Course Syllabus – Environmental Science
Jackson High School
Diane Burrell
Teacher email:
- Course Description:This course is an introduction to environmental science and environmental studies. It examines the environmental impact of population growth on natural resources; mineral and resource extraction; water resource use and water pollution; air pollution and climate change; and conventional and sustainable energy supplies. Emphasis is placed on a lab based approach to environmental science using class discussions, laboratory exercises, and environmental surveys to reinforce scientific principles.
- Materials
- Notebook (3-ring binder) and paper
- Pencil & Pen (blue or black ink only)
- Donations of paper towels, hand sanitizer, and facial tissues are greatly appreciated!
Grading The semester grade will be calculated as follows:
Tests / 30%Projects / 20%
Daily (class work, vocabulary, quizzes) / 30%
Laboratories / 20%
The grading scale above will comprise 80% of each semester grade. Each semester’s final exam will constitute an additional 20% of the overall grade.
The Georgia Performance Standards: This course will cover the GPS as required by the Georgia Department of Education. The Standards covered in this year are as follows:
●SEV1. Students will investigate the flow of energy and cycling of matter within an ecosystem
and relate these phenomena to human society.
●SEV2. Students will demonstrate an understanding that the Earth is one interconnected
●SEV3. Students will describe stability and change in ecosystems.
●SEV4. Students will understand and describe availability, allocation and conservation of
energy and other resources
●SEV5. Students will recognize that human beings are part of the global ecosystem and will
evaluate the effects of human activities and technology on ecosystems.
Late Work will be graded for partial credit
- Make-up Work All make-up work must be completed within one week after the student returns. All make-up tests and quizzes will be scheduled at the teacher’s convenience with the student having at least 24-hours’ notice. Any schoolwork that was scheduled prior to the day absent will be due upon returning to school.
- Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty includes copying another student’s homework, plagiarism, forging a parent signature, or cheating in any way on quizzes, tests, or exams. The consequences for academic dishonesty are a grade of zero recorded for that assignment, disciplinary referral sent to administrator, and parent contact.
- Communication
- Parents and student should check Infinite Campus often for grade updates. Email through Infinite Campus will be used to communicate as well as “Remind”. Parents and students may use Remind. Also check the teacher website through the school website. Remind: Text @dburrell to 81010 or send a blank email to
Classroom Rules
1. Respect people and property.
- Examples: Do not hurt others, use negative talk, write on desks, throw anything, use things on teacher’s desk without asking, write on board without permission, prop feet on desks, lean back in chairs, take any class supplies from the classroom.
- Do clean up your area before leaving and return class supplies to designated area.
2.Be on time and prepared for class.
- Examples: Be in your seat when the bell rings.
3. Talk at appropriate times and volume.
- Examples: Raise hand to ask/answer questions or make comments. Do not talk when the teacher is talking. Speak quietly during group work; talk only so the people at your table can hear you.
4. Stay on task.
- Examples: Follow directions. Do not disrupt the learning environment. Do not work on assignments for another class unless. Do not sleep or put head down on desk.
5. Gum, food, and drink other than water are not allowed in the classroom.
- Exceptions are teacher-planned class activities that involve food and drink.
6. Absolutely no use of cell phones during class time without teacher permission.
7. Stay in class.
- Go to the restroom and/or locker before or after class; keep departures from class to a minimum.
8. Book bags must not enter the classroom.
- Keep other belongings under your desk.
9. Follow the guidelines in the student handbook.
Consequences for not following rules
Reminder, warning, conference with teacher, parent contact, Time Out, referral to administrator.
Class Procedures
Coming into Class
- Enter quietly & read the Work Session & Learning Target for the day.
- Get out science notebook.
- Put away phone, food & drink.
- Begin work on the Bell Ringer.
Bell Ringer
- Upon entering classroom, refer to projector screen & begin assignment.
- Copy questions & write your answers.
- Keep these in your notebook for study.
Cell Phone Use
- Upon entering class, place your cell phone in your Pocket, Purse, or Pack.
- If cell phone is out without permission, it will be placed in the holding tank until the end of class.
- Just remember the 3 “P”s!
- Teacher will raise 1 hand.
- When a student sees the hand raised he/she will also raise hand & stop talking.
- Keep hand raised until all students have hands raised & are silent.
Class Dismissal
- Teacher will let you know when there are 2 minutes left in class.
- Put away textbook & other classroom supplies.
- Look around desk & clean up.
- Pack up; remain in your seat.
- Teacher will dismiss class with “Have a nice day”.
- Push your chair under the desk. Then you may leave!
Make-up work
- Getting make-up work is the student’s responsibility. On return from an absence, check the folders on the file cabinet for worksheets. If a test or quiz was missed, schedule with teacher on the day of your return. If notes were missed you may copy another student’s notes or copy the teacher’s notes; these are not in the folder.
Course Syllabus Acknowledgment– Environmental Science
Jackson High School
Diane Burrell
Student and Parents: Please complete, sign and return.
“I have read and understand the Course Syllabus for Environmental Science”
STUDENT NAME (print)______
PARENT NAME (print)______
DATE ______
2nd parent name, phone and email______