PANTHER PREP: Using a Computer
North Central High School
PANTHER PREP: Using a Computer
Instructions: Read the following instructions carefully and create the documents required.
PART I: Creating a Document with Microsoft Word®
- Open Microsoft Word® and create a new blank document.
- Add a “Header” by clicking on View then select Header/Footer. Your header should consist of your First and Last Name, The course name (Panther Prep) and your teacher’s name. Your header should be right justified.
- Add a footer that consists of a page number by clicking the number sign (#) in the tool bar. Your footer should be right justified. Then click close.
- Add a title in 18pt. type, in Arial font. Your title should be CENTERED, BOLDED and UNDERLINED. Your title should be “Outline of (title of your favorite movie.)”
- Create an outline for favorite movie. Use 10pt. type in Arial font. Each major point (I:, II:, III:) should include at least 3 sub-points (A:, B:, C:) and each sub point should include at least 2 sub-sub points (i:, ii:, iii:). Using the following major points:
- Major Characters
- Locations
- Plot
- Using the Internet, insert at least 3 pictures from your favorite movie in a horizontal row. To do this, insert a picture, then double click on it. Select Layout and select Tight. You can then click and drag them into place. Resize each picture to be the same size.
- And a caption under each photo that describes it by adding a textbox to each. To do this, click Insert, then Textbox.
- Save your document in your documents folder and on your flash drive by using the following format for the name: LASTNAME PP Word.doc.
- Print the document and retrieve it from the printer.
- Close the document by clicking on Word and selecting Quit Word.
PART II: Creating a Spreadsheet and Graphs with Microsoft Excel®
- Open Microsoft Excel® and create a new black document.
- With help from the teacher, take a poll to see which middle schools your classmates attended.
- Enter the data into Sheet 1 and create a pie graph to represent the data.
- Be sure that your graph includes a title, labels, and percents.
- With help from your teacher, take a poll to see how many of your classmates prefer different styles of music. Each student can pick up to 3 styles of music.
- Enter the data into Sheet 2 and create a bar graph to represent your data.
- Be sure that your graph includes a title, axis labels, and totals.
- With help from your teacher, take a pole to see how much television you and your classmates watch each day in 30 minute intervals.
- Enter the data into Sheet 3 and create a line graph to represent your data.
- Be sure that your graph includes a title and axis labels.
- Save your document in your documents folder on your flash drive by using the following format for the name: LASTNAME PP Excel.doc.
- Leave the program running.
Part III: Creating a Presentation with Microsoft PowerPoint®
- Open Microsoft PowerPoint® and create a new presentation.
- Select a design of your own choosing.
- For the first slide, select the Title layout and give the presentation an appropriate title (EXAMPLE: Middle Schools, Music, and Television.)
- In the sub-title text include of your First and Last Name, The course name (Panther Prep) and your teacher’s name.
- Now create 3 new slides, title each one, then copy and paste one of your graphs on each slide. (You should have a total of 4 slides.)
- Save your document in your documents folder on your flash drive by using the following format for the name: LASTNAME PP PowerPoint.doc.
- Print the document by selecting the Handout format and select 4 slides per page.
- Close the presentation by clicking on PowerPoint and selecting Quit PowerPoint.
- Close your spreadsheet by clicking on Excel and selecting Quit Excel.
- Staple your Word document on top of your PowerPoint handout and turn them in to your teacher.