Student Learning Outcome Assessment
SLO 1:. / SLO 2: / SLO 3:
SLO 4: / SLO 5:
Approved Methods of Assessing SLOs:(these are taken directly off your COURSE OUTLINE OF RECORD & accepted for all courses at LTCC)) / MASLO used:
(Method of Assessment) Give detail!
Exam/Test/Quiz / SLO 1:
Written Assignment / SLO 2:
Presentation/Performance / SLO 3:
Self-evaluation / SLO 4:
Group activity/Project / SLO 5:
Lab report
Rubric for assessing SLOs:
Mastery: Student shows complete understanding of material and has little to no errors. / Some understanding: Student shows average understanding, but lacks detail. / No understanding: Student clearly did not understand the material.
SLO(% of students)
If students did not participate in the assessment, do not include them in your results. / Mastery
(This is up to each individual instructor to determine what mastery, some understanding and no understanding mean!) / Some Understanding / No understanding
Conclusions:For EACH SLO, answer the following questions:
1)Was instructor satisfied with the results of each Student Learning Outcome? Or Not? If so, why not?
2)Did the assessment method that you chose work? Why or why not?
3)Does this SLO adequately assess what you teach?
4)Will you change anything next time you teach this? Is there anything you need in order to make this effective change? Resource allocation?
5)If assessed before and expectations were not met or recommendations were made, how were they implemented this assessment cycle? How is this course showing continual improvement?
6)How have you dialogued with your department about these results? How and when? If not yet, what are your plans?
SLO #1: DOES THIS SLO MEET YOUR EXPECTAITIONS? YES or NO (Circle or highlight one)
SLO #2: DOES THIS SLO MEET YOUR EXPECTAITIONS? YES or NO (Circle or highlight one)
SLO #3: DOES THIS SLO MEET YOUR EXPECTAITIONS? YES or NO (Circle or highlight one)
SLO #4: DOES THIS SLO MEET YOUR EXPECTAITIONS? YES or NO (Circle or highlight one)
Budget Recommendations: If your recommendation has budget implications, please give detail below. Please also give a cost estimate! This PROCESS WILL justify purchases in your department!!!! PUT N/A if there are NONE to speak of!
SLO #1:
SLO #2:
SLO #3:
SLO #4:
SLO #5:

Assessment Coordinator - LTCC 1 of 212/13/2018