street, Gandhi Nagar, Vijayawada
at 8:30 hrs onwards. 45 members were attended to
donate blood for their charity but taken blood from
only 21 members by the doctor on their health
7. Discussions were made to celebrate Kartika
Vanasamaradhana (Diwali Garden Party) on
20-11-2016 Sunday and to identify decent and
pleasant location such as at groves or garden.
8. Committees formed to look after the function of
1. Scrutiny of New Membership Committee.
2. Communication Committee.
3. Negotiable Committee
Decission taken, If necessary certain committees will
be formed for the time being for fulfilling of the work
after that can be windup.
2. / 20-10-2016 / Emergency MC Meeting / Discussions made for celebration of Kartikavana
Samaradhana on Sunday 20-11-2016.
1. At Decent and Plesant location, Red Sandal Garden
is identified at Mulapadu 25Kms. to Vijayawada and
determined to celebrate there it self and formed
certain committees to run the function smoothly.
2. Committees are formed :
a) Food Committee : Consisting of 5 members
headed by PMWA Secretary to arrange delicious,
Hygienic and home made food and mineral water
to the participants.
b) Registration and Gifts Committee
c) Programme Organising Committee
d) Reception and Accommodation Committee
e) Transport Committee
Advised the members comprised in the committee
to look after work allotted to them excellently and
not to give any scope to others point it out.
3. Paid tickets are introduced to the participants
charging Rs. 300/- per person above 5 yrs and
below free of charge. Nearly 250 members are
expected. Complimentary tickets are given to
members who donated Amount during Krishna
Pushkaralu above Rs. 50,000/- 4 Tickets, below
Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 20,000/-and above 3 Tickets,
below Rs. 20,000/- 2 Tickets. M/s. Sri Gold Medal Paper Mart, Gandhinagar came
forward to donate Return Gifts to the participants
in this festive.
4. Managing Committee unanimously decided to
felicitate FPTA President Mr. Syamji Kariya and
Zonal FPTA Vice-President Mr. Vishnu Rathi on our gracious invitation in this occasion.

The Karnataka Paper Merchants’ & Stationers’ Association, Bangalore – Sep 2016 – Oct 2016

September 2016

Activities-Achievements-Updates during this Period by the Association

No. / Date / Name of the Activity / Description
1 / 18-09-2016 / Members Get together / The President Hosted a Members get together at Miraya Greens ,Bannerghatta Road, Bangalore for the members of KPMSA. It was well attended function and various sports & cultural activities were conducted. The Prize Money of the Sports Event was Donated to Social Cause by the Winning Teams.
2 / 23,24,25-09-2016 / FPTA AGM @ Mumbai / Twenty Delegates from KPMSA Participated at FPTA AGM Held at Mumbai. Our Shri B Uttamchand Jain was nominated as FPTA Vice President South.
3 / 28-09-2016 / Managing Committee Meeting / Nominations forms received were scrutinised by the scrutinising committee, Day to day working of the Association was also discussed.
4 / 29-09-2016 / Office Bearers Meet / The Office bearers met to discuss the Conduct of Annual General Meeting of the Association & also finalise various Awards.

October 2016

No. / Date / Name of the Activity / Description
1 / 02-10-2016 / AGM / We held our AGM at Hotel CRN Canary, Shri B Uttamchand Jain was felicitated, Other Awards were given, and Membership Certificates were issued to new Members. The Accounts for the year ended 31-03-2016 passed, Trade Matters and other general matters were discussed. The New Office Bearers and Managing Committee were selected.
2 / 05-10-2016 / MC Meeting / The First MC Meeting of the New team was held. 3 Members were co-opted, Sub Committees were formed and Chairman Selected. It was decided to celebrate Karnataka Rajyotsava (Formation Day) on 01/11/2016, with some Cultural Programs or Social Activity.
3 / 20-10-2016 / Office Bearers Meet / The Office Bearers Met and finalized to hold a Blood Donation Camp on 01-11-2016.
4 / 24-10-2016 / Emergency MC Meeting / An Emergency Meeting of MC Members was called to finalize the Plan of Action for Conducting Blood Donation Camp
5 / 26,27-10-2016 / President, Secretary, and Various MC Members visited KPMSA Members Shops and canvassed Shop Owners, Staff Members to take part in Blood Donation Camp. We have Collected names of Approximately 100 willing Donors.
6 / 31-10-2016 / Deepavali Wishes / Members visited various shops and exchanged Deepavali Wishes.


Activities-Achievements-Updates during this Period by the Association

No. / Date / Name of the Activity / Description
1. / 3rd Managing Committee Meeting / Managing committee meeting was held on 18.10.16 to discuss matter related to Association Activities Mainly Kagaz Bhavan,ArbitrationBoard and other committee activities were discussed.
The following Activities have been decided:
1.Diwali Milan has been finalized at Mrugavani Resorts on 13.11.16.
2.Cricket Tournament has been finalized on 18.12.16.
2. / FPTA Circulars / All the circulars and mails sent by you are circulated to all the members of our association.