Panther Band Alliance General Meeting Minutes

September 14, 2015 6:30 BLHSBand Room

Please join our Facebook group: Bonney Lake Panther Band

New website:

Attendance: Misty Hooker, Pam Sandoz, Nancy Mackley, Kellie Pinkowsky, Michelle Joseph, Russ Orivellas, Arron Nowak, Donnie Bowen, Annette Bowen, Kerri Hubler, Jyl Thompson

Call to order: 6:36pm

June 2 meeting minutes were approved.

Director’s Report:

Upcoming Dates:

Marching Band Monday/Wednesday 5:30-9:00

Marching Band Sectionals Tuesdays 2:30-4:00

September 19 – Beautify Bonney Lake – 8:30 a.m. followed by Inventory party at BLHS in band room at1p.m.

September 26 – Peninsula Classic Completion – All Day

Mrs. Heinzmann advised that for football games she would like parents to plan to pick up their students from the high school after the game not at the stadium.

Treasurer’s Report:

PBA Account Balance –around $7000

Fireworks–we worked 55 hours and made $391.96

Other Business:

Capes for Drum Majors: Mrs. Heinzmann has given us a pattern and we have someone who has volunteered to make the capes. Material needs to be purchased. Motioned was made for the PBA to purchase the material, motion was seconded and passed. Pam Sandoz will be finding out about the costs of the material.

Concession Stands: We have the opportunity to work at the concessions stands to raise money for our PBA general fund account. Dates available were shared. Motion was made to sign up to work October 13 and 20 at girl’s soccer. Motion was seconded and passed. Misty Hooker is following up with the concessions coordinator. We will also find out about dates for the basketball games

Volunteer Opportunities: We are in need of a Fundraising Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Social Media Coordinator, and Classroom Help for Mrs. Heinzmann. Please contact Julie Orr, or 253-261-4195 if can fill a position or would like more information.

Spirit wear: Kerri Hubler is our spirit wear coordinator. We have wristbands: $2, Insulated Tumblers $8, Play more magnets $4, Panther scarfs $15. We discussed purchasing car decals-it was motioned to purchase 25 at $3 each and we will sell for $6-motion was passed. We discussed how good beanies sold last year. Kerri will look in to the price to sell for next year. It was also discussed that we will set up table to sell spirit wear at the December concert.

Band Trailer-Arron Nowak is our equipment coordinator. He met with the District Maintenance department and got our trailer repaired and ready to go for the season. Arron purchased and donated a ball arm and pin that will fit the trailer for towing.

Meals for competition-The PBA each year makes meals for the kids at the competitions. The cost for each student for the 4 meals this year will be $25. Julie Orr will get a flyer out to the parents with the information. Pam Sandoz will be at the end of each practice this week to accept payment.

Fred Meyer Community Rewards – follow the instructions to link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card at and search for BLHS Panther Parent Pride or our non-profit number 81404. Each quarter Fred Meyer will donate money to Panther Parent Pride, based on your quarterly purchases.

Amazon Smile – log onto and follow the directions to link your Amazon account to Bonney Lake High School Panther Parent Pride. Shopping must be done from this website, not the regular Amazon site. Amazon will donate .5% of qualified purchases to BLHS Panther Parent Pride.

Sumner School District Volunteer Applications- The district is asking everyone who volunteers with the students in any way (this includes our marching band competitions) to apply or update your records beginning August 1st for approval for the new school year. If you are a district employee, you are already approved. Please go to one of these links to apply:

Future Meetings- October 5, November 2, December 7, January 4, February 1, March 7, April 4, May 2, June 6 - PBA General Meetings are the first school Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. in the BLHS Choir or Band Room

Adjournment ~ 7:30

PBA Board contact information:

Paul Gast, Co-President253-988-4016

Misty Hooker, Co President253-332-7618

Pam Sandoz, Treasurer253-255-6391

Julie Orr, Secretary253-261-4195

Band Director – Meredith –to be added to her text communication reminders please send to text 81010 and in the message line type @mheinz to be added.