Page 1 Mission Action Plan RECORDLiving God’s Love

Mission Action Plan SUMMARY

This form is designed to help parishes to summarise their Mission Action Plan. It can be used in conjunction with the Mission Action Plan RECORD form. Please note, this SUMMARY is the form to send to Bishop Alan (NB please see overleaf for details of the address to use).

This form can be filled in on a computer as a Word Document or printed off and completed by hand. You can also complete it online on . Parishes will be sent login details.

Our Details

Name of Parish / St Francis of Assisi, WelwynGarden City
Deanery / Welwyn Hatfield
MAP Contact Person
Name and email / Jenny Fennell –

Dates the key date is the one on which the MAP is adopted by the PCC

If appropriate, the date that the previous MAP was adopted by the PCC / March 2013

This MAP

MAP adopted by PCC / Nov. 2014 / MAP presented to APCM
MAP Summary sent to Bishop / Feb 2015 / MAP Review planned for / Jan. 2016

Our Looking

Identify three key things about your parish (and the wider context)
and three key things about your church.

Three things we have seen about our parish and our world
1. People are time poor
2. Difficult economic times – unemployment, less people taking early retirement
3. A hunger for things spiritual
Three things we have seen about our church
1. Less time and more stress
2. Number of young people has declined over a generation
3. Active but not always widely known

Our Discerning

Please summarise your Vision, Priorities and Goals.

Our Vision is
How we want to be described in five years’ time.
An overflowing church, a ‘humming hub’ which is engaged in service to the whole community. A place which enables people to connect with (or reconnect with) God in an accessible, active, inclusive, welcoming and spiritual way.
Our Priorities are
Our three key priorities for the next five years.
1. Effective promotion of God’s love within the wider community (ministry of welcome outside the church)
2. Fostering and developing faith, both individual and within our church and parish
3. Developing work with children and families

It might be helpful for each priority to reflect one of the themes of Living God’s Love.

You may, of course, have other priorities in your MAP.

Our Goals are
Our five key SMART goals for the next year or more.
1. To increase our engagement with Secondary aged children, including our uniformed organizations
2. To recruit more volunteers in all areas of our church life
3. To offer more prayer and study opportunities and measure their success
4. To develop a plan for a more formal pastoral network by Easter 2015
5. To embrace and achieve the 80th Anniversary Project’s activities as a whole

You may, of course, have other Goals in your MAP

Please send this form, either by post or email, to Bishop Alan or submit it online

emailSave it as a file something likeStJohnsAnytown MAP Feb 2012

postMission Action Plans, Holywell Lodge, 41 Holywell Hill, St Albans AL1 1HE.

onlineuse your parish login* to complete it online at
* (The login information will be available from September: email .)

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