CTE 4140

New Teacher Institute

University of Central Missouri

College of Education

Department of Career and Technology Education

Missouri Center for Career Education

Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Division of Career Education


Fall 2008 (3 Cr.) Graduate OR Undergraduate

Mrs. Lori Cochran, NTI Director

Department of Career and Technology Education

Missouri Center for Career Education

University of Central Missouri

Grinstead 120

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Dr. Nancy Fedorchak, NTI Asst. Director

Missouri Center for Career Education

University of Central Missouri

TRG 302

Warrensburg, MO 64093

Course: CTE 4140 - Syllabus

Semester: Fall 2008

Staff: Mrs. Lori Cochran

Dr. Nancy Fedorchak

120 Grinstead

Office: 660-543-4887 or 660-543-4452

FAX: (660) 543-8753

Conceptual Framework information

Belief Statement
The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can learn.

As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession.

I. Introduction

The primary purpose of the institute is to assist beginning career education teachers in developing teaching and instructional management skills needed to perform effectively in the classroom/laboratory. Emphasis is on the application of the institute's target competencies during the first year of employment immediately following the institute. Content for the institute is based on a set of core competencies identified by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, Division of Career Education, Industrial, Engineering Technology, and Health Sciences Education Section.

II. Workshop Objectives

Upon satisfactory completion of this institute, the participant will:

1. Understand the importance of planning for instruction; curriculum development, delivery, and assessment.

2. Be prepared for the first day of school.

3. Learn to adapt existing curriculum for use in the career and technical education classroom.

4. Prepare lesson plans as part of a course of study; using all the components of well composed lesson plans, including the construction of MLOs,

5. Demonstrate the techniques and methods of presenting technical and related information from a completed lesson plan while being peer and teacher evaluated.

6. Be able to define the various forms of assessment techniques for use in evaluating CTE student knowledge and performance.

7. Select and organize content for a course syllabus.

8. Gain knowledge of the diversity of learning styles in our classrooms.

9. Realize the role and function of career and technical student organizations

activities as an integral part of classroom instruction.

10. Plan instruction for special needs students.

11. Recognize the legal issues and responsibilities associated with being a classroom teacher.

12. Value interpersonal relationships and methods of effectual communication.

13. Comprehend the importance of the professional responsibilities and ethical behavior of the career and technical education teacher.

14. Develop their own professional development plan toward achieving continuous CTE teacher certification.

15. Become familiar with the numerous resources and support networks available for new CTE teachers; including participation in a formal mentoring program.

16. Become versed in the range of programs, initiatives, and terminology related to CTE in Missouri schools; R&R, Career Clusters, Programs of Study, etc.

17. Grasp concepts and strategies for effective classroom management

18. Formulate and implement plans for student recruitment, guidance, and placement.

19. Explain the role, function, and development of the advisory committee in career and technical education.

20. Explain the function of the State Department of Education, Division of Career Education in relation to the local school system.

III. Text

Instructors and Their Jobs, 3rd Edition 2002.

W. R. Miller and M. Miller: Published by the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)

IV. Requirements

Each participant will be required to participate in the entire one-week New Teacher Institute summer session to be held in Warrensburg, Missouri from July 29, 2007 through December 14, 2007. In addition, all participants are also required to attend three callback sessions (2 regional and 1 at UCM, Dec. 2007). The two Fall callback sessions will focus on different topics, and will be presented at various sites based on the geographical distribution of the participants. The ALL NTI final callback will include everyone enrolled in the 2007 NTI and will be held on the UCM campus (on Friday evening Dec. 7 and all day Saturday, Dec. 8). Leadership for the call-back sessions will consist of teacher educators and other career education leaders from around the State.

A. Seminar Attendance. Participants will be required to attend all on-campus sessions of NTI.

B. Callback Attendance. Participants will be required to attend all three call-back seminars in the fall; 2 regional locations and 1 callback at UCM in order to receive full credit for the New Teacher Institute.

C. Micro-Teaching Experience. Each participant will prepare and present a 10-minute lecture or demonstration for evaluation. Presentations will be video-taped for individual and Master Teacher review.

D. Instructional Plan Development. Each participant will prepare a complete lesson plan for the Micro-teaching experience which will be submitted to Master Teacher for evaluation.

E. Completion of all NTI assignments.

Learning Activities

Assignment 1 Write your CE Philosophy Statement (see handout).

Make a list of at least three characteristics of your most and least favorite teacher and the teacher who you learned the most from. Each student will make their own list and then compare what they have written with the rest of the group.

Assignment 2 Select topic for mini lesson plan. Turn in 3 objectives, one of each type. This is a time to understand the process of writing objectives and why it is important.

Assignment 3 Develop a list of different types of students you might see in the classroom. What concerns might you have in teaching to their learning style? Complete mini lesson plan on template and prepare for delivery.

Assignment 4 Develop mini-lesson presentation methodology. Each student will be presenting a mini-lesson on the topic of their choice.

Assignment 5 Select topic for Practice Teaching Lesson Plan. Select and develop a cognitive, psychomotor and affective assessment method for Practice Teaching Lesson. This activity is intended for the students to begin to design a useable assessment. Begin completing Lesson Plan Template for Practice Teaching experience.

Assignment 6 Discuss and develop a plan for your first day of school. What do you need to do to be prepared? How will you start? Breaking the ice…

Complete Practice Teaching Lesson Plan and Prepare for Delivery.

Assignment 7 Begin a list of questions to have answered related to your school discipline procedure (refer to student and faculty handbooks). This list will be ongoing during NTI and after you return home so you do not forget to ask questions you have, once you return to your school. What questions do you have about your schools ADA policy; questions about teaching to IEP students; who is your VRE or Director of Accessibility Services?

Assignment 8 Mini-lesson presentation. (see template). Submit completed lesson plan to MT.

Assignment 9 Formal Teaching Experience and Evaluation: evaluation of video, teaching experience and week one of NTI. The Master Teacher will meet with each student individually and spend 20-30 minutes. Please keep your appointment and arrive a few minutes early so you do not get off schedule. This is a time to review the video, discuss what you see as areas needing improvement and what you feel good about.

Assignment 10 Complete the Trade Show Worksheet

V. Grading for NTI

You will receive 3 college credits at the end of the Fall 2007 semester, based on successful participation and completion of all activities for NTI, including the 3 callback sessions. Grades will be based on a weighted average of 3 categories: Category 1 = 60%; Category 2 = 20 %; Category 3 = 20% of overall grade and percentage.

Category 1 - NTI Seminar: (Approx. %)

Assignments 1-10 (10 assignments @ 25 pts. each) 250 points each 25%

Total 250 points 100%

Category 2 - Fall Callbacks:

Attendance, participation, and callback assignments:

1st Fall Callback-Attendance & Participation 25 points 25%

Assignment 25 points 25%

2nd Fall Callback - Attendance & Participation 25points 25%

Assignment 25 points 25%

Total 100 points 100%

Category 3 - Final Callback:

Attendance and participation – Fri. session 25 points 25%

Attendance and participation – Sat. session 50 points 50%

Assignment 25 points 25%

Total 100 points 100%


** As attendance and participation are extremely important to receive the greatest benefit from NTI, each absence (session) will automatically lower the student’s grade one letter. You may request an evaluation, on an individual basis, by the NTI Director to determine if a makeup assignment is acceptable and appropriate.

Grading Scale:

92-100 = A

83-91 = B

74-82 = C

below 73=F

VI. Credit

Upon successful completion of all institute requirements, participants will be awarded 3 semester hours of credit (at the end of the Fall 2007 semester). All grades will be issued on an A-F basis.

VII. Academic Honesty:

Academic honesty requires that students do not cheat, or knowingly assist another to do so. Other unacceptable behavior includes plagiarism, which is the submitting of someone else's work as your own, and the unauthorized access to or changing of grades or examinations. faculty consider the submitting/performing of essentially the same single piece of work for credit in different classes to be dishonest unless all faculty members involved have agreed, in advance, to the specific instance of writing.

Refer to page 29 and 30 in the UCM Student Handbook.

VIII. Americans with Disabilities Act

If you have special needs as addressed by the Americans with Disabilities Act and need course materials in alternative formats, notify your course instructor immediately.

Reasonable efforts will be made to accommodate your special needs (D-5).