Medicine notes check list

Paper 1: sources and K+U questions on medicine (and American West)

Paper 2: source based paper on Public Health 1800-1914

Prehistoric/Egyptian/Greek/ Roman

Yes / No / Completed
I know what prehistoric people
believed caused illness and how they treated it
I know what the Theory of the Channels is and why the Egyptians believed in it
I know how lifestyle and beliefs affected Egyptian medicine
I know why religion helped and hindered Egyptian medicine
I know why Hippocrates is important
I know why the theory of the 4 humours fitted in with Greek ideas
I know what happened in an Asclepion and why the Greeks believed in Asclepius as well as 4 humours
I know why Alexandria is important
I know the features of a Roman army hospital
I know which ideas carried on from the Greeks and which were new Roman ideas
I know why Galen is important
I know how the Roman Public Health system worked
I know about surgery for each time period

Middle Ages

I know why they were still reading Galen and medicine has moved ‘backwards’
I know what they thought caused the Black Death and how they tried to deal with it
I know what public health was like
I know how doctors treated people
I know about surgery in the middle ages
I know how medieval hospitals worked
I know how Arab medical ideas compared with European ideas
I know how the church helped and hindered medicine

The Medical Renaissance

I know why Vesalius is important
I know why Pare is important
I know why Harvey is important
I know why new ideas were able to be discovered in the Renaissance
I know what they thought caused the Great Plague and how they tried to deal with it
I know why despite advances, treatments didn’t really change in the Renaissance
I know what quack doctors were
I know why Edward Jenner is important and why people opposed vaccination

C19th and C20th: Hospitals/ nursing/ women

I know whether you could see a woman doctor in 1800s
I know why Florence Nightingale is important
I know why Mary Seacole is important

C19th and C20th

Fighting infection

I know what they believed caused disease at the beginning of the C19th
I know Pasteur’s germ theory and how he discovered it
I know how Koch proved germ theory
I know how Pasteur discovered how vaccination worked and vaccines he developed
I know how Salvarsan 606 was discovered
I know how Prontosil was discovered
I know how penicillin was discovered then developed

C19th and C20th: Public health

I know what caused public health problems in C19th
I know what they thought caused cholera, how John Snow discovered that cholera was spread in water and also why his idea didn’t change anything
I know the role of Edwin Chadwick in public health reform
I know why there was opposition to public health reform
I know what the 1848 Public Health Act did
I know what the 1875 Public Health Act did and why it came about
I know what the Liberal reforms of 1906-1914 did
I know how and why the NHS was set up
I know how the NHS has had an impact on public health
I know how housing and air quality has been improved

C19th and C20th: Surgery

I know what surgery was like before mid C19th
I know why Simpson is important
I know why Lister is important
I know why there was opposition to Simpson and Lister
I know how WW1and 2 had an impact on surgery

Factors (affected= helped and/ or hindered in different time periods)

I can give specific examples of how religion has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how government has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how chance has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how communication has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how individuals have affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how technology has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how war has affected medicine
I can give specific examples of how conservative attitudes have affected medicine


I know how knowledge of the human body continued/ changed over time
I know how knowledge of the cause of illness continued/ changed over time
I know how treatments continued/ changed over time
I know how healers continued/ changed over time
I know how surgery continued/ changed over time
I know how public health continued/ changed over time