14th November 2017

Dear Parent/Carer,

Year 9 History/English Trip: First World War Battlefields 25th-27th March 2018

In History lessons, Year 9 study World War One with a specific focus on both the Somme and trench warfare. In English lessons in Year 9 students study the words of this ‘Total War’ as reflected in poetry of the time. We have therefore arranged a trip to Belgium where students can bring their learning in these subjects to life.

Places we will visit during our trip include the following:

  • Essex Farm Cemetery
  • Langemark Cemetery
  • Menin Gate & the Last Post Ceremony
  • Poperinge Cells and Shooting Post
  • Tyne Cot British Cemetery
  • Memorial Museum Passchendaele
  • Sanctuary Wood Museum
  • Flanders Field Museum

The trip will depart from school on Sunday 25th March 2017 and return on Tuesday 27th March. A full itinerary will be released by the end of January. Travel will be by coach and ferry and students will be expected to be aware of the rules of travel, including the use of seatbelts. Students will be expected to attend in appropriate non-school uniform including appropriate footwear and a rain coat and wellies should weather be inclement. Students will need to be collected from school on arrival back in Portslade. Please note, students will not be provided with a meal on route to and from Ypres during the coach journeys. We ask that they bring either a packed lunch for the outward journey and have money to buy lunch on the return journey. We suggest students bring no more than £20 to cover meals to and from Ypres.

The suggested contribution for this trip is £230, which includes the cost of the activities, full board at the hotel and all transport costs. Financial assistance may be available for students in receipt of free school meals; please contact the school office, in confidence, for further information. We ask that a non-refundable deposit of £60 be paid by November 27th in order to secure a place for your child along with a further payment of £70 to be paid by, no later than 3:00 pm December 6th. The remaining balance of £100 will need to be paid not later than 3:00 pm n Friday 6th January 2018.

Should you wish for your child to attend this trip, please complete and return the attached consent form along with a cheque (made payable to King’s School) to the school reception as soon as possible to secure a place, and no later than Monday 27th November. Please note, we are not able to add students onto the trip without a deposit.

This trip is open to all students in year 9 but that there are a limited number of 50 spaces available. Should we receive more than 50 reply slips, we will allocate students through a random selection process. Deposits will not be banked until the list of students taking part is confirmed, and we will contact parents to inform them whether or not their child was successful in gaining a place.

Please also note, as with any school trip, that if a student is on report or possesses a significant imbalance of behavior points they will not be considered for a place on this residential trip.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs M Cager

Head of Humanities

Return by 27th November 2017 / History/English/French Department Trip to Ypres
Depart: King’s School 25th March 2018
Returning: King’s School, 27th March 2018
Itinerary to follow
Child’s name:
Emergency contact name and telephone number:
Second emergency contact name and telephone number:
Medical information (including dietary requirements)
I confirm that my child has/will have a full UK passport with at least 7 months left before the expiration date in time for the trip. Please tick.
If your child has dual citizenship or any other residency arrangements, please note that they will need to bring all relevant travel documents. / Already has a passport

Will have one in time for the trip
Declaration by Parent/Guardian
  1. I have read and completed this form and to the best of my knowledge the details given are true and accurate.
  1. I agree to my child receiving medication as instructed and any emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment, including anaesthetic or blood transfusion, as considered necessary by the medical authorities present.
  1. I will inform the teacher in charge as soon as possible of any changes in the medical or other details between now and the commencement of the visit/trip.
  1. I understand that I will need to arrange travel home once the coach returns to school on the 27th March 2018

Parental Signature: