Pandemic Plan – Information
For Libraries
November 2009
Pandemic Plan
November 2009
Southern Ontario Library Service
111, rue Peter Street
Suite/bureau 902
Toronto, ON M5V 2H1
416-961-5122 (fax/téléc.)
Charitable Registration #1077 98167 RR0001
Financial support from the Province of Ontario is gratefully acknowledged.
Southern Ontario Library Service
Influenza pandemics occur periodically; 1918, 1957, 1968; and we are told that we are due for one which will spread quickly due to the drastic increase in world travel. Projections vary considerably, but the average is that 15% to 35% of the population will get sick, absences from work could be for up to 50% of staff, and there would probably be two major waves of six to eight weeks each. There will be deaths though not in huge numbers relative to the population.
We have identified the following as essential services – the services that we would try to maintain throughout the pandemic. In defining “essential” we considered what our clients would deem most important and which services we could manage under the most restricted conditions (though other services will also be maintained as long as possible).
§ Interlibrary Loan and IT HelpDesk
§ Delivery (if necessary, ILL could continue via Library Book Rate if delivery had to be shut down).
§ Remote Training (EXCEL, Advanced EXCEL, webinars, parts of APLL)
§ Consulting Services and Library Development Helpdesk
§ SOLS Website
To maintain these services, we have identified the following as essential internal supports and have established back-up arrangements:
§ IT systems (including servers, communications, phone system, web site, email, etc).
§ Some accounting functions (e.g. receivables and payables)
§ Payroll and some HR supports for staff
A Pandemic Response Team has been identified to advise the CEO (or Acting CEO) on all matters related to running SOLS during the pandemic (including monitoring and reviewing SOLS’ response and performance, recommending when the office should be closed and routes should be cancelled, amending plans as needed, and developing a recovery plan once the pandemic is over and the extent of damage is known). Since all senior management is Toronto-based, a remote consultant has also been named to the team. The Pandemic Response Team consists of:
▶ SOLS’ CEO (Laurey Gillies)
▶ Directors (Barb Franchetto and Daryl Novak)
▶ Remote consultant (Anne Marie Madziak)
▶ Finance Administrator (Karen Reid)
▶ Delivery Supervisor (MaryJo Lynett)
Depending on absences, ultimate decision-making order is Laurey, Barb, Daryl, Anne Marie.
SOLS’ website will be the primary source of information and should be monitored for updates on services including such information as delivery route closures. SOLS’ phone greeting will also provide appropriate information. We will use HelpDesk to direct clients to available consultants. Each teleworking consultant will be asked to record a forwarding message saying who to contact if she gets sick.
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