Urgent Plea

Charlemagne's father, Pepin the Short,had delivered a crushing defeat to the Lombards (an enemy Germanic Tribe in Italy), but he had not totally defeated them. The Church is now threatened once more. Rome needs a champion!
In 772, Charlemagne receives an urgent plea for aid from Pope Adrian I, whose territories have been invaded by the Lombards.
Charlemagne crosses the Alps with two armies. In 774 he decisively overthrows the kingdom of the Lombards, and proclaims himself King of the Lombards. Charlemagne is now in control of Italy.
Italy is again united for the first time in centuries. Charlemagne is heralded as defender of the Church and guardian of the Christian faith. The Frankish monarchy and the Papacy (Pope) stands in partnership against the enemies of civilization!
Charles is now the most visible ruler in Europe. History will know him as Charlemagne" Charles the Great."

Papal Misconduct?

It is 795. There is a new Pope — Leo III — in Rome. He immediately recognizes Charlemagne as father of the Romans.
By now, Western Christendom fully recognizes the Pope of Rome as head of the Catholic Church. But there are elements within the city of Rome itself that wish to see Leo deposed and another candidate crowned as Pope in his stead.
In the spring of 799, Pope Leo is accused of lying and adultery. At a local celebrations, he was attacked by a body of armed men. He was dashed to the ground, and an effort was made to root out his tongue and tear out his eyes. After he had been left for a time bleeding in the street, he was hurried off at night to a local monastery. There, he recovered the full use of his eyes and tongue. Escaping from the monastery, he betook himself to Charlemagne, accompanied by many of the Romans. He was received by the Frankish king.

In late 799, after a few months' stay in Germany, the Charlemagne escorted him back to Rome. The pope's enemies were then tried by Charlemagne's court and was unable to find him guilty of any crime.

Central Event

Charlemagne remains in Rome for the Christmas holidays. On Christmas Day, A.D. 800, the king of the Franks attends a service in St. Peter's Basilica on Vatican Hill.
Charlemagne kneels before the altar in worship. There is a dramatic hush in the church. As the great king rises, Pope Leo, without warning, suddenly turns around and places a golden crown on the monarch's head
Immediately the assembled people cry in unison: "Long life and victory to Charlemagne, crowned by God, great and peace-giving Emperor of the Romans!"
The Pope has crowned Charlemagne as "Emperor of the Romans"!
Something profound has occurred. The West once more has an emperor!
Historians will look back on this as the central event of the entire Middle Ages. The issue now is does the pope have to power to choose who is emperor?


Critical Thinking Questions- Record the answers to the following questions at the bottom of your timeline:

1.Why did Pope Adrian I and Pope Leo III need the help and cooperationof the Frankish king, King Charlemagne?

2.In your opinion why do you think Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne Emperor of the Roman Empire?

3. Describe, in your own words, the issue with the Pope taking on the power to crown emperors in Europe?