Panhellenic Council Meeting Minutes


Informal Meeting

Officer / Emily / Kaitlin / Charlotte / Kenzie / Kayla / Taylor / Katie / Emma / Ali
Absences / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 0
Absences / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 1 / 0 / 0

The regular meeting was called to order by President Emily Sweeny at 6:40 pm in CSU 245.

Reciting of the Panhellenic Creed

Reading of the Greek Mission Statement

Read by: President Emily Sweeny

The roll was called by Vice President of Council Management Kaitlin O’Neill. A quorum was met.

Roll Call:

❖Alpha Sigma Alpha – Brennah McCorkell

❖Alpha Chi Omega – Rachel Angrimson

❖Gamma Phi Beta – Sydney Thorson

❖Sigma Sigma Sigma – Catherine Miller


Approval of the Agenda

President (Emily Sweeny): Are there any additions or corrections to the agenda?

Previous Minutes:

The minutes of the 9/14/17 meeting was approved as emailed.

Open Forum:


Executive Reports:

VP of Council Management- Kaitlin O’Neill

Contact Information:


Cell #: (605)216-0206

Office Hours: Thursday: 11:00am – 1:00 PM


Be sure to get your checks for active member dues and chapter fees in by Monday before 5 PM! There is a late fee if they are not in on time. I have only received ASA so far.

VP of Recruitment- Charlotte Pfingsten

Contact Information:


Cell phone: (507)-327-3578

Office Hours: Thursday: 4:30-6:30 PM

Roundtable: Recruitment chairs roundtable: October 12th after PHC meeting in the room where we meet for PHC.


Recruitment chairs roundtable: October 12th after PHC meeting in the room where we meet for PHC.

VP of Member Education and Development- Kenzie Alfred

Contact Information:


Cell phone: (507)- 766-3878

Office Hours: Tuesday 11a-1pm


Scholarship Chairs:10/18 7:30p

New Member Educator 10/18 8:15p

New Member Workshops: 2/15 at 8:00pm in room AH 102.

Emerging leaders: 10/18, 10/25, 11/1, 11/8, and 11/15 at 5pm


Reminder to encourage your new members to sign up for Emerging Leaders, we had 10 signed up yesterday

Also reminder to make new (new) members aware of New Member workshop on October 11th.

Scholarship roundtable will be held on 10/18 at 7:30pm.

New member educator roundtable will be held on 10/18 at 8:15pm.

U-Lead registration is live! We are hoping for 216 attendees since we are collaborating with other RSO's

  • U-Lead registration link

VP of Marketing and Public Relations – Taylor Zenz

Contact Information:


Cell phone: (612)- 599-9178

Office Hours: Monday: 12-2 PM

Roundtables: Roundtables: Thurs, Sept. 21 6-6:30PM in CSU 204


Thank you to everyone who has been posting the hazing prevention posts!

I am finishing the annual reports.

I also just had my roundtable.

VP of Community Service and Philanthropy- Kayla Cremers

Contact Info:


Cell phone: (218)- 230-9118

Office Hours: Tuesday: 1:30-2:30 PM and Wednesday: 3-4 PM


You all are doing awesome with tabling! Thank you for that!

Also, I would love to have at least 5 people from each chapter donate blood if they can. If they need help signing up let me know. It is on Wednesday!!! Remember we have a goal of 48 donations and right now we are sitting at around 20.

Morale Captain applications are up! For those who don't know a morale captain will create and lead a team for dance marathon and fundraise and just have a good time at Mavathon. The applications are on Orgsync under forms! Direct any questions to Alyssa Zenz, Jordan Schindler or myself.

Here's the link:

VP of Risk Management- Katie Stoltzman

Contact Info:


Cell Phone: (507)-381-3560

Office Hours: Thursday: 3-5 PM


Sober Monitor training is tonight at 7:15 in this room

Risk management round table is tonight as well at 8:00 in this room, anyone that will fill out a social planning form at any point this semester should be there tonight.

There is two days left of the social media campaign for hazing prevention week. Thank you for all the chapters for participating!

Just as a heads up National Collegiate Alcohol Awareness week is October 16th through the 20th

VP of Conduct Review- Emma Thole

Contact Information


Cell phone: (651)- 755- 9925

Office Hours: Tuesdays: 10:15- 11:00 AM and Wednesdays: 1:00- 3:00 PM


A reminder that my roundtable is next Thursday the 28th at 8pm in CSU 204. Also, if anyone to interested in my position for next year please let me know! You can email or text me for a time to meet up and chat.

Another reminder of a few IFC bylaws that are in effect during a BYOB Fraternity Events

  • "Any guest or chapter member who is visibly intoxicated shall not be permitted to consume additional alcoholic beverages at any event"
  • "Hard alcohol or spirits will not be permitted."
  • "Beverages brought in glass bottles must be poured into cups before consumption."

Interim VP of Diversity and Outreach- Ali Pritchett

Contact Information


Cell phone: 701-740-7959

Office Hours: Monday 6:00-7:00 and Tuesday 9:00-10:00


Sorry for the confusion from my report last week! There are still volunteers needed to help set up tables, clean up, and hand out food for the event hosted by Mike Laven who is the president of Mankato City Council. The longest shift would be from 9 pm to 12:30 am at Centenary United Methodist Church, but you can come and go whenever it works for you in that time. It is great for community service hours. It is to help people get home safe after leaving the bars.

Tickets are on sale now in the LGBT+ center for the Drag Show Tuesday the 10th from 7:30-9:30

President- Emily Sweeny

Contact Information


Cell phone: (651)-795-8190

Office Hours: Monday and Wednesdays from 9- 10 AM and Tuesdays: 1- 2 PM

All Greeks:





Meeting Type:

All in CSU 245

8/31/17 Formal

9/7/17 Formal

9/14/17 Informal

9/21/17 Informal

9/28/17 Informal

10/5/17 Formal

10/12/17 Informal

10/19/17 Informal

10/26/17 Informal

11/2/17 Formal

11/9/17 Informal

11/16/17 Informal

11/23/17 Informal


All Greek is next Tuesday! We have some amazing speakers lined up. Also Phi Delta Theta will be auctioning off a basket with gift cards to various locations such as Chipotle, Cold stone, Pub 500, Olive Garden and a few other items. Proceeds will go to their Iron Phi fundraiser. Bring your wallets.

Reminder delegates, we will have a quick meeting at 8:30 before All Greek. Meet in Ostrander please.

Next week is off week so no meeting Thursday.

In new business, we will be discussing adding the Diversity and Outreach position to the Constitution and Bylaws.

Asst. Director of Student Activities for Greek Life- John Bulcock


Final rosters are due November 1st.

Live Active Appartments have anopportunityfor themed housing and has areas for meeting spaces. They may be asking to visit with your chapters.

Make sure you do grade checks for PNMs before giving out the bid.

The maximum capacity for the ediquite diner is 200. This a free fancy dinner, but you most attend the educational sessions. If you register on Org Sync, you get to go first. We are collaborating with 5 other RSOs so we should have high attendance!

Family weekend is this weekend. The schedule is online.

Hard alcohol is a problem at social events in our community. We are having stepped up policing.

NPHC will be doing a live Kappa Alpha Phsi probate initiationto a MSU student.

Greg Wilkins was in a car accident Monday and was released from the hospital yesterday. He will probably be out for another week or so. There is a get well card downstairs and anyone can sign that.

Unfinished Business:


New Business:

Discussion of Diversity and Outreach position added to Constitution and Bylaws.

Catherine- I would like to bring the information back to chapter to discuss.

It has been move to table until next meeting.

Chapter Reports:

Alpha Sigma Alpha:

Tonight, we have our big/little reveal! We're super excited for all our new members to get their bigs after this week of gifts!

Alpha Chi Omega:

We have Alpha week next week, which is our big little week. Our let’s talk love seminar went well, we learned a lot. Our movie night Sigma Chi and Sigma Nu was a lot of fun! And Our chapter is getting really hyped for homecoming!

Gamma Phi Beta:

Sunday is our GPhiB Walking Taco Frenzy that I keep talking about. Again, it starts at 11am and we are super excited. Keep buying tickets!

Our new members are getting moms tomorrow!! But as the moms will know who their daughters, the daughters will not know their moms. We will be dropping hints for a few weeks until we have reveal.

Homecoming is already around the corner and we are looking forward to winning with the Phi Psi Fraternity Guys

Sigma Sigma Sigma:

We pinned in one more new member this week.

We have a social with Sigma Nu and are doingkickball

We are also very excited for family weekend and lip sync!- bring it!!


The next meeting will be on 10/5/17 and formal in CSU 245 at 6:30 PM

Meeting Adjournment:

The meeting adjourned at 7:09 pm.

Kaitlin O’Neill Vice President of Council Management