Keep Australia Beautiful WA’s Community Litter Grants provide financial support and guidance to individuals, communities and organisations for the implementation of projects which make lasting changes to reduce litter and change littering behaviour.
The grant program encourages integrated litter prevention incorporating education, infrastructure and enforcement as key elements and which are consistent with the Keep Australia Beautiful Council’s Litter Prevention Strategy for Western Australia (available at
Level of Funding
KABC will provide grants up to $10,000 for:
- regional projects
- major initiatives
And up to $5,000 for:
- Single municipal projects or local area projects.
Financial and/or in kind contributions from project partners will be expected.
Who can apply?
- Local government authorities
- Small to medium enterprises
- Local associations
- Community groups
- Schools
KABC Funding Priorities
- Projects which make lasting changes to reduce litter and change litter behaviour.
- Projects which include the following sites: sporting and recreation venues, shopping and commercial precincts, roadsides and waterways.
- Projects which address specific issues such as: illegal dumping, cigarette butts and beverage containers.
- Trial projects which will develop a model for future litter projects.
All eligible applications must:
- Demonstrate engagement of key stakeholders in the planning and delivery of the program.
- Demonstrate initial research and be based on best available practice through an integrated approach (information can be found at
- Be consistent with the KABC’s Litter Prevention Strategy for Western Australia.
- Undertake evaluation of the project outcomes including litter reduction and changes in littering behaviour.
- Contribute resources towards their project, either financial or in-kind.
- Have the potential to be a model for other initiatives.
- Be completed and reported on by 15 April 2015.
Projects considered inappropriate for funding
Funding will not be provided for projects which:
- Only address infrastructure (i.e. only the purchasing of bins).
- Only comprise litter clean ups.
- Include travel interstate or overseas.
- Include payment of staff time or wages.
- Request retrospective payments for projects that have already begun.
Assessment criteria
Eligible projects will be assessed against the following:
- Research – local litter data (Local Litter Check) or a stated understanding of the litter problem in the project area. Also, consider research into litter prevention strategies as described by other organisations nationally and/or internationally.
- Project reach – the scope of the project.
- Partnerships – demonstrated engagement of stakeholders in the planning and delivery of the project.
- Integration – demonstrated integration of approaches to litter reduction.
- Evaluation – methodology including a sound approach to monitoring outcomes.
- Innovation – whether the project possibly provides a model for others.
- Cost effectiveness – cost measured against anticipated benefits.
- Before funding is approved, the applicant must advise (via a form) the KABWAwhether it is registered or required to be registered for GST purposes. The organisation must have an ABN registration.
- Allocation of funding may be used only for the purpose outlined in the ‘agreement’ based on information supplied in the application. Failure to do so may result in refusal to pay the final payment or a requirement to repay all funds.
- Recipients must formally acquit their grant funds within eight weeks of the completion of the project and prior to final acquittal date, 15 April 2015. Acquittal and evaluation forms will be provided.
- An acknowledgment of funding assistance by Keep Australia Beautiful Western Australia must be included in any advertising and on any material relating to the project for which the funds were allocated including the KABC logo.
Deadline for Submissions:
Applications must reach Keep Australia Beautiful Western Australia by mail or by email by 5.00pm 15 October 2014.
Hard copy submissions should be sent to:Keep Australia Beautiful Western Australia
Litter Prevention Grants
Locked Bag 33 Cloisters Square
PERTH WA 6850 / Electronic submissions should be emailed to:
Please mark subject: Litter Prevention Grant Application 2014
Grants Timeline
Activity / TimelineApplications open / 25August 2014
Applications close / 15October 2014
Assessment of applications / October2014
Announcement of successful grant projects / November 2014
Execution of Contract Agreements for successful projects / Nov 2014 - April 2015
Provision of project update reports / February 2015
Projects completed and submission of final evaluation reports / 30 April 2015
Final project payment / May 2015 (Note: those that do not submit their final report by the due date will be ineligible for the final payment.)
Further information:
For further information regarding the Community Litter Grants or for advice regarding your proposed project please contact:
Keep Australia Beautiful Council (WA) Telephone: (08) 6467 5122Email:
Address / POSTCODE
Title / First name / Surname
Email address
Postal address
(if different to above)
Telephone work / Mobile
Email address
Postal address
Telephone – Mobile
Along with your application form pages 5-8 of this document need to be submitted to KABC
Deadline for Submissions:
Applications must reach Keep Australia Beautiful Western Australia by mail or by email by 5.00pm 15 October 2014
Hard copy submissions should be sent to:Keep Australia Beautiful Western Australia
Community Litter Grants
Locked Bag 33
Cloisters Square
PERTH WA 6850 / Electronic submissions should be emailed to:
Please mark subject: Community Litter Grant Application
ABOUT YOUR PROJECT – submissions should be no longer than fourpages, plus the cover sheet, budget and timeline templates. The submission need to be concise and must provide information on the following areas. Please use the below headings in your submission.
-This section should include a clear rationale for the project as well as a summary of what the project will entail.
-What is the problem you are addressing? What do you propose to do about the problem? What do you hope to achieve?
-What are the key project messages and why were they chosen?
-Ensure your project is integrated and includes a variety of behaviour change components.
-Define and explain the projects objective and specific litter issue to be addressed.
-Ensure the project objectives are specific, measurable and achievable.
-Outline how the project meets KABC funding priorities as outlined on page 2.
-Provide details on how the strategies will support the project objective and implementation
-Is your project based on a previous case study which has proven to be effective?
-Is this a staged project – if yes, which stage is this application referring to?
-How will this project be sustained beyond KABC funding?
-Detail how you will reduce waste, reuse or recycle materials and minimise impact on the environment during delivery of your objectives.
-Define the target group and size that the project seeks to target using demographic information such as age, gender and ethnicity.
-Define the project area and briefly describe the location.
-Indicate number of volunteers that are proposed to be involved in the project(if any) and the number of volunteer hours worked that will be contributed overall to the project by those volunteers.
-List those groups that are partners in this program and what they are contributing, detail ‘in-kind’ support in the project budget.
-Detail project activities in the timeline document on page 7.
-Include start and finish dates, and a list of activities and project implementation details.
-Outline strategies to launch, publicise and promote the project to your community and broader areas.
-State opportunities for acknowledgement of KABC funding and use of our logo.
-In the attached budget on page 8, include an itemisedbreakdown of estimated project costs and state the amount of funding sought from KABC for each item.
-Indicate ‘in-kind’ support in the project budget.
- EVALUATION100words
-State the project objectives and the proposed evaluation method for each item. (Eg. Audits, photographic evidence, design briefs, questionnairesetc).
-The evaluation needs to include tangible results to show the success of the project. The evaluation methods need to be decided upon before the project commences.
Project timelineActivity / Objective / Start Date / End Date
Project Budget
Expenditure item / Cost / GST / Total Cost
Total costs
Organisation name / Hours of contribution / Rate / Total value of in kind contribution
Total expenditure + Total in kind
Total project value
Applicant financial contribution
Other financial contribution
KABC funding sought
- Declaration
I declare that the information presented on this form is correct and understand that if the grant is approved by KABC, we will abide by the undertakings and conditions outlined in the information kit.