Introduction to the Civil War Stations

Station A: Life of a Soldier (Confederate vs. Union)

Who were some of the soldiers that fought in the Civil War?
Main Occupation: / Average Age: / Average Height: / Average Weight: / Literacy Rate:
Union Soldier: / Confederate Soldier:
Number of Soldiers:
Monthly Wages:
Monthly Rations:
Supplies and Munition:

Station B: Weapons of War

Napoleon Field Gun:

Ammunition: / Production: / Pros: / Cons: / Turning Point: / Did you know?

Minie` Ball:

Caliber: / Production: / Pros: / Cons: / Turning Point: / Did you know?

Spencer Repeating Rifle:

Ammunition: / Production: / Pros: / Cons: / Turning Point: / Cost:

The Railroad:

Year Invented: / Union Tracks: / Conf. Tracks: / Pros: / Cons: / Turning Point:
New: / Existing:


Year Invented: / Union Wires: / Conf. Wires: / Pros: / Cons: / Turning Point:
New: / Existing:

Station C: How the Soldiers Died

How many died? / % of population dead: / White Fatality Rate: / Black Fatality Rate:

Death by wounds:

Odds of surviving a wound during the Civil War: / Odds of surviving a wound by the Korean War:

Death in prison camps:

Number of people who died in prison camps: / % of overall deaths did this account for:

Death by diseases:

Diarrhea: / Typhoid Fever: / Lung Inflammation: / Dysentery: / Childhood Diseases:
Cases: / Deaths:
Cases: / Deaths:
Cases: / Deaths:
Cases: / Deaths:

Station D: 5 Deadliest Battles of the Civil War

Battle of Gettysburg:

Where & When: / Commanding Officer: / Number of days: / Casualties: / Forces Engaged: / Winner:
When: / Union:
Confederate: / Union:
Total: / Union:

Battle of Chickamauga:

Where & When: / Commanding Officer: / Known As: / Casualties: / Forces Engaged: / Winner:
When: / Union:
Confederate: / Union:
Total: / Union:

Battle of Chancellorsville:

Where & When: / Commanding Officer: / Whoops: / Casualties: / Forces Engaged: / Winner:
When: / Union:
Confederate: / Union:
Total: / Union:

Battle of Spotsylvania:

Where & When: / Commanding Officer: / How long did the fighting last: / Casualties: / Forces Engaged: / Winner:
When: / Union:
Confederate: / Union:
Total: / Union:

Battle of the Wilderness:

Where & When: / Commanding Officer: / Officers killed or injured: / Casualties: / Forces Engaged: / Winner:
When: / Union:
Confederate: / Union:
Total: / Union:

Station E: A Nation Divided

The Missouri Compromise:

Why were the North and South arguing over the creation of Missouri being added as a new state to the union?
How were the Northern and Southern states able to reach a compromise over Missouri?
What was the intent of the Missouri Compromise?

The Compromise of 1850:

What did the Northern States gain with the Compromise of 1850?
What did the Southern States gain with the Compromise of 1850?
Where both sides happy with the compromise? Why or Why not?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act:

As the United States expanded westward, why did Stephen Douglas bow to Southern States demands?
With the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, who got to decide if slavery was allowed in new territories?
What was the North’s reaction to this act?
Slave States and Territories: / Territories Open to Slavery: / Free States and Territories:
Bleeding Kansas:
How did settlers from Missouri impact elections in Kansas on where to allow slavery or not?
What was John Brown’s response to those who supported slavery in Kansas? What was the national impact?
Describe what you observe in the political cartoon. What was the intent of the political cartoon?

Station F: Conflicting Viewpoints on Slavery

The Fugitive Slave Act:

What was the Fugitive Slave Act? Why was it included in the Compromise of 1850?
What was the unintended result of the Fugitive Slave Act on Northerners? What makes you say that?

Dred Scott Decision:

Why was the Dred Scott v. Sanford such a controversial Supreme Court case?
Why was his case dismissed? What was the lasting legacy of the Supreme Court’s decision to dismiss the case?

Emancipation Proclamation:

What did Abraham Lincoln declare with the Emancipation Proclamation?
What immediate impact did the Emancipation Proclamation have on slavery? Long term impact?

Ku Klux Klan (KKK):

Why was the KKK founded? Who was the original “Grand Wizard?”
How did the federal government attempt to limit the violence of the KKK?

Reconstruction Amendments:

What was the purpose of the 13th Amendment? When was it passed?
What was the purpose of the 14th Amendment? When was it passed?
What was the purpose of the 15th Amendment? When was it passed?

Station G: Andersonville Prison

Overview of Andersonville:

What was Andersonville? What was the size and overall number of prisoners there?
What were conditions like for Union soldiers at Andersonville?
What was the death toll at Andersonville? After the end of the war, what did the Union military commission try to do to the commanding officer at Andersonville?

Images of Andersonville:

Image A: / Image B: / Image C:
See: Describe what you see (observe) in the images
Think: What do you think the image tells of the conditions of Andersonville
Wonder: What are you left wondering about the image?