Medicine notes check list
Paper 1: sources and K+U questions on medicine (and American West)
Paper 2: source based paper on Public Health 1800-1914
Prehistoric/Egyptian/Greek/ Roman
Yes / No / CompletedI know what prehistoric people
believed caused illness and how they treated it
I know what the Theory of the Channels is and why the Egyptians believed in it
I know how lifestyle and beliefs affected Egyptian medicine
I know why religion helped and hindered Egyptian medicine
I know why Hippocrates is important
I know why the theory of the 4 humours fitted in with Greek ideas
I know what happened in an Asclepion and why the Greeks believed in Asclepius as well as 4 humours
I know why Alexandria is important
I know the features of a Roman army hospital
I know which ideas carried on from the Greeks and which were new Roman ideas
I know why Galen is important
I know how the Roman Public Health system worked
I know about surgery for each time period
Middle Ages
I know why they were still reading Galen and medicine has moved ‘backwards’I know what they thought caused the Black Death and how they tried to deal with it
I know what public health was like
I know how doctors treated people
I know about surgery in the middle ages
I know how medieval hospitals worked
I know how Arab medical ideas compared with European ideas
I know how the church helped and hindered medicine
The Medical Renaissance
I know why Vesalius is importantI know why Pare is important
I know why Harvey is important
I know why new ideas were able to be discovered in the Renaissance
I know what they thought caused the Great Plague and how they tried to deal with it
I know why despite advances, treatments didn’t really change in the Renaissance
I know what quack doctors were
I know why Edward Jenner is important and why people opposed vaccination
C19th and C20th: Hospitals/ nursing/ women
I know whether you could see a woman doctor in 1800sI know why Florence Nightingale is important
I know why Mary Seacole is important
C19th and C20th
Fighting infection
I know what they believed caused disease at the beginning of the C19thI know Pasteur’s germ theory and how he discovered it
I know how Koch proved germ theory
I know how Pasteur discovered how vaccination worked and vaccines he developed
I know how Salvarsan 606 was discovered
I know how Prontosil was discovered
I know how penicillin was discovered then developed
C19th and C20th: Public health
I know what caused public health problems in C19thI know what they thought caused cholera, how John Snow discovered that cholera was spread in water and also why his idea didn’t change anything
I know the role of Edwin Chadwick in public health reform
I know why there was opposition to public health reform
I know what the 1848 Public Health Act did
I know what the 1875 Public Health Act did and why it came about
I know what the Liberal reforms of 1906-1914 did
I know how and why the NHS was set up
I know how the NHS has had an impact on public health
I know how housing and air quality has been improved
C19th and C20th: Surgery
I know what surgery was like before mid C19thI know why Simpson is important
I know why Lister is important
I know why there was opposition to Simpson and Lister
I know how WW1and 2 had an impact on surgery
Factors (affected= helped and/ or hindered in different time periods)
I can give specific examples of how religion has affected medicineI can give specific examples of how government has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how chance has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how communication has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how individuals have affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how technology has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how war has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how conservative attitudes have affected medicine
I know how knowledge of the human body continued/ changed over timeI know how knowledge of the cause of illness continued/ changed over time
I know how treatments continued/ changed over time
I know how healers continued/ changed over time
I know how surgery continued/ changed over time
I know how public health continued/ changed over time