Panther Diamond Club Board Meeting Minutes
16 November 2017
In attendance:
- Coach Tom Nergard Jerry Adrusko
- Polly Carlson Andy Clausen
- Angie Holm
- Debbie Mack
- Tracy Stewart
Called to order: by Polly Carlson at 6:33 pm.
Secretary’s Report:
- Motion to approve the October 12, 2017 meeting minutes by Tracy Stewart Seconded by Debbie Mack Unanimously approved
- Tracy gave the mail to Angie, which consisted of the new PDC Debit Card and the renewal for the PDC PO Box.
President’s Report:
- PDC Board needs to decide what the 2018 fundraiser events will be and submit our application to the high school.
- Polly would like Debbie to contact Save Around and see if the fundraising dates would apply to our fundraising season
- PDC Board will finalize the 2018 fundraising agenda at the December 6, 2017 board meeting, (Cub, Chipotle, business letters, letter campaign sponsorship, etc.)
- Polly will email Coach Nergard the donation form
- Polly, check your credit card for Sports Engine charge
Vice President’s report: Absent
- Coach Nergard and Chris will connect and discuss sending a letter to BALL
- Add PDC non-profit number to Sports Engine Website
Treasurer’s Report:
- Angie received all the PDC Treasurer documents/files from Scott Knight
- Angie received the PDC debit card and will activate
- Angie will pay the PO Box renewal fee
- PDC Board will approve the 2018 budget during the December 6, 2017 meeting, send wish list to Angie ASAP
- Angie will ask Coach Schlieff what vendor he uses for clothing
Coach’s Report:
- Coach will contact clothing rep. and invite to our December 6 meeting
- 2018 baseball schedule is complete (20 games)
- Coach will talk to Matt St. Martin to schedule open gym times for the players
- Coach will contact Matt Held to see where he is at will possible spring training space, and to reiterate the PDC Board will not cover individual player fees for his services
- Coach has a meeting scheduled with Coach Schlieff to setup weight room times for the baseball players for conditioning and strength training
- Coach will contact the Legion Commander and inquire about donation
- Mr. Clausen, asked Coach Nergard, if the players would be in jeopardy of not making a baseball team if they were not present during the pre-season conditioning and throwing practice during spring break. Since the conditioning and throwing practice is March 12-15th and spring sports has not officially started, players who will be on spring break with their family will not be penalized for missing pre-season conditioning
- Coach will send his 2018 wish list to Angie
Volunteer/Fundraiser Coordinator’s Report:
- Need 3-4 volunteers for the following concession dates: December 12, 2017 and February 12, 2018 from 5:00-9:00 PM.
- Debbie will contact Save Around and see if the fundraising dates apply to our fundraising season
New Business:
- Finalize Budget
- Finalize Fundraising
- Discuss locations for spring training, dates, and Captains Practice
Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 6 from 6:30-8:00 PM. in room A120
Motion to adjournBy Debbie Mack Seconded by Polly Carlson Unanimously approved
Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Tracy Stewart, PDC Secretary